559 research outputs found

    The Robots are Coming

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    The authors contend that the introduction of robots into the workplace is simply another stage in the long history of the automation of production, and that the effects will be evolutionary rather than revolutionary.https://research.upjohn.org/up_press/1133/thumbnail.jp

    Robots Are Coming To Ole Miss

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    Center for Mathematics and Science Education Hosts Robotics Challeng

    ‘The Robots are Coming!’: Perennial problems with technological progress

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    A proliferation of recent media coverage has addressed the latest advances in artificial intelligence. While expressing admiration for its potential, these publications have worried about the negative impact AI could have on the social order. These sentiments are not new. Similar headlines have accompanied articles about computers ever since the first ‘Mechanical Brains’ appeared. However, archives reveal that experiments in AI have been undertaken for many years, and yet progress has been fairly limited. Yet, no matter how far away true AI might be, concerns about the consequences of technology remain valid. What is it about our relationship with technology that scares us? We appear to be convinced that the technologies we develop will turn out to destroy us. The paper proposes that fundamental changes need to be made in the discourse of technological progress in order for it to be accepted as more of an opportunity than a threat

    The robots are coming for your students' feedback

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    The Data Analytics team at The University of Waikato gathers student feedback (as rich qualitative data) but manual analysis of these comments poses a time challenge for reporting. To address this, we explored the possibility of condensing qualitative information by leveraging natural language processing (NLP) technology, specifically Google’s NLP sentiment analysis. We employed a robust coding framework to test the validity of NLP-coded student feedback, analysing 1000 comments from the University’s 2021 course evaluations. Results show a statistical correlation between our sentiment analysis and NLP, offering promising evidence for NLP’s efficacy in providing accurate, high-level insights into student feedback sentiment

    The Robots are Coming: Targets of Automation and its Effect on the Tax Economy

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    Amid the global outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, a mayo clinic in Jacksonville, Florida delegated four autonomous, self-driving vehicles to aid in keeping its drivers and patients safe. The self-driving vehicles are not driven conventionally by human workers and the work designated consists of delivering COVID-19 testing kits from the testing facility to the work lab. In addition, these vehicles are able to replace repetitive work functions while allowing workers more time to focus on other important tasks, like helping to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The autonomous vehicles are visible in the Jacksonville community and are programmed to avoid busy streets where pedestrians regularly walk. The Jacksonville mayo clinic is one of many businesses worldwide investing in automation to carry out basic work functions that were once completed by human tax-paying workers. Automation has many increasing benefits to various types of businesses, but at a cost to human workers and the tax economy, in which they are paying into. The future of automation is evolving and expanding throughout the world. The robots are indeed coming, but will Americans be ready

    Robots are Coming: A Discussion of Choice-of-Law Issues and Outcomes in Telesurgical Malpractice

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    New technology frequently emerges that challenges the legal status quo. Early adopters must then grapple with uncertainty over how the law will apply to novel legal quandaries. There is no better example of this than in medicine; however, the health care field is notoriously risk averse. Despite this, the practice of medicine stands to gain tremendously from these technological advancements. One such advancement is the relatively new ability to perform robotic surgery in which the surgeon is remote from the patient. Widespread use of this technology would improve rural access to surgical care, as well as improve access to more advanced surgical techniques. But problems may arise concerning choice-of-law when the laws of jurisdictions that the patient and surgeon are located in conflict. This Comment will explore the choice-of-law dilemma using Texas as a point of reference to discuss the likely choice-of-law analysis that would take place in a telesurgical malpractice case
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