703 research outputs found

    Robotic manipulation of multiple objects as a POMDP

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    This paper investigates manipulation of multiple unknown objects in a crowded environment. Because of incomplete knowledge due to unknown objects and occlusions in visual observations, object observations are imperfect and action success is uncertain, making planning challenging. We model the problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), which allows a general reward based optimization objective and takes uncertainty in temporal evolution and partial observations into account. In addition to occlusion dependent observation and action success probabilities, our POMDP model also automatically adapts object specific action success probabilities. To cope with the changing system dynamics and performance constraints, we present a new online POMDP method based on particle filtering that produces compact policies. The approach is validated both in simulation and in physical experiments in a scenario of moving dirty dishes into a dishwasher. The results indicate that: 1) a greedy heuristic manipulation approach is not sufficient, multi-object manipulation requires multi-step POMDP planning, and 2) on-line planning is beneficial since it allows the adaptation of the system dynamics model based on actual experience

    Learning to Represent Haptic Feedback for Partially-Observable Tasks

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    The sense of touch, being the earliest sensory system to develop in a human body [1], plays a critical part of our daily interaction with the environment. In order to successfully complete a task, many manipulation interactions require incorporating haptic feedback. However, manually designing a feedback mechanism can be extremely challenging. In this work, we consider manipulation tasks that need to incorporate tactile sensor feedback in order to modify a provided nominal plan. To incorporate partial observation, we present a new framework that models the task as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and learns an appropriate representation of haptic feedback which can serve as the state for a POMDP model. The model, that is parametrized by deep recurrent neural networks, utilizes variational Bayes methods to optimize the approximate posterior. Finally, we build on deep Q-learning to be able to select the optimal action in each state without access to a simulator. We test our model on a PR2 robot for multiple tasks of turning a knob until it clicks.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 201

    Pick and Place Without Geometric Object Models

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    We propose a novel formulation of robotic pick and place as a deep reinforcement learning (RL) problem. Whereas most deep RL approaches to robotic manipulation frame the problem in terms of low level states and actions, we propose a more abstract formulation. In this formulation, actions are target reach poses for the hand and states are a history of such reaches. We show this approach can solve a challenging class of pick-place and regrasping problems where the exact geometry of the objects to be handled is unknown. The only information our method requires is: 1) the sensor perception available to the robot at test time; 2) prior knowledge of the general class of objects for which the system was trained. We evaluate our method using objects belonging to two different categories, mugs and bottles, both in simulation and on real hardware. Results show a major improvement relative to a shape primitives baseline

    Shared Autonomy via Hindsight Optimization

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    In shared autonomy, user input and robot autonomy are combined to control a robot to achieve a goal. Often, the robot does not know a priori which goal the user wants to achieve, and must both predict the user's intended goal, and assist in achieving that goal. We formulate the problem of shared autonomy as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process with uncertainty over the user's goal. We utilize maximum entropy inverse optimal control to estimate a distribution over the user's goal based on the history of inputs. Ideally, the robot assists the user by solving for an action which minimizes the expected cost-to-go for the (unknown) goal. As solving the POMDP to select the optimal action is intractable, we use hindsight optimization to approximate the solution. In a user study, we compare our method to a standard predict-then-blend approach. We find that our method enables users to accomplish tasks more quickly while utilizing less input. However, when asked to rate each system, users were mixed in their assessment, citing a tradeoff between maintaining control authority and accomplishing tasks quickly

    Differentiable Algorithm Networks for Composable Robot Learning

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    This paper introduces the Differentiable Algorithm Network (DAN), a composable architecture for robot learning systems. A DAN is composed of neural network modules, each encoding a differentiable robot algorithm and an associated model; and it is trained end-to-end from data. DAN combines the strengths of model-driven modular system design and data-driven end-to-end learning. The algorithms and models act as structural assumptions to reduce the data requirements for learning; end-to-end learning allows the modules to adapt to one another and compensate for imperfect models and algorithms, in order to achieve the best overall system performance. We illustrate the DAN methodology through a case study on a simulated robot system, which learns to navigate in complex 3-D environments with only local visual observations and an image of a partially correct 2-D floor map.Comment: RSS 2019 camera ready. Video is available at https://youtu.be/4jcYlTSJF4
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