567 research outputs found

    Secure secret sharing in the cloud

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    In this paper, we show how a dealer with limited resources is possible to share the secrets to players via an untrusted cloud server without compromising the privacy of the secrets. This scheme permits a batch of two secret messages to be shared to two players in such a way that the secrets are reconstructable if and only if two of them collaborate. An individual share reveals absolutely no information about the secrets to the player. The secret messages are obfuscated by encryption and thus give no information to the cloud server. Furthermore, the scheme is compatible with the Paillier cryptosystem and other cryptosystems of the same type. In light of the recent developments in privacy-preserving watermarking technology, we further model the proposed scheme as a variant of reversible watermarking in the encrypted domain

    Reversible Data Hiding scheme using modified Histogram Shifting in Encrypted Images for Bio-medical images

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    Existing Least Significant Bit (LSB) steganography system is less robust and the stego-images can be corrupted easily by attackers. To overcome these problems Reversible data hiding (RDH) techniques are used. RDH is an efficient way of embedding confidential message into a cover image. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting are effective techniques in reversible data hiding. The embedded message and cover images can be extracted without any distortion. The proposed system focuses on implementation of RDH techniques for hiding data in encrypted bio-medical images without any loss. In the proposed techniques the bio-medical data are embedded into cover images by reversible data hiding technique. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting have been used to extract cover image and bio- medical data. Each pixel is encrypted by public key of Paillier cryptosystem algorithm. The homomorphic multiplication is used to expand the histogram of the image in encrypted domain. The histogram shifting is done based on the homomorphic addition and adjacent pixel difference in the encrypted domain. The message is embedded into the host image pixel difference. On receiving encrypted image with additional data, the receiver using his private key performs decryption. As a result, due to histogram expansion and histogram shifting embedded message and the host image can be recovered perfectly. The embedding rate is increased in host image than in existing scheme due to adjacency pixel difference

    Reversible Data Hiding scheme using modified Histogram Shifting in Encrypted Images for Bio-medical images

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    Existing Least Significant Bit (LSB) steganography system is less robust and the stego-images can be corrupted easily by attackers. To overcome these problems Reversible data hiding (RDH) techniques are used. RDH is an efficient way of embedding confidential message into a cover image. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting are effective techniques in reversible data hiding. The embedded message and cover images can be extracted without any distortion. The proposed system focuses on implementation of RDH techniques for hiding data in encrypted bio-medical images without any loss. In the proposed techniques the bio-medical data are embedded into cover images by reversible data hiding technique. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting have been used to extract cover image and bio- medical data. Each pixel is encrypted by public key of Paillier cryptosystem algorithm. The homomorphic multiplication is used to expand the histogram of the image in encrypted domain. The histogram shifting is done based on the homomorphic addition and adjacent pixel difference in the encrypted domain. The message is embedded into the host image pixel difference. On receiving encrypted image with additional data, the receiver using his private key performs decryption. As a result, due to histogram expansion and histogram shifting embedded message and the host image can be recovered perfectly. The embedding rate is increased in host image than in existing scheme due to adjacency pixel difference

    Study of Reversible Scheme for Data Hiding

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    Web is the prominent correspondence media now a days yet message exchange over the web is confronting a few issue, for example, copyright control, information security, information, confirmation and so forth. Information stowing away assumes a critical part in information security. It is a procedure in which mystery information or data is put away or covered up into cover media. Thus many explores are advancing on the field like web security, steganography, and cryptography. At the point when exchange the safe or private information over a shaky channel it is expected to encode cover or unique information and after that insert the protected information into that unique or, on the other hand cover picture

    Image in Image Steganography based on modified Advanced Encryption Standard and Lest Significant Bit Algorithms

