142 research outputs found

    A Book Reader Design for Persons with Visual Impairment and Blindness

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    The objective of this dissertation is to provide a new design approach to a fully automated book reader for individuals with visual impairment and blindness that is portable and cost effective. This approach relies on the geometry of the design setup and provides the mathematical foundation for integrating, in a unique way, a 3-D space surface map from a low-resolution time of flight (ToF) device with a high-resolution image as means to enhance the reading accuracy of warped images due to the page curvature of bound books and other magazines. The merits of this low cost, but effective automated book reader design include: (1) a seamless registration process of the two imaging modalities so that the low resolution (160 x 120 pixels) height map, acquired by an Argos3D-P100 camera, accurately covers the entire book spread as captured by the high resolution image (3072 x 2304 pixels) of a Canon G6 Camera; (2) a mathematical framework for overcoming the difficulties associated with the curvature of open bound books, a process referred to as the dewarping of the book spread images, and (3) image correction performance comparison between uniform and full height map to determine which map provides the highest Optical Character Recognition (OCR) reading accuracy possible. The design concept could also be applied to address the challenging process of book digitization. This method is dependent on the geometry of the book reader setup for acquiring a 3-D map that yields high reading accuracy once appropriately fused with the high-resolution image. The experiments were performed on a dataset consisting of 200 pages with their corresponding computed and co-registered height maps, which are made available to the research community (cate-book3dmaps.fiu.edu). Improvements to the characters reading accuracy, due to the correction steps, were quantified and measured by introducing the corrected images to an OCR engine and tabulating the number of miss-recognized characters. Furthermore, the resilience of the book reader was tested by introducing a rotational misalignment to the book spreads and comparing the OCR accuracy to those obtained with the standard alignment. The standard alignment yielded an average reading accuracy of 95.55% with the uniform height map (i.e., the height values of the central row of the 3-D map are replicated to approximate all other rows), and 96.11% with the full height maps (i.e., each row has its own height values as obtained from the 3D camera). When the rotational misalignments were taken into account, the results obtained produced average accuracies of 90.63% and 94.75% for the same respective height maps, proving added resilience of the full height map method to potential misalignments

    Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification

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    In recent years, tremendous efforts have been made on document image rectification, but existing advanced algorithms are limited to processing restricted document images, i.e., the input images must incorporate a complete document. Once the captured image merely involves a local text region, its rectification quality is degraded and unsatisfactory. Our previously proposed DocTr, a transformer-assisted network for document image rectification, also suffers from this limitation. In this work, we present DocTr++, a novel unified framework for document image rectification, without any restrictions on the input distorted images. Our major technical improvements can be concluded in three aspects. Firstly, we upgrade the original architecture by adopting a hierarchical encoder-decoder structure for multi-scale representation extraction and parsing. Secondly, we reformulate the pixel-wise mapping relationship between the unrestricted distorted document images and the distortion-free counterparts. The obtained data is used to train our DocTr++ for unrestricted document image rectification. Thirdly, we contribute a real-world test set and metrics applicable for evaluating the rectification quality. To our best knowledge, this is the first learning-based method for the rectification of unrestricted document images. Extensive experiments are conducted, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our method. We hope our DocTr++ will serve as a strong baseline for generic document image rectification, prompting the further advancement and application of learning-based algorithms. The source code and the proposed dataset are publicly available at https://github.com/fh2019ustc/DocTr-Plus

    DocTr: Document Image Transformer for Geometric Unwarping and Illumination Correction

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    In this work, we propose a new framework, called Document Image Transformer (DocTr), to address the issue of geometry and illumination distortion of the document images. Specifically, DocTr consists of a geometric unwarping transformer and an illumination correction transformer. By setting a set of learned query embedding, the geometric unwarping transformer captures the global context of the document image by self-attention mechanism and decodes the pixel-wise displacement solution to correct the geometric distortion. After geometric unwarping, our illumination correction transformer further removes the shading artifacts to improve the visual quality and OCR accuracy. Extensive evaluations are conducted on several datasets, and superior results are reported against the state-of-the-art methods. Remarkably, our DocTr achieves 20.02% Character Error Rate (CER), a 15% absolute improvement over the state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, it also shows high efficiency on running time and parameter count. The results will be available at https://github.com/fh2019ustc/DocTr for further comparison.Comment: This paper has been accepted by ACM Multimedia 202

