9 research outputs found

    A Survey on Text Classification Algorithms: From Text to Predictions

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    In recent years, the exponential growth of digital documents has been met by rapid progress in text classification techniques. Newly proposed machine learning algorithms leverage the latest advancements in deep learning methods, allowing for the automatic extraction of expressive features. The swift development of these methods has led to a plethora of strategies to encode natural language into machine-interpretable data. The latest language modelling algorithms are used in conjunction with ad hoc preprocessing procedures, of which the description is often omitted in favour of a more detailed explanation of the classification step. This paper offers a concise review of recent text classification models, with emphasis on the flow of data, from raw text to output labels. We highlight the differences between earlier methods and more recent, deep learning-based methods in both their functioning and in how they transform input data. To give a better perspective on the text classification landscape, we provide an overview of datasets for the English language, as well as supplying instructions for the synthesis of two new multilabel datasets, which we found to be particularly scarce in this setting. Finally, we provide an outline of new experimental results and discuss the open research challenges posed by deep learning-based language models

    Neural Text Generation from Structured and Unstructured Data

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    A number of researchers have recently questioned the necessity of increasingly complex neural network (NN) architectures. In particular, several recent papers have shown that simpler, properly tuned models are at least competitive across several natural language processing tasks. In this thesis, we show that this is also the case for text generation from structured and unstructured data. Specifically, we consider neural table-to-text generation and neural question generation (NQG) tasks for text generation from structured and unstructured data respectively. Table-to-text generation aims to generate a description based on a given table, and NQG is the task of generating a question from a given passage where the generated question can be answered by a certain sub-span of the passage using NN models. Experiments demonstrate that a basic attention-based sequence-to-sequence model trained with exponential moving average technique achieves state of the art in both tasks. We further investigate using reinforcement learning with different reward functions to refine our pre-trained model for both tasks

    Exploiting Token and Path-based Representations of Code for Identifying Security-Relevant Commits

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    Public vulnerability databases such as CVE and NVD account for only 60% of security vulnerabilities present in open-source projects and are known to suffer from inconsistent quality. Over the last two years, there has been considerable growth in the number of known vulnerabilities across projects available in various repositories such as NPM and Maven Central. However, public vulnerability management databases such as NVD suffer from poor coverage and are too slow to add new vulnerabilities. Such an increasing risk calls for a mechanism to promptly infer the presence of security threats in open-source projects. In this thesis, we seek to address this problem by treating the identification of security-relevant commits as a classification task. Since existing literature on neural networks for commit classification is sparse, we first turn to document classification for inspiration. Extensive research in this domain, on the other hand, has resulted in increasingly complex neural models, with a number of researchers questioning the necessity of such architectures. We conduct a large-scale reproducibility study of several recent neural network models, and show that well-executed, simpler models are quite effective for document classification. We find that a simple bi-directional LSTM with regularization yields competitive accuracy and F1 on four benchmark document classification datasets. Based on trends in document classification and the domain-specific peculiarities of commit classification, we build a family of hierarchical neural network models for the identification of security-relevant commits. We evaluate five different input representations and show that models that learn on tokens extracted from the commit diff are simpler and more effective than models that learn from path-contexts extracted from the AST. We also show that providing the models with contextual information through features extracted from the source code improves accuracy and F1 further, and discuss why path-based models might not capture any additional information compared to token-based models for this task. Finally, we make a case for reporting standard deviation of test scores across multiple runs in order to avoid erroneous conclusions and establish robust baselines