5,844 research outputs found

    Multi-View Picking: Next-best-view Reaching for Improved Grasping in Clutter

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    Camera viewpoint selection is an important aspect of visual grasp detection, especially in clutter where many occlusions are present. Where other approaches use a static camera position or fixed data collection routines, our Multi-View Picking (MVP) controller uses an active perception approach to choose informative viewpoints based directly on a distribution of grasp pose estimates in real time, reducing uncertainty in the grasp poses caused by clutter and occlusions. In trials of grasping 20 objects from clutter, our MVP controller achieves 80% grasp success, outperforming a single-viewpoint grasp detector by 12%. We also show that our approach is both more accurate and more efficient than approaches which consider multiple fixed viewpoints.Comment: ICRA 2019 Video: https://youtu.be/Vn3vSPKlaEk Code: https://github.com/dougsm/mvp_gras

    Densely Supervised Grasp Detector (DSGD)

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    This paper presents Densely Supervised Grasp Detector (DSGD), a deep learning framework which combines CNN structures with layer-wise feature fusion and produces grasps and their confidence scores at different levels of the image hierarchy (i.e., global-, region-, and pixel-levels). % Specifically, at the global-level, DSGD uses the entire image information to predict a grasp. At the region-level, DSGD uses a region proposal network to identify salient regions in the image and predicts a grasp for each salient region. At the pixel-level, DSGD uses a fully convolutional network and predicts a grasp and its confidence at every pixel. % During inference, DSGD selects the most confident grasp as the output. This selection from hierarchically generated grasp candidates overcomes limitations of the individual models. % DSGD outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the Cornell grasp dataset in terms of grasp accuracy. % Evaluation on a multi-object dataset and real-world robotic grasping experiments show that DSGD produces highly stable grasps on a set of unseen objects in new environments. It achieves 97% grasp detection accuracy and 90% robotic grasping success rate with real-time inference speed

    Pick and Place Without Geometric Object Models

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    We propose a novel formulation of robotic pick and place as a deep reinforcement learning (RL) problem. Whereas most deep RL approaches to robotic manipulation frame the problem in terms of low level states and actions, we propose a more abstract formulation. In this formulation, actions are target reach poses for the hand and states are a history of such reaches. We show this approach can solve a challenging class of pick-place and regrasping problems where the exact geometry of the objects to be handled is unknown. The only information our method requires is: 1) the sensor perception available to the robot at test time; 2) prior knowledge of the general class of objects for which the system was trained. We evaluate our method using objects belonging to two different categories, mugs and bottles, both in simulation and on real hardware. Results show a major improvement relative to a shape primitives baseline
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