30,146 research outputs found

    ACS-PRM: Adaptive Cross Sampling Based Probabilistic Roadmap for Multi-robot Motion Planning

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a novel approach for multi-robot motion planning by using a probabilistic roadmap (PRM) based on adaptive cross sampling (ACS). The proposed approach, we call ACS-PRM, consists of three steps, which are C-space sampling, roadmap building and motion planning. Firstly, an adequate number of points should be generated in C-space on an occupancy grid map by using an adaptive cross sampling method. Secondly, a roadmap should be built while the potential targets and the milestones are extracted by second learning the result of sampling. Finally, the motion of robots should be planned by querying the constructed roadmap. In contrast to previous approaches, our ACS-PRM approach is designed to plan separate kinematic paths for multiple robots to minimize the problem of congestion and collision in an effective way so as to improve the planning efficiency. Our approach has been implemented and evaluated in simulation. The experimental results demonstrate the total planning time can be significantly reduced by our ACS-PRM approach compared with previous approaches

    High-level environment representations for mobile robots

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    In most robotic applications we are faced with the problem of building a digital representation of the environment that allows the robot to autonomously complete its tasks. This internal representation can be used by the robot to plan a motion trajectory for its mobile base and/or end-effector. For most man-made environments we do not have a digital representation or it is inaccurate. Thus, the robot must have the capability of building it autonomously. This is done by integrating into an internal data structure incoming sensor measurements. For this purpose, a common solution consists in solving the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. The map obtained by solving a SLAM problem is called ``metric'' and it describes the geometric structure of the environment. A metric map is typically made up of low-level primitives (like points or voxels). This means that even though it represents the shape of the objects in the robot workspace it lacks the information of which object a surface belongs to. Having an object-level representation of the environment has the advantage of augmenting the set of possible tasks that a robot may accomplish. To this end, in this thesis we focus on two aspects. We propose a formalism to represent in a uniform manner 3D scenes consisting of different geometric primitives, including points, lines and planes. Consequently, we derive a local registration and a global optimization algorithm that can exploit this representation for robust estimation. Furthermore, we present a Semantic Mapping system capable of building an \textit{object-based} map that can be used for complex task planning and execution. Our system exploits effective reconstruction and recognition techniques that require no a-priori information about the environment and can be used under general conditions

    Coverage planning with finite resources

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    Abstract — The robot coverage problem, a common planning problem, consists of finding a motion path for the robot that passes over all points in a given area or space. In many robotic applications involving coverage, e.g., industrial cleaning, mine sweeping, and agricultural operations, the desired coverage area is large and of arbitrary layout. In this work, we address the real problem of planning for coverage when the robot has limited battery or fuel, which restricts the length of travel of the robot before needing to be serviced. We introduce a new sweeping planning algorithm, which builds upon the boustrophedon cellular decomposition coverage algorithm to include a fixed fuel or battery capacity of the robot. We prove the algorithm is complete and show illustrative examples of the planned coverage outcome in a real building floor map. I

    Combining Subgoal Graphs with Reinforcement Learning to Build a Rational Pathfinder

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    In this paper, we present a hierarchical path planning framework called SG-RL (subgoal graphs-reinforcement learning), to plan rational paths for agents maneuvering in continuous and uncertain environments. By "rational", we mean (1) efficient path planning to eliminate first-move lags; (2) collision-free and smooth for agents with kinematic constraints satisfied. SG-RL works in a two-level manner. At the first level, SG-RL uses a geometric path-planning method, i.e., Simple Subgoal Graphs (SSG), to efficiently find optimal abstract paths, also called subgoal sequences. At the second level, SG-RL uses an RL method, i.e., Least-Squares Policy Iteration (LSPI), to learn near-optimal motion-planning policies which can generate kinematically feasible and collision-free trajectories between adjacent subgoals. The first advantage of the proposed method is that SSG can solve the limitations of sparse reward and local minima trap for RL agents; thus, LSPI can be used to generate paths in complex environments. The second advantage is that, when the environment changes slightly (i.e., unexpected obstacles appearing), SG-RL does not need to reconstruct subgoal graphs and replan subgoal sequences using SSG, since LSPI can deal with uncertainties by exploiting its generalization ability to handle changes in environments. Simulation experiments in representative scenarios demonstrate that, compared with existing methods, SG-RL can work well on large-scale maps with relatively low action-switching frequencies and shorter path lengths, and SG-RL can deal with small changes in environments. We further demonstrate that the design of reward functions and the types of training environments are important factors for learning feasible policies.Comment: 20 page
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