3 research outputs found

    Localizing content: The roles of technical & professional communicators and machine learning in personalized chatbot responses

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    This study demonstrates that microcontent, a snippet of personalized content that responds to users’ needs, is a form of localization reliant on a content ecology. In contributing to users’ localized experiences, technical communicators should recognize their work as part of an assemblage in which users, content, and metrics augment each other to produce personalized content that can be consumed by and delivered through artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology

    Talking agents: arquitectura de agentes conversacionales

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    Los Talking Agents son entidades software con la capacidad de reconocer el habla humana y sintetizar una respuesta hablada. Se han desarrollado este tipo de agentes para construir instalaciones artísticas, con el propósito de trabajar en nuevos tipos de experiencias en la interacción del espectador con la obra de arte. El diseño e implementación de los talking agents afronta varios problemas por sus requisitos de rendimiento y alto grado de configurabilidad para múltiples escenarios con distintos tipos de recursos en juego. Una forma de abordar estos requisitos ha sido la distribución de los componentes de cada agente y una clara separación entre agentes y recursos. El trabajo describe la arquitectura de los talking agents a distintos niveles, y algunos escenarios de experimentación de los mismos. [ABSTRACT] Talking agents are software entities with the ability to recognize human speech and synthesize a spoken response. We have developed this kind of agents for building Installation-art works, with the purpose of work in new kinds of experiences in the interaction of the spectator with the art work. The design and implementation of talking agents confronts several issues because of their requirements on performance and high degree of configuration for multiple scenarios with dierent kinds of resources in play. One way to cope with these requirements has been the distribution of the components of each agent and a clear separation between agents and resources. This work describes the architecture of talking agents at dierent levels, and several experimentation scenarios with them

    Author index—Volumes 1–89

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