55 research outputs found

    Winter Commencement, December 15, 2018

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    Ecological stoichiometry in planktonic communities of inland waters: anthropic influences and spatial gradients

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    Estequiometria Ecológica é o campo de estudo que relaciona a composição química de organismos com a disponibilidade dos elementos no ambiente. A maioria dos estudos neste campo versam sobre Carbono, Nitrogênio e Fósforo devido a sua grande importância na composição dos organismos para funções metabólicas e por seu importante papel biogeoquímico. Alfred Redifield, em 1930, associou a composição química do plancton marinho à disponibildade de nutrientes no meio. Estabeleceu-se assim a constante de Redfield 106 C: 16 N: 1 P esta proporção entre a composição química dos microrganismos e seu meio foi utilizada durante muito tempo nos estudos de Estequiometria Ecológica, sobretudo no meio aquático, mas com o avanço das pesquisas percebeu-se que a constante não era válida para todos os tipos de ecossistemas aquáticos, principalmente os dulcícolas devido a várias características físicas e químicas que os diferem dos oceanos. Em estudos microbianos, a Estequiometria Ecológica é uma importante ferramenta no entendimento do metabolismo desses organismos, assim como na compreensão do funcionamento dos ecossistemas, pois bactérias são a base das relações tróficas e estão conectadas também com a disponibilização de matéria orgânica para o meio, assim como na ciclagem de nutrientes. A composição nutricional das bactérias é fortemente influenciada pela taxa de crescimento desses organismos. Por isso, fenômenos capazes de regular o metabolismo bacteriano são centrais para o funcionamento dos ecossistemas aquáticos. A luminosidade, temperatura e precipitação são fatores ambientais capazes de afetar o metabolismo dos organismos e apresentam ampla variação com a latitude (e.g. aumento da temperatura média com a diminuição da latitude). Portanto, comunidades microbianas em diferentes latitudes devem apresentar diferentes composições químicas. Este trabalho visa, primeiramente, abordar como a Estequiometria Ecológica pode explicar o funcionamento dos ecossistemas aquáticos naturais, com foco nas comunidades bacterianas e no séston e também como esta ciência pode ser utilizada na compreensão do funcionamento ecológico dos ecossistemas frente a impactos antrópicos, como as mudanças climáticas e descarga excessiva de nutrientes. Depois, investigamos como a latitude em que os ecossistemas se encontram e seu estado trófico podem influenciar na composição química de séston e bactérias e como cada compartimento desse se comporta em diferentes situações ambientais estabelecidas pela latitude, como luminosidade e temperatura e a disponibilidade de nutrientes como N e P, que determinam o estado trófico do sistema. Para isso, as quantidades de nutrientes (C, N e P) presentes no séston e nas bactérias foram determinadas em todas as frações filtradas por meio de análise no TOC-V (Shimadzu + SSM) e por espectrofotometria. Espera-se encontrar maiores razões C: nutrientes em ambientes de baixas latitudes, devido às condições associadas (maior luminosidade e temperatura), em comparação com ambientes de alta latitude.Ecological stoichiometry is the field of study that relates the chemical composition of organisms to the availability of elements in the environment. Most studies in this field deal with Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus due to their great importance in the composition of organisms for metabolic functions and for their important biogeochemical role. Alfred Redifield, in 1930, associated the chemical composition of marine plankton with the availability of nutrients in the ocean, establishing the Redfield constant of 106 C: 16 N: 1 P. Ecological Stoichiometry is an important approach for the understanding of microbial metabolism, as well as functioning of ecosystems, since bacteria are the basis of trophic relationships and are also connected to the availability of organic matter in the environment, as well as to nutrient cycling. The nutritional composition of bacteria is strongly influenced by the growth rate of these organisms, and therefore, phenomena capable of regulating bacterial metabolism are central to the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Luminosity, temperature and precipitation are environmental factors capable of affecting the metabolism of organisms that present wide variation with latitude (e.g. increase in average temperature with decreasing latitude). Hence, differences in microbial stoichiometry can be expected at different latitudes in response to these environmental variables gradient. This work aims first to address how Ecological Stoichiometry can explain the functioning of natural aquatic ecosystems, focusing on bacterial communities and seston and also how this science can be used to understand the ecological functioning of ecosystems facing anthropic impacts, such as climate change and excessive nutrient input. Then, we investigated how the latitude in which ecosystems are located and their trophic status can influence the chemical composition of seston and bacteria and how each compartment behaves in different environmental situations established by latitude, such as luminosity and temperature and the availability of nutrients such as N and P, which determine the trophic status of the system. For this, the amounts of nutrients (C, N and P) present in the seston and in the bacterial fractions of 55 lakes along the Americas were determined. The seston C: N, C: P and N: P ratio decreased at higher latitudes, which was not observed for bacteria. When analyzed separately by trophic status, the bacterial and seston C: N decreased with the latitude in eutrophic environments, but not in oligotrophic environments. The C:P ratio of both seston and bacteria did not vary with both latitude and trophic status. The seston N: P ratio in oligotrophic environments decreased with latitude, and the opposite occurs in eutrophic environments. This study highlights the interplay between latitude and trophic state in regulating seston and bacterial stoichiometry.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    "For a witch cannot cross such a threshold!” – Building concealment traditions in Finland c. 1200–1950