    A unified framework for document image restoration

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    Geometric correction of historical Arabic documents

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    Geometric deformations in historical documents significantly influence the success of both Optical Character Recognition (OCR) techniques and human readability. They may have been introduced at any time during the life cycle of a document, from when it was first printed to the time it was digitised by an imaging device. This Thesis focuses on the challenging domain of geometric correction of Arabic historical documents, where background research has highlighted that existing approaches for geometric correction of Latin-script historical documents are not sensitive to the characteristics of text in Arabic documents and therefore cannot be applied successfully. Text line segmentation and baseline detection algorithms have been investigated to propose a new more suitable one for warped Arabic historical document images. Advanced ideas for performing dewarping and geometric restoration on historical Arabic documents, as dictated by the specific characteristics of the problem have been implemented.In addition to developing an algorithm to detect accurate baselines of historical printed Arabic documents the research also contributes a new dataset consisting of historical Arabic documents with different degrees of warping severity.Overall, a new dewarping system, the first for Historical Arabic documents, has been developed taking into account both global and local features of the text image and the patterns of the smooth distortion between text lines. By using the results of the proposed line segmentation and baseline detection methods, it can cope with a variety of distortions, such as page curl, arbitrary warping and fold

    Unwind: Interactive Fish Straightening

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    The ScanAllFish project is a large-scale effort to scan all the world's 33,100 known species of fishes. It has already generated thousands of volumetric CT scans of fish species which are available on open access platforms such as the Open Science Framework. To achieve a scanning rate required for a project of this magnitude, many specimens are grouped together into a single tube and scanned all at once. The resulting data contain many fish which are often bent and twisted to fit into the scanner. Our system, Unwind, is a novel interactive visualization and processing tool which extracts, unbends, and untwists volumetric images of fish with minimal user interaction. Our approach enables scientists to interactively unwarp these volumes to remove the undesired torque and bending using a piecewise-linear skeleton extracted by averaging isosurfaces of a harmonic function connecting the head and tail of each fish. The result is a volumetric dataset of a individual, straight fish in a canonical pose defined by the marine biologist expert user. We have developed Unwind in collaboration with a team of marine biologists: Our system has been deployed in their labs, and is presently being used for dataset construction, biomechanical analysis, and the generation of figures for scientific publication

    Innovative Techniques for Digitizing and Restoring Deteriorated Historical Documents

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    Recent large-scale document digitization initiatives have created new modes of access to modern library collections with the development of new hardware and software technologies. Most commonly, these digitization projects focus on accurately scanning bound texts, some reaching an efficiency of more than one million volumes per year. While vast digital collections are changing the way users access texts, current scanning paradigms can not handle many non-standard materials. Documentation forms such as manuscripts, scrolls, codices, deteriorated film, epigraphy, and rock art all hold a wealth of human knowledge in physical forms not accessible by standard book scanning technologies. This great omission motivates the development of new technology, presented by this thesis, that is not-only effective with deteriorated bound works, damaged manuscripts, and disintegrating photonegatives but also easily utilized by non-technical staff. First, a novel point light source calibration technique is presented that can be performed by library staff. Then, a photometric correction technique which uses known illumination and surface properties to remove shading distortions in deteriorated document images can be automatically applied. To complete the restoration process, a geometric correction is applied. Also unique to this work is the development of an image-based uncalibrated document scanner that utilizes the transmissivity of document substrates. This scanner extracts intrinsic document color information from one or both sides of a document. Simultaneously, the document shape is estimated to obtain distortion information. Lastly, this thesis provides a restoration framework for damaged photographic negatives that corrects photometric and geometric distortions. Current restoration techniques for the discussed form of negatives require physical manipulation to the photograph. The novel acquisition and restoration system presented here provides the first known solution to digitize and restore deteriorated photographic negatives without damaging the original negative in any way. This thesis work develops new methods of document scanning and restoration suitable for wide-scale deployment. By creating easy to access technologies, library staff can implement their own scanning initiatives and large-scale scanning projects can expand their current document-sets

