9,122 research outputs found

    The accessibility dimension for structured document retrieval

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    Structured document retrieval aims at retrieving the document components that best satisfy a query, instead of merely retrieving pre-defined document units. This paper reports on an investigation of a tf-idf-acc approach, where tf and idf are the classical term frequency and inverse document frequency, and acc, a new parameter called accessibility, that captures the structure of documents. The tf-idf-acc approach is defined using a probabilistic relational algebra. To investigate the retrieval quality and estimate the acc values, we developed a method that automatically constructs diverse test collections of structured documents from a standard test collection, with which experiments were carried out. The analysis of the experiments provides estimates of the acc values

    PFTijah: text search in an XML database system

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    This paper introduces the PFTijah system, a text search system that is integrated with an XML/XQuery database management system. We present examples of its use, we explain some of the system internals, and discuss plans for future work. PFTijah is part of the open source release of MonetDB/XQuery

    Exploiting Query Structure and Document Structure to Improve Document Retrieval Effectiveness

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    In this paper we present a systematic analysis of document retrieval using unstructured and structured queries within the score region algebra (SRA) structured retrieval framework. The behavior of di®erent retrieval models, namely Boolean, tf.idf, GPX, language models, and Okapi, is tested using the transparent SRA framework in our three-level structured retrieval system called TIJAH. The retrieval models are implemented along four elementary retrieval aspects: element and term selection, element score computation, score combination, and score propagation. The analysis is performed on a numerous experiments evaluated on TREC and CLEF collections, using manually generated unstructured and structured queries. Unstructured queries range from the short title queries to long title + description + narrative queries. For generating structured queries we exploit the knowledge of the document structure and the content used to semantically describe or classify documents. We show that such structured information can be utilized in retrieval engines to give more precise answers to user queries then when using unstructured queries

    Evaluation of a prototype interface for structured document retrieval

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    Document collections often display either internal structure, in the form of the logical arrangement of document components, or external structure, in the form of links between documents. Structured document retrieval systems aim to exploit this structural information to provide users with more effective access to structured documents. To do this, the associated interface must both represent this information explicitly and support users in their browsing behaviour. This paper describes the implementation and user-centred evaluation of a prototype interface, the RelevanceLinkBar interface. The results of the evaluation show that the RelevanceLinkBar interface supported users in their browsing behaviour, allowing them to find more relevant documents, and was strongly preferred over a standard results interface

    Information access tasks and evaluation for personal lifelogs

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    Emerging personal lifelog (PL) collections contain permanent digital records of information associated with individuals’ daily lives. This can include materials such as emails received and sent, web content and other documents with which they have interacted, photographs, videos and music experienced passively or created, logs of phone calls and text messages, and also personal and contextual data such as location (e.g. via GPS sensors), persons and objects present (e.g. via Bluetooth) and physiological state (e.g. via biometric sensors). PLs can be collected by individuals over very extended periods, potentially running to many years. Such archives have many potential applications including helping individuals recover partial forgotten information, sharing experiences with friends or family, telling the story of one’s life, clinical applications for the memory impaired, and fundamental psychological investigations of memory. The Centre for Digital Video Processing (CDVP) at Dublin City University is currently engaged in the collection and exploration of applications of large PLs. We are collecting rich archives of daily life including textual and visual materials, and contextual context data. An important part of this work is to consider how the effectiveness of our ideas can be measured in terms of metrics and experimental design. While these studies have considerable similarity with traditional evaluation activities in areas such as information retrieval and summarization, the characteristics of PLs mean that new challenges and questions emerge. We are currently exploring the issues through a series of pilot studies and questionnaires. Our initial results indicate that there are many research questions to be explored and that the relationships between personal memory, context and content for these tasks is complex and fascinating

    On Region Algebras, XML Databases, and Information Retrieval

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    This paper describes some new ideas on developing a logical algebra for databases that manage textual data and support information retrieval functionality. We describe a first prototype of such a system

    Web Mining Functions in an Academic Search Application

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    This paper deals with Web mining and the different categories of Web mining like content, structure and usage mining. The application of Web mining in an academic search application has been discussed. The paper concludes with open problems related to Web mining. The present work can be a useful input to Web users, Web Administrators in a university environment.Database, HITS, IR, NLP, Web mining

    Drag it together with Groupie: making RDF data authoring easy and fun for anyone

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    One of the foremost challenges towards realizing a “Read-write Web of Data” [3] is making it possible for everyday computer users to easily find, manipulate, create, and publish data back to the Web so that it can be made available for others to use. However, many aspects of Linked Data make authoring and manipulation difficult for “normal” (ie non-coder) end-users. First, data can be high-dimensional, having arbitrary many properties per “instance”, and interlinked to arbitrary many other instances in a many different ways. Second, collections of Linked Data tend to be vastly more heterogeneous than in typical structured databases, where instances are kept in uniform collections (e.g., database tables). Third, while highly flexible, the problem of having all structures reduced as a graph is verbosity: even simple structures can appear complex. Finally, many of the concepts involved in linked data authoring - for example, terms used to define ontologies are highly abstract and foreign to regular citizen-users.To counter this complexity we have devised a drag-and-drop direct manipulation interface that makes authoring Linked Data easy, fun, and accessible to a wide audience. Groupie allows users to author data simply by dragging blobs representing entities into other entities to compose relationships, establishing one relational link at a time. Since the underlying representation is RDF, Groupie facilitates the inclusion of references to entities and properties defined elsewhere on the Web through integration with popular Linked Data indexing services. Finally, to make it easy for new users to build upon others’ work, Groupie provides a communal space where all data sets created by users can be shared, cloned and modified, allowing individual users to help each other model complex domains thereby leveraging collective intelligence