135 research outputs found

    Mitigating Turnover with Code Review Recommendation: Balancing Expertise, Workload, and Knowledge Distribution

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    Developer turnover is inevitable on software projects and leads to knowledge loss, a reduction in productivity, and an increase in defects. Mitigation strategies to deal with turnover tend to disrupt and increase workloads for developers. In this work, we suggest that through code review recommendation we can distribute knowledge and mitigate turnover with minimal impact on the development process. We evaluate review recommenders in the context of ensuring expertise during review, Expertise, reducing the review workload of the core team, CoreWorkload, and reducing the Files at Risk to turnover, FaR. We find that prior work that assigns reviewers based on file ownership concentrates knowledge on a small group of core developers increasing risk of knowledge loss from turnover by up to 65%. We propose learning and retention aware review recommenders that when combined are effective at reducing the risk of turnover by -29% but they unacceptably reduce the overall expertise during reviews by -26%. We develop the Sophia recommender that suggest experts when none of the files under review are hoarded by developers but distributes knowledge when files are at risk. In this way, we are able to simultaneously increase expertise during review with a ΔExpertise of 6%, with a negligible impact on workload of ΔCoreWorkload of 0.09%, and reduce the files at risk by ΔFaR -28%. Sophia is integrated into GitHub pull requests allowing developers to select an appropriate expert or “learner” based on the context of the review. We release the Sophia bot as well as the code and data for replication purposes

    Factoring Expertise, Workload, and Turnover into Code Review Recommendation

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    Developer turnover is inevitable on software projects and leads to knowledge loss, a reduction in productivity, and an increase in defects. Mitigation strategies to deal with turnover tend to disrupt and increase workloads for developers. In this work, we suggest that through code review recommendation we can distribute knowledge and mitigate turnover while more evenly distributing review workload. We conduct historical analyses to understand the natural concentration of review workload and the degree of knowledge spreading that is inherent in code review. Even though review workload is highly concentrated, we show that code review natural spreads knowledge thereby reducing the files at risk to turnover. Using simulation, we evaluate existing code review recommenders and develop novel recommenders to understand their impact on the level of expertise during review, the workload of reviewers, and the files at risk to turnover. Our simulations use seeded random replacement of reviewers to allow us to compare the reviewer recommenders without the confounding variation of different reviewers being replaced for each recommender. Combining recommenders, we develop the SofiaWL recommender that suggests experts with low active review workload when none of the files under review are known by only one developer. In contrast, when knowledge is concentrated on one developer, it sends the review to other reviewers to spread knowledge. For the projects we study, we are able to globally increase expertise during reviews, +3%, reduce workload concentration, -12%, and reduce the files at risk, -28%. We make our scripts and data available in our replication package. Developers can optimize for a particular outcome measure based on the needs of their project, or use our GitHub bot to automatically balance the outcomes

    Topic-based integrator matching for pull request

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    Pull Request (PR) is the main method for code contributions from the external contributors in GitHub. PR review is an essential part of open source software developments to maintain the quality of software. Matching a new PR for an appropriate integrator will make the PR reviewing more effective. However, PR and integrator matching are now organized manually in GitHub. To make this process more efficient, we propose a Topic-based Integrator Matching Algorithm (TIMA) to predict highly relevant collaborators(the core developers) as the integrator to incoming PRs . TIMA takes full advantage of the textual semantics of PRs. To define the relationships between topics and collaborators, TIMA builds a relation matrix about topic and collaborators. According to the relevance between topics and collaborators, TIMA matches the suitable collaborators as the PR integrator

    Improving Code Reviewer Recommendation: Accuracy, Latency, Workload, and Bystanders

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    Code review ensures that a peer engineer manually examines the code before it is integrated and released into production. At Meta, we develop a wide range of software at scale, from social networking to software development infrastructure, such as calendar and meeting tools to continuous integration. We are constantly improving our code review system, and in this work we describe a series of experiments that were conducted across 10's of thousands of engineers and 100's of thousands of reviews. We build upon the recommender that has been in production since 2018, RevRecV1. We found that reviewers were being assigned based on prior authorship of files. We reviewed the literature for successful features and experimented with them with RevRecV2 in production. The most important feature in our new model was the familiarity of the author and reviewer, we saw an overall improvement in accuracy of 14 percentage points. Prior research has shown that reviewer workload is skewed. To balance workload, we divide the reviewer score from RevRecV2 by each candidate reviewers workload. We experimented with multiple types of workload to develop RevRecWL. We find that reranking candidate reviewers by workload often leads to a reviewers with lower workload being selected by authors. The bystander effect can occur when a team of reviewers is assigned the review. We mitigate the bystander effect by randomly assigning one of the recommended reviewers. Having an individual who is responsible for the review, reduces the time take for reviews by -11%

    Nudge: Accelerating Overdue Pull Requests Towards Completion

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    Pull requests are a key part of the collaborative software development and code review process today. However, pull requests can also slow down the software development process when the reviewer(s) or the author do not actively engage with the pull request. In this work, we design an end-to-end service, Nudge, for accelerating overdue pull requests towards completion by reminding the author or the reviewer(s) to engage with their overdue pull requests. First, we use models based on effort estimation and machine learning to predict the completion time for a given pull request. Second, we use activity detection to reduce false positives. Lastly, we use dependency determination to understand the blocker of the pull request and nudge the appropriate actor(author or reviewer(s)). We also do a correlation analysis to understand the statistical relationship between the pull request completion times and various pull request and developer related attributes. Nudge has been deployed on 147 repositories at Microsoft since 2019. We do a large scale evaluation based on the implicit and explicit feedback we received from sending the Nudge notifications on 8,500 pull requests. We observe significant reduction in completion time, by over 60%, for pull requests which were nudged thus increasing the efficiency of the code review process and accelerating the pull request progression
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