71 research outputs found

    Gaussian processes for information-theoretic robotic mapping and exploration

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.This thesis proposes a framework for autonomous robotic mapping, exploration, and planning that uses Gaussian Processes (GPs) to model high-dimensional dense maps and solve the problem of infinite-horizon planning with imperfect state information. Robotic exploration is traditionally implemented using occupancy grid representations and geometric targets known as frontiers. The occupancy grid representation relies on the assumption of independence between grid cells and ignores structural correlations present in the environment. We develop an incremental GP occupancy mapping technique that is computationally tractable for online map building and represents a continuous model of uncertainty over the map spatial coordinates. The standard way to represent geometric frontiers extracted from occupancy maps is to assign binary values to each grid cell. We extend this notion to novel probabilistic frontier maps computed efficiently using the gradient of the GP occupancy map and propose a mutual information-based greedy exploration technique built on that representation. A primary motivation is the fact that high-dimensional map inference requires fewer observations, leading to a faster map entropy reduction during exploration for map building scenarios. The uncertainty from pose estimation is often ignored during current mapping strategies as the dense belief representation of occupancy maps makes the uncertainty propagation impractical. Additionally, when kernel methods are applied, such maps tend to model structural shapes of the environment with excessive smoothness. We show how the incremental GP occupancy mapping technique can be extended to accept uncertain robot poses and mitigate the excessive smoothness problem using Warped Gaussian Processes. This approach can model non-Gaussian noise in the observation space and capture the possible non-linearity in that space better than standard GPs. Finally, we develop a sampling-based information gathering planner, with an information-theoretic convergence, which allows dense belief representations. The planner takes the present uncertainty in state estimation into account and provides a general framework for robotic exploration in a priori unknown environments with an information-theoretic stopping criterion. The developed framework relaxes the need for any state or action space discretization and is a fully information-driven integrated navigation technique. The developed framework can be applied to a large number of scenarios where the robot is tasked to perform exploration and information gathering simultaneously. The developed algorithms in this thesis are implemented and evaluated using simulated and experimental datasets and are publicly available as open source libraries

    Toward Specification-Guided Active Mars Exploration for Cooperative Robot Teams

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    As a step towards achieving autonomy in space exploration missions, we consider a cooperative robotics system consisting of a copter and a rover. The goal of the copter is to explore an unknown environment so as to maximize knowledge about a science mission expressed in linear temporal logic that is to be executed by the rover. We model environmental uncertainty as a belief space Markov decision process and formulate the problem as a two-step stochastic dynamic program that we solve in a way that leverages the decomposed nature of the overall system. We demonstrate in simulations that the robot team makes intelligent decisions in the face of uncertainty

    Weed Robot

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    Team Weed Scouts has completed our work on a weed-cutting robot for the Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast. The final robot build provides a solid foundation that can be built and improved upon by future teams. We have completed the robot base and structure, including the chassis, drivetrain, and robot shell. We also completed manufacturing a weed storage bin and canvas cover for the robot. Additionally, we have built a weed scooper, the mechanism that cuts weeds and transports them into a storage compartment. The electronics and programming for remote control of the robot are also implemented. After some testing, we found that the robot had limited functionality. It was able to drive around with slight power issues but unfortunately, the weed scooper was not able to fully cut and transport the weeds. Despite these obstacles, we have created a semi-operable foundation for future teams to optimize, test, and debug. The next steps include adding a weed shredder and developing autonomous robot functionality along with weed identification. Upon project completion, the weed-cutting robot will help maintain the grounds at Camp Arnaz and serve as a source of engineering inspiration for Girl Scouts and other camp visitors

    Creating multi-temporal maps of urban environments of improved localization of autonomous vehicles

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    The development of automated and autonomous vehicles requires highly accurate long-term maps of the environment. Urban areas contain a large number of dynamic objects which change over time. Since a permanent observation of the environment is impossible and there will always be a first time visit of an unknown or changed area, a map of an urban environment needs to model such dynamics. In this work, we use LiDAR point clouds from a large long term measurement campaign to investigate temporal changes. The data set was recorded along a 20 km route in Hannover, Germany with a Mobile Mapping System over a period of one year in bi-weekly measurements. The data set covers a variety of different urban objects and areas, weather conditions and seasons. Based on this data set, we show how scene and seasonal effects influence the measurement likelihood, and that multi-temporal maps lead to the best positioning results. © 2020 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives