51 research outputs found

    Electrical and Electro-Optical Biosensors

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    Electrical and electro-optical biosensing technologies are critical to the development of innovative POCT devices, which can be used by both professional and untrained personnel for the provision of necessary health information within a short time for medical decisions to be determined, being especially important in an era of global pandemics. This Special Issue includes a few pioneering works concerning biosensors utilizing electrochemical impedance, localized surface plasmon resonance, and the bioelectricity of sensing materials in which the amount of analyte is pertinent to the signal response. The presented results demonstrate the potential of these label-free biosensing approaches in the detection of disease-related small-molecule metabolites, proteins, and whole-cell entities

    Disposable Lab-on-Chip Systems for Biotechnological Screening

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    The main goal of this work was to develop different disposable Lab-on-Chip (LoC) systems for the application of biotechnological screening e.g. for bioprocess development through microorganisms or drug testing with human cell lines. Nowadays, microfluidics represents a highly promising field for the fabrication of microtools, as the increasing demand for screening data are difficult to meet with current platforms. This is mainly due to time and cost aspects as well as a limited amount of newly developed drugs. The ideal microfluidic platform for biotechnological screening should include three different groups of elements: (i) microbioreactors (MBR) in which cultivation takes place; (ii) auxiliary microfluidic systems (for transportation, filtration or mixing), and (iii) enzymatic biosensors for onchip analysis of substrate concentrations which are difficult to measure offline due to small available sample volumes. Within the scope of this work, various horizontally and vertically positioned MBR designs (resembling plug flow reactors, micro stir tanks or bubble columns) were developed, fabricated and successfully applied to the screening of different biological expression systems, such as yeast cells (S. cerevisiae), fungal spores (A. ochraceus) and primary human endothelial cells. Different integrated functional structures based on geometrical, optical or electrical elements allowed for online monitoring of various physical, chemical and biological process parameters during cultivation. In terms of the second group, passive and active microvalves, PZTand pneumatically actuated micropumps, passive filtration and mixing elements were produced. The third group comprised different types of enzymatic biosensors based on a hybrid detection principle (electrochemical-optical) and on different types of enzymatic responses. In general, the unique LoC setup (patterned element made of poly(dimethylsiloxane) and bonded to a glass substrate) allows an easy integration of systems into one monolithic LoC platform which are usually better suited for technically mature systems. Modular systems are advantageous for prototyping of new microfluidic applications. Therfore, an LoC construction kit was developed that offers a user friendly, standardized modular platform.Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurden verschiedene Einweg-Lab-on-Chip Systeme entwickelt, die beispielsweise bei biotechnologischen Parameterstudien von Mikroorganismen zur Bioprozesssteigerung oder von humanen Zelllinien zum Wirkstoffscreening Anwendung finden. Die Mikrofluidik ist ein vielversprechendes Forschungsgebiet für die Herstellung von kostengünstigen Mikrochips, womit der steigende Bedarf für Screening-Daten aufgrund von Vorteilen wie Zeit- und Kostenreduzierung erfüllt werden kann. Eine ideale mikrofluidische Plattform zum biotechnologischen Screenen sollte aus folgenden Gruppen bestehen: (i) dem Mikrobioreaktor zur Kultivierung, (ii) mikrofluidische Komponenten zum Transportieren, Filtrieren und Mischen von Suspensionen, und (iii) einem enzymatischen Biosensor für die on-Chip Analyse von Substratkonzentrationen. Innerhalb der Arbeit wurden diverse horizontal und vertikal positionierte Mikrobioreaktoren entwickelt, hergestellt und erfolgreich zum Screenen von unterschiedlichen biologischen Expressionssystemen (wie S. cerevisiae, A. ochraceus und humane Endothelzellen) angewendet. Die Integration von geometrischen, optischen und elektrischen Funktionselementen erlaubte eine online Überwachung von verschiedenen physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Prozessparametern während der Kultivierung. Im Bereich der Gruppe (ii) wurden passive und aktive Mikoventile, PZT- und pneumatisch aktuierte Mikropumpen, Filtrations- und Mischkomponenten hergestellt und charakterisiert. Gruppe (iii) umfasste die Entwicklung eines enzymatischen Biosensors mit hybridem (elektrochemisch-optisch) Messumformer. Der einheitliche Chipaufbau aller Lab-on-Chip Systeme – bestehend aus einer Kombination von strukturiertem Polydimethylsiloxan und Glas – erlaubt das monolithische und modulare Zusammenschalten der Einzelsysteme zu der gewünschten Plattform. Da für erste Prototypen eine modulare Verschaltung zu bevorzugen ist, wurde ein Baukastensystem entwickelt, welches eine standardisierte und benutzerfreundliche Plattform für flexible Versuchsaufbauten bietet

    Biosensors for Diagnosis and Monitoring

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    Biosensor technologies have received a great amount of interest in recent decades, and this has especially been the case in recent years due to the health alert caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The sensor platform market has grown in recent decades, and the COVID-19 outbreak has led to an increase in the demand for home diagnostics and point-of-care systems. With the evolution of biosensor technology towards portable platforms with a lower cost on-site analysis and a rapid selective and sensitive response, a larger market has opened up for this technology. The evolution of biosensor systems has the opportunity to change classic analysis towards real-time and in situ detection systems, with platforms such as point-of-care and wearables as well as implantable sensors to decentralize chemical and biological analysis, thus reducing industrial and medical costs. This book is dedicated to all the research related to biosensor technologies. Reviews, perspective articles, and research articles in different biosensing areas such as wearable sensors, point-of-care platforms, and pathogen detection for biomedical applications as well as environmental monitoring will introduce the reader to these relevant topics. This book is aimed at scientists and professionals working in the field of biosensors and also provides essential knowledge for students who want to enter the field

    Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Using Electromagnetic Sensors

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    Monitoring glycemia levels in people with diabetes has developed rapidly over the last decade. A broad range of easy-to-use systems of reliable accuracies are now deployed in the market following the introduction of the invasive self-monitoring blood glucose meters (i.e., Glucometers) that utilize the capillary blood samples from the fingertips of diabetic patients. Besides, semi-invasive continuous monitors (CGM) are currently being used to quantify the glucose analyte in interstitial fluids (ISF) using an implantable needle-like electrochemical sensors. However, the limitations and discomforts associated with these finger-pricking and implantable point-of-care devices have established a new demand for complete non-invasive pain-free and low-cost blood glucose monitors to allow for more frequent and convenient glucose checks and thereby contribute more generously to diabetes care and prevention. Towards that goal, researchers have been developing alternative techniques that are more convenient, affordable, pain-free, and can be used for continuous non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. In this research, a variety of electromagnetic sensing techniques were developed for reliably monitoring the blood glucose levels of clinical relevance to diabetes using the non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations of no hazards when penetrating the body. The sensing structures and devices introduced in this study were designed to operate in specific frequency spectrums that promise a reliable and sensitive glucose detection from centimeter- to millimeter-wave bands. Particularly, three different technologies were proposed and investigated at the Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio Systems (CIARS): Complementary Split-Ring Resonators (CSRRs), Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) sensors, and Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) millimeter-Wave Radars. Multiple sensing devices were developed using those proposed technologies in the micro/millimeter-wave spectrums of interest. A comprehensive study was conducted for the functionality, sensitivity, and repeatability analysis of each sensing device. Particularly, the sensors were thoroughly designed, optimized, fabricated, and practically tested in the laboratory with the desired glucose sensitivity performance. Different topologies and configurations of the proposed sensors were studied and compared in sensitivity using experimental and numerical analysis tools. Besides, machine learning and signal processing tools were intelligently applied to analyze the frequency responses of the sensors and reliably identify different glucose levels. The developed glucose sensors were coupled with frequency-compatible radar boards to realize small mobile glucose sensing systems of reduced cost. The proposed sensors, beside their impressive detection capability of the diabetes-spectrum glucose concentrations, are endowed with favourable advantages of simple fabrication, low-power consumption, miniaturized compact sizing, non-ionizing radiation, and minimum health risk or impact for human beings. Such attractive features promote the proposed sensors as possible candidates for development as mobile, portable/wearable gadgets for affordable non-invasive blood glucose monitoring for diabetes. The introduced sensing structures could also be employed for other vital sensing applications such as liquid type/quantity identification, oil adulteration detection, milk quality control, and virus/bacteria detection. Another focus of this thesis is to investigate the electromagnetic behavior of the glucose in blood mimicking tissues across the microwave spectrum from 200 MHz to 67 GHz using a commercial characterization system (DAK-TL) developed by SPEAG. This is beneficial to locate the promising frequency spectrums that are most responsive to slight variations in glucose concentrations, and to identify the amount of change in the dielectric properties due to different concentrations of interest. Besides, the effect of the blood typing and medication was also investigated by measuring the dielectric properties of synthetic “artificial” as well as authentic “human” blood samples of different ABO-Rh types and with different medications. Measured results have posed for other factors that may impact the developed microwave sensors accuracy and sensitivity including the patient’s blood type, pre-existing medical conditions, or other illnesses

