161 research outputs found

    Live User-guided Intrinsic Video For Static Scenes

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    We present a novel real-time approach for user-guided intrinsic decomposition of static scenes captured by an RGB-D sensor. In the first step, we acquire a three-dimensional representation of the scene using a dense volumetric reconstruction framework. The obtained reconstruction serves as a proxy to densely fuse reflectance estimates and to store user-provided constraints in three-dimensional space. User constraints, in the form of constant shading and reflectance strokes, can be placed directly on the real-world geometry using an intuitive touch-based interaction metaphor, or using interactive mouse strokes. Fusing the decomposition results and constraints in three-dimensional space allows for robust propagation of this information to novel views by re-projection.We leverage this information to improve on the decomposition quality of existing intrinsic video decomposition techniques by further constraining the ill-posed decomposition problem. In addition to improved decomposition quality, we show a variety of live augmented reality applications such as recoloring of objects, relighting of scenes and editing of material appearance

    KinD-LCE Curve Estimation And Retinex Fusion On Low-Light Image

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    Low-light images often suffer from noise and color distortion. Object detection, semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and other tasks are challenging when working with low-light images because of image noise and chromatic aberration. We also found that the conventional Retinex theory loses information in adjusting the image for low-light tasks. In response to the aforementioned problem, this paper proposes an algorithm for low illumination enhancement. The proposed method, KinD-LCE, uses a light curve estimation module to enhance the illumination map in the Retinex decomposed image, improving the overall image brightness. An illumination map and reflection map fusion module were also proposed to restore the image details and reduce detail loss. Additionally, a TV(total variation) loss function was applied to eliminate noise. Our method was trained on the GladNet dataset, known for its diverse collection of low-light images, tested against the Low-Light dataset, and evaluated using the ExDark dataset for downstream tasks, demonstrating competitive performance with a PSNR of 19.7216 and SSIM of 0.8213.Comment: Accepted by Signal, Image and Video Processin

    Retinex-based Image Denoising / Contrast Enhancement using Gradient Graph Laplacian Regularizer

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    Images captured in poorly lit conditions are often corrupted by acquisition noise. Leveraging recent advances in graph-based regularization, we propose a fast Retinex-based restoration scheme that denoises and contrast-enhances an image. Specifically, by Retinex theory we first assume that each image pixel is a multiplication of its reflectance and illumination components. We next assume that the reflectance and illumination components are piecewise constant (PWC) and continuous piecewise planar (PWP) signals, which can be recovered via graph Laplacian regularizer (GLR) and gradient graph Laplacian regularizer (GGLR) respectively. We formulate quadratic objectives regularized by GLR and GGLR, which are minimized alternately until convergence by solving linear systems -- with improved condition numbers via proposed preconditioners -- via conjugate gradient (CG) efficiently. Experimental results show that our algorithm achieves competitive visual image quality while reducing computation complexity noticeably

    Pupil-driven quantitative differential phase contrast imaging

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    In this research, we reveal the inborn but hitherto ignored properties of quantitative differential phase contrast (qDPC) imaging: the phase transfer function being an edge detection filter. Inspired by this, we highlighted the duality of qDPC between optics and pattern recognition, and propose a simple and effective qDPC reconstruction algorithm, termed Pupil-Driven qDPC (pd-qDPC), to facilitate the phase reconstruction quality for the family of qDPC-based phase reconstruction algorithms. We formed a new cost function in which modified L0-norm was used to represent the pupil-driven edge sparsity, and the qDPC convolution operator is duplicated in the data fidelity term to achieve automatic background removal. Further, we developed the iterative reweighted soft-threshold algorithms based on split Bregman method to solve this modified L0-norm problem. We tested pd-qDPC on both simulated and experimental data and compare against state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods including L2-norm, total variation regularization (TV-qDPC), isotropic-qDPC, and Retinex qDPC algorithms. Results show that our proposed model is superior in terms of phase reconstruction quality and implementation efficiency, in which it significantly increases the experimental robustness while maintaining the data fidelity. In general, the pd-qDPC enables the high-quality qDPC reconstruction without any modification of the optical system. It simplifies the system complexity and benefits the qDPC community and beyond including but not limited to cell segmentation and PTF learning based on the edge filtering property
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