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    الستيكانوغرافي هو فن لإخفاء المعلومات او البيانات أو تضمينها في وسائط رقمية مختلفة مثل الصور، الفيديو، الصوت والنصوص. وان هناك الكثير من التقنيات لتحقيق عملية الإخفاء. في هذا البحث قمنا بحماية البيانات أو أي معلومات بطريقتين: التشفير والإخفاء. الغرض الأساسي من البحث هي تقديم طريقة تشفير مطورة للرسالة أولا باستخدام خوارزمية (التشفير القياسي المتقدم)AES   هو تشفير مفتاح متماثل حيث ان لكل شفرة من الشفرات بحجم كتلة 128 بت، حيث ان الأحجام الرئيسية هي  من 128، 192، 256 بت. ثانيا نقوم بإخفاء تلك الرسالة المشفرة في الحدود الخارجية للصورة الملونة (الإطار الخارجي للصورة الغلاف) باستخدام دالة LSB (البت الأقل اهمية) في ملفات الصورة الغلاف التي تكون بامتداد (bmp) أو(Jpeg) علما ان الخوارزمية الأخيرة تتسم بالضعف تجاه الهجمات لذلك تم تطويرها وتدعيمها بخوارزمية AES لزيادة الأمن ضد اي هجوم محتمل اثناء ارسالها عبر شبكة الانترنيت من المرسل الى المستلم.Because the big grown of the digital market and the growing demand for protection to data and information which transmitted through the Internet. Steganography is the art of embedding, hiding information into different digital media, it was the main reason to increase its importance in the exponential development of the secret communication of computer and digital cloud users over the internet. There are a lot of techniques and different ways to achieve hiding data. Usually, the data embedding is obtained in communication such as image, text, voice or any multimedia content for copyright and also in military communication for authentication and many other different purposes. In this paper, we protected the information in two ways: Encryption and Steganography. The basic idea is to present a method that encrypted the message firstly by using The AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) it is a symmetric-key encryption each of these ciphers it has 128-bit the size to block, and size keys of 128, 192 and 256 bits.  Secondly, hide that encrypted message in color cover image in the Least Significant Bit (LSB) to image’s frame with (.bmp, .jpg) extensions. Our scheme is to enhance the ability of LSB algorithm to include the storage of information and images encoded and intangible sense of human vision. That two methods to increased together the security attend any attack

    PCPT and ACPT: Copyright Protection and Traceability Scheme for DNN Models

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved tremendous success in artificial intelligence (AI) fields. However, DNN models can be easily illegally copied, redistributed, or abused by criminals, seriously damaging the interests of model inventors. The copyright protection of DNN models by neural network watermarking has been studied, but the establishment of a traceability mechanism for determining the authorized users of a leaked model is a new problem driven by the demand for AI services. Because the existing traceability mechanisms are used for models without watermarks, a small number of false-positives are generated. Existing black-box active protection schemes have loose authorization control and are vulnerable to forgery attacks. Therefore, based on the idea of black-box neural network watermarking with the video framing and image perceptual hash algorithm, a passive copyright protection and traceability framework PCPT is proposed that uses an additional class of DNN models, improving the existing traceability mechanism that yields a small number of false-positives. Based on an authorization control strategy and image perceptual hash algorithm, a DNN model active copyright protection and traceability framework ACPT is proposed. This framework uses the authorization control center constructed by the detector and verifier. This approach realizes stricter authorization control, which establishes a strong connection between users and model owners, improves the framework security, and supports traceability verification

    Covert QR codes: How to hide in the crowd

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    This paper investigates a novel approach of distributing a hidden message via public channels. The proposed approach employs visual subterfuge to conceal secret information within a QR code. Using a QR code reader, any individual can decode the public information contained in the QR code. However, only authorized users who have the necessary credentials will be able to obtain the secret message, which is encoded in the form of a secret QR code. We call this a Covert QR (CQR) code scheme. To embed the secret information, this approach exploits the error correction mechanism inherent in the QR code structure. By using QR codes to conceal information, the proposed scheme has the advantage of reducing the likelihood of attracting the attention of potential adversaries. In addition, the information in QR codes can be scanned and decoded through the visual channel. As such, the secret information can be distributed on printed media and is not restricted to an electronic form