7 research outputs found

    Linear programming application in optimal allocation of buses to inter and intra state routes from Katsina State Transport Authority Service, Nigeria

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    In this paper, we study Linear Programming application in optimal allocation of Buses to inter and intra state routes from Katsina State transport authority services to maximize profit and boost the state’s internally generated revenue. The problem was formulated from the data collected at their headquarters and by taking into consideration all the constraints. The TORA (a software for finding solution to linear programming problems) was used to obtained the solution to the model which yielded the maximum objective value of ₦729, 578 daily after 16 iterations. This gives better result when compared to the current initiative schedule by the authority that yields ₦584, 652 per day. By the recommendation schedule, the State will be getting additional ₦144,926.00 daily which translates to 24.8% daily profit increase and over ₦4,000,000.00 monthly when implemented

    Unpacking the Role of Artificial Intelligence for a Multimodal Service System Design

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    Since requirements of service demands are becoming increasingly complex and diversified, one of the success factors of a multimodal service system is its capability to design a specific service instance satisfying a specific set of requirements. This capability is further highlighted in Ad Hoc Multimodal Service Systems (AHMSSs), where service instances rarely follow a standard form of service delivery and exist only for a limited time. However, due to the increasing scale and frequency of services in many business and public sectors, meeting the desired level of capability has become troublesome. A well-designed Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach can be a solution to the difficulty by addressing the underlying complexity and uncertainty of the AHMSS design process. To conceptualize and foster AI applications to an AHMSS, this study identifies key decision-making problems in the AHMSS design process and discusses the role of AI in the process. The results will form the basis for AI development and implementation for an AHMSS and relevant service systems

    How do full-service carriers and low-cost carriers passengers perceived service dimensions, passengers’ satisfaction, and loyalty differently? An empirical study

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    Purpose: In this study, group differences between full-service carriers (FSC) and low-cost carriers (LCC) in loyalty constructs are investigated, revealing the relationship between service quality and loyalty. This work focuses on five dimensions, including tangibility, empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and reliability, constitute service quality. Design/methodology/approach: 248 questionnaires were collected in the first half of 2019. The antecedents of customer loyalty are explored, and the group differences between FSC and LCC are analyzed. For assessing the path model with the consideration of group variance, the Partial Least Squares Multiple Group Analysis (PLS-MGA) was adopted to analyze the differences of the estimated inter-group coefficient. Findings: Our findings suggest that service assurance, service empathy, and service reliability positively impact the value perceived. The impact of service empathy on customer satisfaction in FSC is significantly diverse from LCC. Several suggestions are provided to FSC and LCC on improving their services in view of passengers’ wants and interests. Originality/value: With the data collected at the HKIA, this study examined the relationships among service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty and divided service quality into five dimensions. The findings show that assurance, empathy, and reliability of service quality positively affect the value perceived, and the effects of responsiveness and tangibility of service quality on perceived value are insignificant. Among the five aspects of service quality, assurance, reliability, responsiveness, and tangibility of the service quality are the pre-conditions of customer satisfaction. However, only the reliability of service is the antecedent of customer loyalty. Besides, the value perceived positively affects customers to be satisfactory and loyal. Furthermore, satisfaction degree also significantly influences the degree of customers’ loyalty. As to the role of airline types, the sole effect is on customers' satisfaction is service empathy, with a significant difference between FSC and LCCPeer Reviewe

    A critical review of the states art schemes for under voltage load shedding

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    A blackout is usually the result of increasing load beyond the transmission capacity of the power system. One of the main reasons for power blackouts is voltage collapse. To avoid this problem, the proper corrective measures called load shedding is required. In critical and extreme emergencies, under voltage load shedding (UVLS) is performed as a final remedy to avoid a larger scale voltage collapse. Therefore, UVLS is considered state of the art to achieve voltage stability. This review summarizes and updates the important aspects of UVLS; it also provides principle understanding of UVLS, which are critical in planning such defense schemes. Moreover, this article provides a discussion on recent state-of-art UVLS schemes applied in various power industries. Additionally, the pros and cons of the conventional and computational intelligence techniques are discussed. It is envisioned that this work will serve as one-stop information for power system engineers, designers, and researches

