62 research outputs found

    Traffic sign detection and tracking using robust 3D analysis

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    In this paper we present an innovative technique to tackle the problem of automatic road sign detection and tracking using an on-board stereo camera. It involves a continuous 3D analysis of the road sign during the whole tracking process. Firstly, a color and appearance based model is applied to generate road sign candidates in both stereo images. A sparse disparity map between the left and right images is then created for each candidate by using contour-based and SURF-based matching in the far and short range, respectively. Once the map has been computed, the correspondences are back-projected to generate a cloud of 3D points, and the best-fit plane is computed through RANSAC, ensuring robustness to outliers. Temporal consistency is enforced by means of a Kalman filter, which exploits the intrinsic smoothness of the 3D camera motion in traffic environments. Additionally, the estimation of the plane allows to correct deformations due to perspective, thus easing further sign classification

    Real-Time Video Road Sign Detection And Tracking Using Image Processing And Autonomous Car

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    Detection and monitoring of real-time road signs are becoming today's study in the autonomous car industry. The number of car users in Malaysia risen every year as well as the rate of car crashes. Different types, shapes, and colour of road signs lead the driver to neglect them, and this attitude contributing to a high rate of accidents. The purpose of this paper is to implement image processing using the real-time video Road Sign Detection and Tracking (RSDT) with an autonomous car. The detection of road signs is carried out by using Video and Image Processing technique control in Python by applying deep learning process to detect an object in a video’s motion. The extracted features from the video frame will continue to template matching on recognition processes which are based on the database. The experiment for the fixed distance shows an accuracy of 99.9943% while the experiment with the various distance showed the inversely proportional relation between distances and accuracies. This system was also able to detect and recognize five types of road signs using a convolutional neural network. Lastly, the experimental results proved the system capability to detect and recognize the road sign accurately

    Car Traffic Sign Annunciator

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    Automatic detection and recognition of traffic signs is an essential part of automated driver assistance systems which contribute to the safety of the drivers, pedestrians and vehicles. This paper presents the advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) based on Raspberry pi for traffic sign detection, recognition and annunciation. Such a system presents a vital support for driver assistance in an intelligent automotive. The proposed algorithm is implemented in a real time embedded system using OpenCV library. Proposed method introduced a new method for detection and recognition of traffic signs. Firstly, Potential traffic signs regions are detected by colour segmentation method, then classified using HOG features and a linear SVM classifier to identify the traffic sign class. The proposed system shows good recognition rate under complex challenging lighting and weather conditions. Experimental results on the accuracy of the road sign detection are reported in this paper

    Detection and Tracking of Traffic Signs Using a Recursive Bayesian Decision Framework

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    In this paper we propose a new method for the automatic detection and tracking of road traffic signs using an on-board single camera. This method aims to increase the reliability of the detections such that it can boost the performance of any traffic sign recognition scheme. The proposed approach exploits a combination of different features, such as color, appearance, and tracking information. This information is introduced into a recursive Bayesian decision framework, in which prior probabilities are dynamically adapted to tracking results. This decision scheme obtains a number of candidate regions in the image, according to their HS (Hue-Saturation). Finally, a Kalman filter with an adaptive noise tuning provides the required time and spatial coherence to the estimates. Results have shown that the proposed method achieves high detection rates in challenging scenarios, including illumination changes, rapid motion and significant perspective distortio

    Stereoscopic vision in vehicle navigation.

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    Traffic sign (TS) detection and tracking is one of the main tasks of an autonomous vehicle which is addressed in the field of computer vision. An autonomous vehicle must have vision based recognition of the road to follow the rules like every other vehicle on the road. Besides, TS detection and tracking can be used to give feedbacks to the driver. This can significantly increase safety in making driving decisions. For a successful TS detection and tracking changes in weather and lighting conditions should be considered. Also, the camera is in motion, which results in image distortion and motion blur. In this work a fast and robust method is proposed for tracking the stop signs in videos taken with stereoscopic cameras that are mounted on the car. Using camera parameters and the detected sign, the distance between the stop sign and the vehicle is calculated. This calculated distance can be widely used in building visual driver-assistance systems

    Traffic signs recognition for detailed digital maps development and driver assistance systems

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    Digital maps are considered as an additional sensor in many of the new ADAS, but these systems usually require a higher level of accuracy and detail of the maps. Among the important information that the maps should contain are the road geometry and traffic signs. In the first case, it is interesting to use accurate and fast methods for measurement. In the paper, a method based on a datalog vehicle is used. Satellite positioning and inertial measurements systems data are combined and dynamic behavior of the vehicle body is corrected measuring the movements of the suspension system. On the other hand, the information provided by traffic signs and route-guidance signs is extremely important for safe and successful driving. An automatic system that is capable of extracting and identifying these signs automatically would help human drivers enormously; navigation would be easier, allowing them to concentrate on driving the vehicle. A Computer Vision System is used to recognize and classify the different families of traffic signs combining it with GPS information to develop detailed and accurate digital maps. This sign recognition can also be used for real time warnings to the driver. Some results of test carried out in real situations are shown

    Road Sign Analysis Using Multisensory Data

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    This paper deals with the problem of estimating the following road sign parameters: height, dimensions, visibility distance and partial occlusions. This work belongs to a framework whose main applications involve road sign maintenance, driver assistance, and inventory systems. From this paper we suggest a multisensory system composed from two cameras, a GPS receiver, and a distance measurement device,all of them installed in a car. The process consists of several steps which include road sign detection, recognition and tracking , and road signs parameters estimation. From some trigonometric properties, and a camera model, the information provided by the tracking subsystem and the distance measurement sensors, we estimate the road signs parameters.Results show that the described calculation methodology offers a correct estimation for all types of traffic signs

    Road Sign Analysis Using Multisensory Data

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    This paper deals with the problem of estimating the following road sign parameters: height, dimensions, visibility distance and partial occlusions. This work belongs to a framework whose main applications involve road sign maintenance, driver assistance, and inventory systems. From this paper we suggest a multisensory system composed from two cameras, a GPS receiver, and a distance measurement device,all of them installed in a car. The process consists of several steps which include road sign detection, recognition and tracking , and road signs parameters estimation. From some trigonometric properties, and a camera model, the information provided by the tracking subsystem and the distance measurement sensors, we estimate the road signs parameters.Results show that the described calculation methodology offers a correct estimation for all types of traffic signs