1 research outputs found

    Revealing Relationships In Search Engine Results

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    The amount of information available in the Internet is so vast that finding the desired information in such an unstructured repository easily becomes a tedious task. Graphical cluster-based representations of results from search engines shift the user's mental load from slower thought-intensive processes of reading information got from linear lists of results to faster perceptual processes such as pattern recognition in a visual display. In this paper we investigate the subject by presenting the design proposal of a new system that uses concepts of Information Visualization to help the user of Internet search engines to identify the group of documents that are related to the needed information by examining or browsing documents in the group. Some results of preliminary usability tests for the system are also provided shedding some light to the subject.124120127Alonso, O., Baeza-Yates, R., A Model and Software Architecture for Search Results Visualization on the Web Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on String Processing Information Retrieval (SPIRE'00). 2000, pp. 8-16Baeza-Yates, R., Ribeiro-Neto, B., (1999) Modern Information Retrieval, , ACM Press / Addison WesleyCard, S.K., Macnay, J.D., Shneidcrman, B., (1999) Readings in Information Visualization - Using Vision to Think, , Morgan Kaufmann Pusers, IncCarey, M., Kriwaczek, F., Rüger, S.M., A Visualization Interface for Document Searching and Browsing Proceedings of the New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation NPVIM(00). 2000Chen, H., Dumais, S., Bringing Order to the Web: Automatically Categorizing Search Results (2000) CHI Letters, 2 (1), pp. 145-150Dantzich, M., Visualization Is a State of Mind Proceedings of the 1997 Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulatiom (NPIVM'97). 1997, pp. 29-31Fruchterman, T.M.J., Reingold, E.M., Graph Drawing by Force-directed Placement (1991) Software - Practice and Experience, 21 (11), pp. 1129-1164Grewal, R.S., Jackson, M., Burden, P., Wallis, J., A Novel Interface for Representing Search-Engine Results IEEE Informatics Colloquium. November, 1999, pp. 7/1-7/10Kirsch, S., Infoseek's Experiences Searching the Internet (1998) ACM SIGIR Forum, 32 (2), pp. 3-7Mukherjea, S., Hirata, K., Hara, Y., Visualizing the Results of Multimedia Web Search Engines Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (INFOVIS '96). 1996, pp. 64-65. , 122Schultz, J.M., Liberman, M., Topic Detection and Tracking using idf-Weighted Cosine Coefficient Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Workshop, pp. 89-192Sebrechts, M.M., Vasilakis, J., Miller, M.S., Cugini, J.V., Lasowski, S.J., Visualization of Search Results: A Comparative Evaluation of Text, 2D and 3D nterfaces Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR '99). 1999, pp. 3-10Silverstein, C., Henzinger, M., Marais, H., Moricz, M., Analysis of a Very Large Web Search Engine Query Log (1999) ACM SIGIR Forum, 33 (1), pp. 6-12Veerasamy, A., Heikes, R., Effectiveness of a Graphical Display of Retrieval Results Proceedings of the 20th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '97). 1997, pp. 236-24