3 research outputs found


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    Tahapan pembangunan perangkat lunak atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) memiliki beberapa tahapan termasuk tahapan analisis. Dalam tahap analisis pemodelan ke dalam bentuk diagram biasanya dilakukan secara mendalam untuk memodelkan masalah yang dihadapi. UML merupakan bahasa de facto dalam pemodelan kebutuhan perangkat lunak berorientasi objek. Aplikasi pemodelan yang berkembang mayoritas lebih ditujukan untuk dunia industri serta memerlukan instalasi dan lisensi yang terbatas. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi pemodelan kebutuhan perangkat lunak khususnya pemodelan class diagram. Aplikasi dikembangkan berbasis web, sehingga tidak perlu ada instalasi dan tidak perlu membayar lisensi. Fitur yang dikembangkan yakni pengenalan notasi-notasi class diagram beserta  penjelasannya. Aplikasi juga menyediakan area kerja untuk menggambarkan diagram beserta fitur cetak hasil diagram yang telah dibuat. Aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan metode pengembangan prototyping, sehingga didapatkan prototipe aplikasi. Prototipe aplikasi dapat terus dikembangkan sehingga mendapat hasil yang maksimal. Hasil pengujian fungsionalitas menggunakan metode pengujian black box didapatkan bahwa 100% fungsi berjalan dengan baik. Sedangkan pengujian user acceptance dengan tiga parameter didapatkan bahwa 92% responden setuju bahwa aplikasi memiliki kinerja yang baik, 90% responden setuju aplikasi mudah digunakan dan 89% responden puas terhadap aplikasi yang dibangun

    Interactive User-Oriented Views for Better Understanding Software Systems

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    Abstract Understanding software artefacts is a crucial task for people who want to participate in any software development process. However, because of the large amount of detailed and scattered information in software artefacts, understanding them is usually time-consuming and vulnerable to human errors and subjectivities. A system that aids practitioners to investigate understanding about software artefacts could reduce the vulnerabilities and speed up software development/maintenance process. Our research focuses on building a comprehensive view of software system in order for developers to achieve the two goals: (i) to save the time spending on searching and navigating on source code; and (ii) to gain better understanding about software artefacts regarding to domain-specific tasks. To achieve these goals, we propose an emprical approach in which the visualisation and the generation of high-level design and architectural views from source code and design documentations have been played central roles. The research is on-going and could potentially be extended to di↵erent software artefacts (such as requirements, use-cases, test-cases, revision logs)

    Revealing Students\u27 UML Class Diagram Modelling Strategies with WebUML and LogViz

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    \ua9 2015 IEEE. This paper aims to reveal the most common strategies students use to create class designs. We show our approach of logging students\u27 modelling activities while doing a software design task. We developed our own online modelling editor \u27Web UML\u27 and visualisation tool \u27Log Viz\u27 for the logging and interpretation of the log files. As follow-up students filled-in a brief questionnaire targeting their time spent and difficulties in performing the task. The results show that the students use different strategies for solving the tasks. We categorised these strategies into four main strategies: Depthless, Depth First, Breadth First and Ad Hoc. From our results Depth First indicates to support better layout and richness (detail). From the questionnaire students mention choosing the appropriate UML elements is a difficult and time consuming task. We want to use our insights to improve our educational programs and tools. In the future we want to test Web UML and Log Viz in larger educational contexts