6 research outputs found

    Constrained Risk-Averse Markov Decision Processes

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    We consider the problem of designing policies for Markov decision processes (MDPs) with dynamic coherent risk objectives and constraints. We begin by formulating the problem in a Lagrangian framework. Under the assumption that the risk objectives and constraints can be represented by a Markov risk transition mapping, we propose an optimization-based method to synthesize Markovian policies that lower-bound the constrained risk-averse problem. We demonstrate that the formulated optimization problems are in the form of difference convex programs (DCPs) and can be solved by the disciplined convex-concave programming (DCCP) framework. We show that these results generalize linear programs for constrained MDPs with total discounted expected costs and constraints. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with numerical experiments on a rover navigation problem involving conditional-value-at-risk (CVaR) and entropic-value-at-risk (EVaR) coherent risk measures

    Risk-sensitive partially observable Markov decision processes as fully observable multivariate utility optimization problems

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    We provide a new algorithm for solving Risk Sensitive Partially Observable Markov Decisions Processes, when the risk is modeled by a utility function, and both the state space and the space of observations are fi- nite. This algorithm is based on an observation that the change of measure and the subsequent introduction of the information space, which is used for exponential utility functions, can be actually extended for sums of exponentials if one introduces an extra vector parameter that tracks the expected accumulated cost that corresponds to each exponential. Since every increasing function can be approximated by sums of expo- nentials in finite intervals, the method can be essentially applied for any utility function, with its complexity depending on the numbe