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    The study discusses objects deliberately concealed in buildings in Finland during its historical period (c. 1200–1950 CE). The phenomenon is connected with folk religion and especially with a need to protect the household from outside malicious effects. The goals are, first, to map the phenomenon of ritual building concealments in order to discover its extent, manifestations, and possible regional and chronological variations. The more specific hermeneutic aim is to discuss the motives, meanings, and internal logic of the concealments, as well as possible changes in their meanings. The concealment tradition is also studied in its wider contexts of society and worldview. One special aim, from the viewpoint of archaeology, is to introduce a theoretical framework and develop a contextual multi-source method suitable for studying historical folk religion as part of the archaeology of religion. There are two main types of source material in the study: the finds of concealed objects (234) and folklore accounts (775). A few records from witchcraft trials (7) give additional insight to the practices. The folklore depicts concealment traditions known in the 19th century and the early 20th century. This source material also illuminates meanings and motives of the custom, and the relationship between meanings, concealed objects, and their location. Moreover, the folklore shows signs of regional variation between western and eastern Finnish areas. The finds of concealed objects give historical dimension to the practices. They also enable discussing concealment as factual practice. The early modern trial records bring extra information on meanings in times before the folklore was collected. The methodology used in the study is developed on the basis of contextual archaeology and the direct historical approach. Contextual archaeology aims to identify meanings by analysing patterns in the material culture data. The direct historical approach begins its analysis in a well-recorded historical period to which observed changes and continuity is compared when studying preceding periods. In the study at hand contextuality is extended to include the wider context of folk religion and society. The study shows that in densely laid out villages and towns concealing has especially been connected with tensions in social relations caused by uneven distribution of wealth. This is observable in the emphasis on fear of witchcraft practiced by envious neighbours. In more loosely laid out settlements social pressure is less obvious in the concealment practices. Instead, keeping the building lucky and free of pests are more common motives. The regional variation manifests in different emphasis on concealment types, thus completely different traditions are not in question. It is more difficult to observe chronological variation due to the scarce data. It is possible that medieval concealment traditions have been similar to the late modern eastern tradition, where social pressure was not emphasized. Social pressure is still likely to have had a role in medieval towns. New objects for concealing were adopted in new periods; for example concealing mercury is likely to have become common in early or late modern times when the substance became easier to obtain. From the perspective of the archaeology of folk religion, the fact that practices of folk religion leaves traces in the material record is notable. Understanding these contributes to a wider understanding of past human life.Rakennuskätköperinteet Suomessa n. 1200–1950 Tutkimus käsittelee Suomen alueella historiallisena aikana (n. 1200–1950) rakennuksiin tarkoituksellisesti kätkettyjä esineitä. Ilmiö liittyy kansanuskon kenttään ja erityisesti tarpeeseen suojella kotitaloutta ulkoapäin tulevilta pahoilta vaikutuksilta. Tavoitteina on ensinnä kartoittaa ilmiön laajuus ja muodot. Varsinainen päätavoite on selvittää kätköperinteen merkityksiä, merkitysten muutoksia ja erityisesti ilmiön sijoittumista laajempaan yhteyteensä yhteiskunnassa. Arkeologian kannalta erityisenä tavoitteena on esitellä kansanuskon materiaalisen kulttuurin tutkimukseen soveltuvaa teoreettista viitekehystä ja kehittää moniaineistoista metodologiaa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kahdesta pääaineistosta: varsinaiset kätkölöydöt (234 kpl) ja folklore-tiedonannot (775 kpl). Näiden lisäksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään muutamia noituus- ja taikuusoikeu-denkäyntien pöytäkirjoja (7 kpl). Folklore-tiedonannot kuvaavat kätköperinteitä 1800-luvun loppupuolella ja 1900-luvun alussa. Tämä aineisto avaa myös perinteeseen liittyneitä merkityksiä ja näiden merkitysten suhdetta kätköobjektiin ja kätköpaikkaan. Tässä aineistossa on myös havaittavissa alueellisia eroja länsi-suomalaisen ja itäsuomalaisen kulttuurialueen välillä. Kätkölöydöt sitovat käytänteet omaan aikaansa. Lisäksi löydöt mahdollistavat kätkötapojen tarkastelun tosiasiallisesti suoritettuina rituaaleina. Uuden ajan oikeudenkäyntiaineistot tuovat lisänäkökulman folklorea varhaisempiin merkityssisältöihin. Aineistoa käsitellään metodilla, joka on kehitelty kontekstuaalisen arkeologian ja historiallisen jatkuvuuden lähestymistavan pohjalta. Kontekstuaalinen arkeologia pyrkii tunnistamaan merkityssisältöjä analysoimalla materiaalisessa kulttuurissa havaittavia kuvioita, eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä. Historiallisen jatkuvuuden lähestymistavassa puolestaan ilmiön tarkastelu aloitetaan hyvin dokumentoidusta ajankohdasta, josta lähdetään seuraamaan ilmiön muutoksia ja pysyvyyttä ajassa taaksepäin liikuttaessa. Tutkimuksessa kontekstuaalisuus on ulotettu myös kattamaan ilmiön sijoittumista kansanuskoon ja yhteiskuntaan laajemmin. Tutkimuksessa käy ilmi, että tiiviimmin asutuissa kylissä ja kaupungeissa kätkeminen on erityisesti liittynyt sosiaalisissa suhteissa oleviin jännitteisiin, jotka liittyvät varallisuuseroihin. Tämä näkyy kateellisten naapureiden aiheuttaman noituuden korostumisena erityisenä huolenaiheena. Väljemmin asutuilla alueilla sosiaalinen paine on vähäisempi kätkösyy, sen sijaan rakennuksen pitäminen onnellisena ja puhtaana syöpäläisistä ovat merkittäviä syitä. Alueelliset erot näkyvät eri kätköperinteiden välisen suhteen vaihteluna, eli täysin erilaisista perinteistä ei ole kyse. Ajallisia muutoksia on vaikeampi havaita niukemman aineiston takia. On kuitenkin mahdollista, että keskiaikaiset kätköt ovat laajemmilla alueilla muistuttaneet itäisillä kulttuurialueilla havaittavia muotoja, joissa sosiaalinen paine ei korostu. Tämä paine on silti todennäköinen kätkösyy keskiaikaisissa kaupungeissa ja ryhmäkylissä. Eri aikakausina kätköperinteeseen on omaksuttu uusia kätköobjekteja, esimerkiksi uudella tai uusimmalla ajalla elohopean kätkeminen on todennäköisesti yleistynyt, aineen saannin helpotuttua. Kansanuskon arkeologian tutkimuksen kannalta on huomattavaa kansanuskon piiriin kuuluvien tapojen ja uskomusten jälkien jääminen arkeologiseen aineistoon ja näiden ymmärtämisen vaikutus laajempaan ihmisyhteisöjen ymmärtämiseen.Siirretty Doriast