    Aplicação de SAFe® a um Projecto de Manutenção de Aviões

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    Maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) operations have a great impact on the life cycle of an aircraft (A/C). MROs organizations address various challenges on planning activities to ensure the maximum reliability of an A/C, given the amount of unscheduled maintenance. Subcontracting MRO activities by airline companies, has been continuously increasing as an alternative of performing the heavy maintenance themselves, adding a constraint on this type of industries which is to manage the customer demands. Considering the main issues, it is required to select the most suitable approach to plan and manage A/C maintenance projects. Agile Project Management (PM) could be a solution to overcome the main difficulties in this sector, managing the uncertainty throughout the project, providing customer visibility and control over the service. This work arises in a real-life case of a subcontracted MRO program in a multinational A/C manufacture enterprise, which also suffers from significant challenges of planning and managing maintenance activities throughout the project life cycle. The program has experimented agile methodologies that revealed a positive impact. In order to the whole program embrace agility and overcome the identified main problems, it was proposed the usage of an elaborate and well-defined agile framework. Scaled Agile Framework for enterprises (SAFe®) is an online knowledge base that implements diverse agile techniques to support businesses, develop and deliver solutions, achieving business agility. As SAFe® was mainly developed for software industries, due to the characteristics of the project and the type of industry where it is inserted, the application of this framework needed to be customized. Accordingly to the particularities of the project, the most suitable PM approach is a hybrid approach, where initially the scope of the project is delineated, with a contingency plan, supported by SAFe® to manage the issues that arise throughout the project. The agile methodologies allow customer centred attention, more communication channels, and by iterating over the product, planning the unscheduled work focusing on high priority tasks. Lastly, a framework in the core of the appearance of the issues was developed, to define the interconnection between the whole SAFe® concepts and to provide an extended view of how the project will progress with the new approach.As operações de manutenção, reparação e revisão produzem grande impacto no ciclo de vida de uma aeronave. As organizações que operam neste setor enfrentam vários desafios no planeamento das atividades que garantem a máxima confiabilidade de uma aeronave, dada a quantidade de manutenção não programada. A subcontratação deste tipo de atividades, por parte das companhias aéreas, tem crescido continuamente como uma alternativa à realização da própria manutenção pesada, adicionando um constrangimento para este tipo de indústrias: gerir as exigências dos clientes. Considerando os principais problemas, é necessário selecionar a abordagem mais adequada para planear e gerir projetos de manutenção de aviões. A gestão ágil de projetos poderá ser uma solução para superar as principais dificuldades deste setor, gerindo as incertezas ao longo do projeto, proporcionando visibilidade ao cliente e controlo sobre o serviço. Este trabalho surge num caso real de um programa subcontratado numa empresa multinacional de fabrico de aviões, que também sofre de desafios significativos no planeamento e gestão de atividades de manutenção ao longo do ciclo de vida do projeto. O programa experienciou metodologias ágeis que revelaram um impacto positivo. Para que todo o programa adote a agilidade e supere os principais problemas identificados, foi proposto o uso de uma elaborada e bem definida estrutura ágil. O Scaled Agile Framework para empresas é uma base de conhecimento online que implementa diversas técnicas ágeis para apoiar as empresas no desenvolvimento e entrega de soluções, alcançando a agilidade nos negócios. O SAFe® foi desenvolvido principalmente para indústrias de software, devido às características do projeto e ao tipo de indústria em que está inserido, a aplicação desta estrutura necessitou de ser personalizada. De acordo com as particularidades do projeto, a abordagem de gestão de projetos mais adequada é uma abordagem híbrida, onde inicialmente o projeto é delineado, com um plano de contingência, apoiado pelo SAFe® para gerenciar os problemas que surgem ao longo do projeto. As metodologias ágeis permitem centrar a atenção no cliente, mais canais de comunicação e, ao iterar sobre o produto, planear o trabalho não programado com foco em tarefas de alta prioridade. Por fim, foi desenvolvido um framework no cerne do surgimento dos problemas, de forma a definir as interligações entre todos os conceitos do SAFe® e fornecer uma visão ampliada de como o projeto irá progredir com a nova abordagem

    Review on meta-heuristics approaches for airside operation research

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    2017-2018 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journal201808 bcrcAccepted ManuscriptOthersRU8HPublishe

    Risk in the aviation context : investigating risk perception and risk communication from a behaviour based approach

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    Safety is an essential part of aviation. Risk assessment is considered subjective, while the operational context necessitates conformity and a unilateral approach. Eventually, the results assess individual risk perception and risk communication and are not being planned proactively. Additionally, due to the diversity of organisations and cultures, there is further fragmentation of what is recognised as risk behaviour, what should be communicated, and what is hazardous. Considering risk perception and communication within the daily practice is seen as essential to explain the behaviours during an adverse event. Safety analysis and investigation methods (SAIMs) have the goal to suggest ways to achieve acceptable system outcomes and avoid unfavourable consequences on humans, equipment, facilities, and the environment. However, there is no widely common and accepted framework engulfing safety recommendations and proactive safety management such as a behavioural intervention to enhance risk perception and risk communication and minimise danger. Risk perception and communication have been underrepresented in studies regarding their complexity in aviation practice. They have not been explicitly addressed for their role in incidents/accidents, resulting in ambiguous proactive safety suggestions and planning. Based on the premise that risk behaviour results from inappropriate risk perception and risk communication, this thesis supports that a behaviour-based intervention can enhance risk perception and communication. This thesis aimed to generate a holistic intervention plan to modify risk behaviour on the assumption that risk perception and communication are the basic factors. The hypotheses included that specific factors can be associated with risk perception and communication leading to risk behaviour, which may be influenced to enhance the latter. Also, a complete integrated intervention model can be generated and fused with a Strategic Communications approach, which makes it usable by most aviation air-carrier organisations. The objectives are to determine two sets of risk perception and communication factors, which lead to risk behaviour and then generate an integrated model applicable in the aviation context. This thesis followed the pragmatism paradigm and adopted a fixed multiphase mixed methods approach, investigating SAIMs, safety events reports, two groups of Subject-Matter-Experts, and the wider aviation workforce. The resulting behaviour based model consolidates the role of risk perception and communication factors as moderators of antecedent behaviour while holistically envisaging the aviation work environment. Contribution to theory and practice within the aviation safety context is provided, as well as future research for additional applications of the mode