5 research outputs found

    Augmented reality in robot programming

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    Industrial robots have been traditionally programmed using teaching pendants, whereas offline programming methods are getting increasingly popular in recent years. Although the above two methods are widely-used in the industry, they both have certain disadvantages. For instance, the teaching pendant method requires a shutdown of the production line during the programming process, while offline programming method requires 3D CAD models of both the robot and the workpiece. In this paper, an augmented reality (AR) application which alleviates the aforementioned problems was proposed for robot programming purposes. The application is created using commercially available AR software, with the addition of our JavaScript code. The use of commercially available software allows an easier sharing and widespread adoption of the application

    Innovaciones en la Enseñanza de la Robótica: Realidad Aumentada

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a technological tool that provides interactive experiences to the user by overlapping virtual objects in a real environment. This paper presents a tool developed using augmented reality to study and teach robotic manipulators, focused on universities without the economic resources to acquire a serial manipulator. Three programs were developed that allow the student to visualize and rectify essential concepts of robotics such as the transformation of coordinate systems, Denavit - Hartenberg methodology, and configuration of a robotic manipulator, among others. The application allows the student to interact virtually with different manipulators, control the robot’s joints using the keyboard, and visualize real-time distances and parameters concerning a fixed coordinate system on the screen. Considering that the manipulators are rendered, it is possible to perform path planning and collision analysis on a path given by the user. The application is easily modifiable, including new manipulators and developing didactic strategies for students.La Realidad Aumentada (RA) es una tecnología que proporciona experiencias interactivas al usuario superponiendo objetos virtuales en un ambiente real. En este trabajo se presenta una herramienta desarrollada usando realidad aumentada para el estudio y enseñanza de manipuladores robóticos, dirigida especialmente a universidades sin los recursos económicos para adquirir un manipulador serial. Fueron desarrollados tres programas que le permiten al estudiante visualizar y rectificar conceptos esenciales de la robótica como: transformación de sistemas coordenados, metodología de Denavit – Hartenberg, configuración de un manipulador robótico, entre otros. El aplicativo permite al estudiante interactuar de manera virtual con diferentes manipuladores, controlando mediante el uso del teclado las articulaciones del robot, y visualizando en pantalla en tiempo real distancias y parámetros respecto a un sistema coordenado fijo. Teniendo en cuenta que los manipuladores se encuentran renderizados, es posible realizar análisis de trayectoria y colisiones en un recorrido dado por el usuario. El aplicativo es fácilmente modificable, lo que permite la inclusión de nuevos manipuladores y el desarrollo de estrategias innovadoras

    Creating and manipulating 3D paths with mixed reality spatial interfaces

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    Mixed reality offers unique opportunities to situate complex tasks within spatial environments. One such task is the creation and manipulation of intricate, three-dimensional paths, which remains a crucial challenge in many fields, including animation, architecture, and robotics. This paper presents an investigation into the possibilities of spatially situated path creation using new virtual and augmented reality technologies and examines how these technologies can be leveraged to afford more intuitive and natural path creation. We present a formative study (n = 20) evaluating an initial path planning interface situated in the context of augmented reality and human-robot interaction. Based on the findings of this study, we detail the development of two novel techniques for spatially situated path planning and manipulation that afford intuitive, expressive path creation at varying scales. We describe a comprehensive user study (n = 36) investigating the effectiveness, learnability, and efficiency of both techniques when paired with a range of canonical placement strategies. The results of this study confirm the usability of these interaction metaphors and provide further insight into how spatial interaction can be discreetly leveraged to enable interaction at scale. Overall, this work contributes to the development of 3DUIs that expand the possibilities for situating path-driven tasks in spatial environments