    131st University of Notre Dame Commencement and Mass Program

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    131st University of Notre Dame Commencement and Mass Progra

    131st University of Notre Dame Commencement and Mass Program

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    131st University of Notre Dame Commencement and Mass Progra

    College of Law Commencement Program, 1989

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    Tolerance and antisemitism: Reflections of post-war America in the films Crossfire (1947), Gentleman\u27s Agreement (1947) and Oliver Twist (1948)

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    This thesis explores conscious liberal tolerance attitudes in America after World War II. Its specific focus is antisemitism, and it utilizes Hollywood films Crossfire (1947), Gentleman\u27s Agreement (1947) and the British Oliver Twist (1948) as the context for analysis. The origins of classical antisemitism are examined, as well as the history of antisemitism in England and America. American societal attitudes towards Jews are discussed and depictions of Jews in American films until 1947 are presented. The story and dialogue of each film is introduced, followed by the filmmakers\u27 rationale for championing their films. Prerelease objections and concerns are addressed, and post-war public opinions about tolerance attitudes and antisemitism, revealed through scientific testing, are presented, juxtaposed to the reality of Americans\u27 social practices. Post-release results reveal that public opinion supported the wartime-into-peacetime message of unity and tolerance for all Americans, including Jews, but social practices did not mirror these opinions. Discrimination against Jews could be found in employment practices, restrictive housing covenants, entrance to colleges and medical schools, and restricted clubs and vacation resorts. Crossfire verified that baseless hatred of Jews still existed. Gentleman\u27s Agreement boldly exposed social bigotry across the societal spectrum, promoting the wartime unity message that prejudice and intolerance are blatantly un-American. Oliver Twist validated the difference between American and British post-war attitudes toward Jews, confirming historical differences about endemic antisemitism. It also revealed the conflict between upholding the First Amendment and fighting bigotry. The year 1947 proved to be a watershed year for American confrontation with enduring antisemitic attitudes, and for expression of conscious liberal attitudes engendered by the war. However, at precisely the same time, the House Un-American Activities Committee was actively engaged in ferreting out the Jewish subversives in Hollywood, convinced of the age-old anti-Jewish stereotype of a secret parliament of Jews, whose express purpose was the domination of the world. Alec Guinness\u27 antisemitic portrayal of Fagin, and director David Lean\u27s failure to understand the historical context in which he was working, verify the existence of unconscious antisemitic attitudes in Britain, despite the historical reality of the Holocaust. The historical conclusion is that malignant, atavistic antisemitism lived on, in spite of post-war American tolerance attitudes and Hollywood\u27s valiant attempts to promote the conscious liberal philosophy

    Portland Daily Press: February 8, 1897

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    The National, 1926

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    Volume 11https://digitalcommons.nl.edu/yearbooks/1010/thumbnail.jp

    1992 Apothecary

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    The Apothecary staff would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the seniors who successfully completed their three years of professional training at Southwestern Oklahoma State University School of Pharmacy. We trust that they will strive for excellence in all of their endeavors and that they will use the knowledge that they have gained at Southwestern to make further advances in the Pharmacy profession.https://dc.swosu.edu/apoth/1028/thumbnail.jp