5 research outputs found

    Gimli Encryption in 715.9 psec

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    We study the encryption latency of the Gimli cipher, which has recently been submitted to NIST’s Lightweight Cryptography competition. We develop two optimized hardware engines for the 24 round Gimli permutation, characterized by a total latency or 3 and 4 cycles, respectively, in a range of frequencies up to 4.5 GHz. Specifically, we utilize Intel’s 10 nm FinFET process to synthesize a critical path of 15 logic levels, supporting a depth-3 Gimli pipeline capable of computing the result of the Gimli permutation in frequencies up to 3.9 GHz. On the same process technology, a depth-4 pipeline employs a critical path of 12 logic levels and can compute the Gimli permutation in frequencies up to 4.5 GHz. Gimli demonstrates a total unrolled data path latency of 715.9 psec. Compared to our AES implementation, our fastest pipelined Gimli engine demonstrates 3.39 times smaller latency. When compared to the latency of the PRINCE lightweight block cipher, the pipelined Gimli latency is 1.7 times smaller. The paper suggests that the Gimli cipher, and our proposed optimized implementations have the potential to provide breakthrough performance for latency critical applications, in domains such as data storage, networking, IoT and gaming

    Maximums of the Additive Differential Probability of Exclusive-Or

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    At FSE 2004, Lipmaa et al. studied the additive differential probability adp⊕(α,β → γ) of exclusive-or where differences α,β,γ ∈ Fn2 are expressed using addition modulo 2n. This probability is used in the analysis of symmetric-key primitives that combine XOR and modular addition, such as the increasingly popular Addition-Rotation-XOR (ARX) constructions. The focus of this paper is on maximal differentials, which are helpful when constructing differential trails. We provide the missing proof for Theorem 3 of the FSE 2004 paper, which states that maxα,βadp⊕(α,β → γ) = adp⊕(0,γ → γ) for all γ. Furthermore, we prove that there always exist either two or eight distinct pairs α,β such that adp⊕( α,β → γ) = adp⊕(0,γ → γ), and we obtain recurrence formulas for calculating adp⊕. To gain insight into the range of possible differential probabilities, we also study other properties such as the minimum value of adp⊕(0,γ → γ), and we find all γ that satisfy this minimum value

    Characteristic Automated Search of Cryptographic Algorithms for Distinguishing Attacks (CASCADA)

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    Automated search methods based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problems are being widely used to evaluate the security of block ciphers against distinguishing attacks. While these methods provide a systematic and generic methodology, most of their software implementations are limited to a small set of ciphers and attacks, and extending these implementations requires significant effort and expertise. In this work we present CASCADA, an open-source Python library to evaluate the security of cryptographic primitives, specially block ciphers, against distinguishing attacks with bit-vector SMT solvers. The tool CASCADA implements the bit-vector property framework herein proposed and several SMT-based automated search methods to evaluate the security of ciphers against differential, related-key differential, rotational-XOR, impossible-differential, impossible-rotational-XOR, related-key impossible-differential, linear and zero-correlation cryptanalysis. The library CASCADA is the result of a huge engineering effort, and it provides many functionalities, a modular design, an extensive documentation and a complete suite of tests

    Novel Approach to Cryptography Implementation using ChatGPT

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    ChatGPT, which emerged at the end of 2022, has gained significant attention as a highly advanced conversational artificial intelligence service. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a natural language processing model. There are instances where individuals might want to attempt programming using ChatGPT. In this paper, we utilized the ChatGPT to implement a cryptographic algorithms. Despite numerous trial and error efforts, it was possible to implement cryptography through ChatGPT. This implies that even without extensive coding skill or programming knowledge, one can implement cryptography through ChatGPT if they understand the cryptographic structure. However, the ability to analyze the source code is essential, as it is necessary to identify incorrect parts within the implemented code

    Edge/Fog Computing Technologies for IoT Infrastructure

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    The prevalence of smart devices and cloud computing has led to an explosion in the amount of data generated by IoT devices. Moreover, emerging IoT applications, such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), intelligent transportation systems, and smart factories require ultra-low latency for data communication and processing. Fog/edge computing is a new computing paradigm where fully distributed fog/edge nodes located nearby end devices provide computing resources. By analyzing, filtering, and processing at local fog/edge resources instead of transferring tremendous data to the centralized cloud servers, fog/edge computing can reduce the processing delay and network traffic significantly. With these advantages, fog/edge computing is expected to be one of the key enabling technologies for building the IoT infrastructure. Aiming to explore the recent research and development on fog/edge computing technologies for building an IoT infrastructure, this book collected 10 articles. The selected articles cover diverse topics such as resource management, service provisioning, task offloading and scheduling, container orchestration, and security on edge/fog computing infrastructure, which can help to grasp recent trends, as well as state-of-the-art algorithms of fog/edge computing technologies