5 research outputs found

    Goal and Risk Factors in Offshore Outsourced Software Development From Vendor's Viewpoint

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    Reducing production cost is vital for ensuring sustainable competitive strength. This is particularly true in software development, in which there has been a move from in-house development to global and now also to offshore-outsourced software development. In offshore outsourcing, development activities are mostoften moved to low-cost development environments that are locally managed. However, this type of outsourcing is not without problems. Most development projects are complex, and moving control and responsibility away from the client increase complexity. But, there is a trade-off between cost and complexity and control, as well as an increased chance of failure of the project. This paper contributes to identify the goals from the early development components and risk factors threatening the goals to fulfill. A goal-driven software development risk management modeling (GSRM) propose to supports this task. We conducted a study based on Delphi survey process to obtain the goals and the risk factors in a different cultural environment for the offshore vendors in Banglades

    Goal and Risk Factors in Offshore Outsourced Software Development from Vendor's Viewpoint

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    Outsourcing de software: Variables cr铆ticas en el proceso de toma de decisiones

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    Key words: Information Technology, outsourcing, Process, SMSE, SoftwareAbstract. The Software Outsourcing has become a solution for organizations or businesses, due to various reasons or variables that range from reducing costs to keep their technology updated. Outsourcing is defined as business processes that are performed by an organization (Supplier) establishes a contractual relationship (Costumer-Supplier) and is given the responsibility for execution of business processes to the supplier. Based on the significant investment in imports generated by companies in Mexico, it was performed a literature review to identify the key variables that, in principle, influence the decision to turn to Software Outsourcing and, at the end, we propose a Software Outsourcing Model.Palabras clave: Outsourcing, Proceso, PyMEs, Software, Tecnolog铆as de Informaci贸nResumen. El Outsourcing de Software se ha convertido en una soluci贸n para lasorganizaciones o empresas, debido a diferentes motivos o variables que van desde reducir costos hasta mantener su tecnolog铆a actualizada. El Outsourcing lo definimos como los procesos de negocio que son realizados por una organizaci贸n (Proveedor), se establece una relaci贸n contractual (Cliente-Proveedor) y se le da la responsabilidad de la ejecuci贸n de los procesos de negocio al proveedor. Partiendo de la importante inversi贸n en importaciones, generada por las empresas en M茅xico, se realiza una revisi贸n de literatura para identificar lasprincipales variables que, en principio, influyen en la decisi贸n de recurrir al Outsourcing de Software y, finalmente, se propone un Modelo de Outsourcing de Software

    Outsourcing de software: Variables cr铆ticas en el proceso de toma de decisiones (Software outsourcing: Variables involved in decision making)

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    Abstract. The Software Outsourcing has become a solution for organizations or businesses, due to various reasons or variables that range from reducing costs to keep their technology updated. Outsourcing is defined as business processes that are performed by an organization (Supplier) establishes a contractual relationship (Costumer-Supplier) and is given the responsibility for execution of business processes to the supplier. Based on the significant investment in imports generated by companies in Mexico, it was performed a literature review to identify the key variables that, in principle, influence the decision to turn to Software Outsourcing and, at the end, we propose a Software Outsourcing Model. Resumen. El Outsourcing de Software se ha convertido en una soluci贸n para las organizaciones o empresas, debido a diferentes motivos o variables que van desde reducir costos hasta mantener su tecnolog铆a actualizada. El Outsourcing lo definimos como los procesos de negocio que son realizados por una organizaci贸n (Proveedor), se establece una relaci贸n contractual (Cliente-Proveedor) y se le da la responsabilidad de la ejecuci贸n de los procesos de negocio al proveedor. Partiendo de la importante inversi贸n en importaciones, generada por las empresas en M茅xico, se realiza una revisi贸n de literatura para identificar las principales variables que, en principio, influyen en la decisi贸n de recurrir al Outsourcing de Software y, finalmente, se propone un Modelo de Outsourcing de Software

    Integrating Risk Management Activities into Requirements Engineering

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    Software projects are often faced with unanticipated problems caused by e.g. changes in the development environment resulting in delays or threatening the ability of the project to succeed. Managing these uncertainties is a challenging task at all phases of the development, but nevertheless crucial in controlling schedule and costs. Therefore software development risks need to be controlled as early as possible. As software development risks are not merely of technical nature it is equally important to tackle non-technical risks. The paper presents a goal-driven software development risk management model (GSRM) that takes a holistic view on development, taking both technical and non-technical development components into consideration. The focus of the paper is on how to integrate GSRM and particularly the holistic risk perspective into requirements engineering. GSRM effectively identifies and makes explicit the critical project goals (for arriving at a successful project) and the risk factors that may obstruct these goals. GSRM also helps in planning how to employ control actions for mitigating risks and by that increase the ability to meet project goals. The integrated requirements engineering risk management model has been applied to an on-going development project in a low-cost development environment (Bangladesh). The result showed it to be relatively trivial to integrate the model into requirements engineering activities and that the model did indeed contribute to the overall project success