7,636 research outputs found

    NetLSD: Hearing the Shape of a Graph

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    Comparison among graphs is ubiquitous in graph analytics. However, it is a hard task in terms of the expressiveness of the employed similarity measure and the efficiency of its computation. Ideally, graph comparison should be invariant to the order of nodes and the sizes of compared graphs, adaptive to the scale of graph patterns, and scalable. Unfortunately, these properties have not been addressed together. Graph comparisons still rely on direct approaches, graph kernels, or representation-based methods, which are all inefficient and impractical for large graph collections. In this paper, we propose the Network Laplacian Spectral Descriptor (NetLSD): the first, to our knowledge, permutation- and size-invariant, scale-adaptive, and efficiently computable graph representation method that allows for straightforward comparisons of large graphs. NetLSD extracts a compact signature that inherits the formal properties of the Laplacian spectrum, specifically its heat or wave kernel; thus, it hears the shape of a graph. Our evaluation on a variety of real-world graphs demonstrates that it outperforms previous works in both expressiveness and efficiency.Comment: KDD '18: The 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, August 19--23, 2018, London, United Kingdo

    Upper Bounding the Graph Edit Distance Based on Rings and Machine Learning

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    The graph edit distance (GED) is a flexible distance measure which is widely used for inexact graph matching. Since its exact computation is NP-hard, heuristics are used in practice. A popular approach is to obtain upper bounds for GED via transformations to the linear sum assignment problem with error-correction (LSAPE). Typically, local structures and distances between them are employed for carrying out this transformation, but recently also machine learning techniques have been used. In this paper, we formally define a unifying framework LSAPE-GED for transformations from GED to LSAPE. We also introduce rings, a new kind of local structures designed for graphs where most information resides in the topology rather than in the node labels. Furthermore, we propose two new ring based heuristics RING and RING-ML, which instantiate LSAPE-GED using the traditional and the machine learning based approach for transforming GED to LSAPE, respectively. Extensive experiments show that using rings for upper bounding GED significantly improves the state of the art on datasets where most information resides in the graphs' topologies. This closes the gap between fast but rather inaccurate LSAPE based heuristics and more accurate but significantly slower GED algorithms based on local search

    Metrics for Graph Comparison: A Practitioner's Guide

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    Comparison of graph structure is a ubiquitous task in data analysis and machine learning, with diverse applications in fields such as neuroscience, cyber security, social network analysis, and bioinformatics, among others. Discovery and comparison of structures such as modular communities, rich clubs, hubs, and trees in data in these fields yields insight into the generative mechanisms and functional properties of the graph. Often, two graphs are compared via a pairwise distance measure, with a small distance indicating structural similarity and vice versa. Common choices include spectral distances (also known as λ\lambda distances) and distances based on node affinities. However, there has of yet been no comparative study of the efficacy of these distance measures in discerning between common graph topologies and different structural scales. In this work, we compare commonly used graph metrics and distance measures, and demonstrate their ability to discern between common topological features found in both random graph models and empirical datasets. We put forward a multi-scale picture of graph structure, in which the effect of global and local structure upon the distance measures is considered. We make recommendations on the applicability of different distance measures to empirical graph data problem based on this multi-scale view. Finally, we introduce the Python library NetComp which implements the graph distances used in this work