    Microfluidics for Biosensing

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    There are 12 papers published with 8 research articles, 3 review articles and 1 perspective. The topics cover: Biomedical microfluidics Lab-on-a-chip Miniaturized systems for chemistry and life science (MicroTAS) Biosensor development and characteristics Imaging and other detection technologies Imaging and signal processing Point-of-care testing microdevices Food and water quality testing and control We hope this collection could promote the development of microfluidics and point-of-care testing (POCT) devices for biosensing

    Advance Nanomaterials for Biosensors

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    The book provides a comprehensive overview of nanostructures and methods used to design biosensors, as well as applications for these biosensor nanotechnologies in the biological, chemical, and environmental monitoring fields. Biological sensing has proven to be an essential tool for understanding living systems, but it also has practical applications in medicine, drug discovery, food safety, environmental monitoring, defense, personal security, etc. In healthcare, advancements in telecommunications, expert systems, and distributed diagnostics are challenging current delivery models, while robust industrial sensors enable new approaches to research and development. Experts from around the world have written five articles on topics including:Diagnosing and treating intraocular cancers such as retinoblastoma; Nanomedicine in cancer management; Engineered nanomaterials in osteosarcoma diagnosis and treatment; Practical design of nanoscale devices; Detect alkaline phosphatase quantitatively in clinical diagnosis; Progress in the area of non-enzymatic sensing of dual/multi biomolecules; Developments in non-enzymatic glucose and H2O2 (NEGH) sensing; Multi-functionalized nanocarrier therapies for targeting retinoblastoma; Galactose functionalized nanocarriers; Sensing performance, electro-catalytic mechanism, and morphology and design of electrode materials; Biosensors along with their applications and the benefits of machine learning; Innovative approaches to improve the NEGH sensitivity, selectivity, and stability in real-time applications; Challenges and solutions in the field of biosensors

    Novel Electrochemical Biosensors for Clinical Assays

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    Biosensors, i.e., devices where biological molecules or bio(mimetic)structures are intimately coupled to a chemo/physical transducer for converting a biorecognition event into a measurable signal, have recently gained a wide (if not huge) academic and practical interest for the multitude of their applications in analysis, especially in the field of bioanalysis, medical diagnostics, and clinical assays. Indeed, thanks to their very simple use (permitting sometimes their application at home), the minimal sample pretreatment requirement, the higher selectivity, and sensitivity, biosensors are an essential tool in the detection and monitoring of a wide range of medical conditions from glycemia to Alzheimer’s disease as well as in the monitoring of drug responses. Soon, we expect that their importance and use in clinical diagnostics will expand rapidly so as to be of critical importance to public health in the coming years. This Special Issue would like to focus on recent research and development in the field of biosensors as analytical tools for clinical assays and medical diagnostics

    Fundamentals of SARS-CoV-2 Biosensors

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    COVID-19 diagnostic strategies based on advanced techniques are currently essential topics of interest, with crucial roles in scientific research. This book integrates fundamental concepts and critical analyses that explore the progress of modern methods for the detection of SARS-CoV-2

    Cellulose-Based Biosensing Platforms

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    Cellulose empowers measurement science and technology with a simple, low-cost, and highly transformative analytical platform. This book helps the reader to understand and build an overview of the state of the art in cellulose-based (bio)sensing, particularly in terms of the design, fabrication, and advantageous analytical performance. In addition, wearable, clinical, and environmental applications of cellulose-based (bio)sensors are reported, where novel (nano)materials, architectures, signal enhancement strategies, as well as real-time connectivity and portability play a critical role
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