6 research outputs found

    Toward a Self-replicating Metabolic P System

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    This work concerns the synthesis of a "minimal cell' by means of a P system, which is a distributed rewriting system inspired by the structure and the functioning of the biological cell. Specifically, we aim to define a dynamical system which exhibits a steady metabolic evolution, resulting in self-maintenance and self-reproduction. Metabolic P systems represent a class of P systems particularly promising to model a minimal cell in discrete terms, since they have already successfully modeled several metabolisms. The main further step is thus to find a simple way to obtain Metabolic P system self-replication. This paper deals with ideas presented at the BWMC11 (held in Seville, Feb 2011) and opens a new trend in membrane computing, based on computational synthetic biology oriented applications of P systems modeling. The framework is here outlined, and some problems to tackle the synthesis of a minimal cell are discussed. Moreover, an overview of literature and a list of appealing research directions is given, along with several references

    Stochastic simulations of minimal cells: the Ribocell model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over the last two decades, lipid compartments (liposomes, lipid-coated droplets) have been extensively used as in vitro "minimal" cell models. In particular, simple and complex biomolecular reactions have been carried out inside these self-assembled micro- and nano-sized compartments, leading to the synthesis of RNA and functional proteins inside liposomes. Despite this experimental progress, a detailed physical understanding of the underlying dynamics is missing. In particular, the combination of solute compartmentalization, reactivity and stochastic effects has not yet been clarified. A combination of experimental and computational approaches can reveal interesting mechanisms governing the behavior of micro compartmentalized systems, in particular by highlighting the intrinsic stochastic diversity within a population of "synthetic cells".</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this context, we have developed a computational platform called ENVIRONMENT suitable for studying the stochastic time evolution of reacting lipid compartments. This software - which implements a Gillespie Algorithm - is an improvement over a previous program that simulated the stochastic time evolution of homogeneous, fixed-volume, chemically reacting systems, extending it to more general conditions in which a collection of similar such systems interact and change over the course of time. In particular, our approach is focused on elucidating the role of randomness in the time behavior of chemically reacting lipid compartments, such as micelles, vesicles or micro emulsions, in regimes where random fluctuations due to the stochastic nature of reacting events can lead an open system towards unexpected time evolutions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This paper analyses the so-called Ribocell (RNA-based cell) model. It consists in a hypothetical minimal cell based on a self-replicating minimum RNA genome coupled with a self-reproducing lipid vesicle compartment. This model assumes the existence of two ribozymes, one able to catalyze the conversion of molecular precursors into lipids and the second able to replicate RNA strands. The aim of this contribution is to explore the feasibility of this hypothetical minimal cell. By deterministic kinetic analysis, the best external conditions to observe synchronization between genome self-replication and vesicle membrane reproduction are determined, while its robustness to random fluctuations is investigated using stochastic simulations, and then discussed.</p

    recent theoretical approaches to minimal artificial cells

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    Minimal artificial cells (MACs) are self-assembled chemical systems able to mimic the behavior of living cells at a minimal level, i.e. to exhibit self-maintenance, self-reproduction and the capability of evolution. The bottom-up approach to the construction of MACs is mainly based on the encapsulation of chemical reacting systems inside lipid vesicles, i.e. chemical systems enclosed (compartmentalized) by a double-layered lipid membrane. Several researchers are currently interested in synthesizing such simple cellular models for biotechnological purposes or for investigating origin of life scenarios. Within this context, the properties of lipid vesicles (e.g., their stability, permeability, growth dynamics, potential to host reactions or undergo division processes…) play a central role, in combination with the dynamics of the encapsulated chemical or biochemical networks. Thus, from a theoretical standpoint, it is very important to develop kinetic equations in order to explore first—and specify later—the conditions that allow the robust implementation of these complex chemically reacting systems, as well as their controlled reproduction. Due to being compartmentalized in small volumes, the population of reacting molecules can be very low in terms of the number of molecules and therefore their behavior becomes highly affected by stochastic effects both in the time course of reactions and in occupancy distribution among the vesicle population. In this short review we report our mathematical approaches to model artificial cell systems in this complex scenario by giving a summary of three recent simulations studies on the topic of primitive cell (protocell) systems

    Ribocell Modeling

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    Theoretical approaches to ribocell modeling

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    The so-called Ribocell (ribozymes-based cell) is a theoretical cellular model that has been proposed some years ago as a possible minimal cell prototype. It consists in a self-replicating minimum RNA genome coupled with a self-reproducing lipid vesicle compartment. This model assumes the existence of two hypothetical ribozymes one able to catalyze the conversion of molecular precursors into lipids and the second one able to replicate RNA strands. Therefore, in an environment rich both of lipid precursors and activated nucleotides, the ribocell can self-reproduce if the genome self-replication and the compartment self-reproduction mechanisms are somehow synchronized. The aim of this contribution is to explore the feasibility of this model with in silico simulations using kinetic parameters available in literature