    Digital Restoration of Damaged Historical Parchment

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    In this thesis we describe the development of a pipeline for digitally restoring damaged historical parchment. The work was carried out in collaboration with London Metropolitan Archives (LMA), who are in possession of an extremely valuable 17th century document called The Great Parchment Book. This book served as the focus of our project and throughout this thesis we demonstrate our methods on its folios. Our aim was to expose the content of the book in a legible form so that it can be properly catalogued and studied. Our approach begins by acquiring an accurate digitisation of the pages. We have developed our own 3D reconstruction pipeline detailed in Chapter 5 in which each parchment is imaged using a hand-held digital-SLR camera, and the resulting image set is used to generate a high-resolution textured 3D reconstruction of each parchment. Investigation into methods for flatting the parchments demonstrated an analogy with surface parametrization. Flattening the entire parchment globally with various existing parametrization algorithms is problematic, as discussed in Chapters 4, 6, and 7, since this approach is blind to the distortion undergone by the parchment. We propose two complementary approaches to deal with this issue. Firstly, exploiting the fact that a reader will only ever inspect a small area of the folio at a given time, we proposed a method for performing local undistortion of the parchments inside an interactive viewer application. The application, described in Chapter 6, allows a user to browse a parchment folio as the application un-distorts in real-time the area of the parchment currently under inspection. It also allows the user to refer back to the original image set of the parchment to help with resolving ambiguities in the reconstruction and to deal with issues of provenance. Secondly, we proposed a method for estimating the actual deformation undergone by each parchment when it was damaged by using cues in the text. Since the text was originally written in straight lines and in a roughly uniform script size, we can detect the the variation in text orientation and size and use this information to estimate the deformation. in Chapter 7 we then show how this deformation can be inverted by posing the problem as a Poisson mesh deformation, and solving it in a way that guarantees local injectivity, to generate a globally flattened and undistorted image of each folio. We also show how these images can optionally be colour corrected to remove the shading cues baked into the reconstruction texture, and the discolourations in the parchment itself, to further improve legibility and give a more complete impression that the parchment has been restored. The methods we have developed have been very well received by London Metropolitan Archives, as well the the larger archival community. We have used the methods to digitise the entire Great Parchment Book, and have demonstrated our global flattening method on eight folios. As of the time of writing of this thesis, our methods are being used to virtually restore all of the remaining folios of the Great Parchment Book. Staff at LMA are also investigating potential future directions by experimenting with other interesting documents in their collections, and are exploring the possibility of setting up a service which would give access to our methods to other archival institutions with similarly damaged documents

    Multiperspective mosaics and layered representation for scene visualization

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    This thesis documents the efforts made to implement multiperspective mosaicking for the purpose of mosaicking undervehicle and roadside sequences. For the undervehicle sequences, it is desired to create a large, high-resolution mosaic that may used to quickly inspect the entire scene shot by a camera making a single pass underneath the vehicle. Several constraints are placed on the video data, in order to facilitate the assumption that the entire scene in the sequence exists on a single plane. Therefore, a single mosaic is used to represent a single video sequence. Phase correlation is used to perform motion analysis in this case. For roadside video sequences, it is assumed that the scene is composed of several planar layers, as opposed to a single plane. Layer extraction techniques are implemented in order to perform this decomposition. Instead of using phase correlation to perform motion analysis, the Lucas-Kanade motion tracking algorithm is used in order to create dense motion maps. Using these motion maps, spatial support for each layer is determined based on a pre-initialized layer model. By separating the pixels in the scene into motion-specific layers, it is possible to sample each element in the scene correctly while performing multiperspective mosaicking. It is also possible to fill in many gaps in the mosaics caused by occlusions, hence creating more complete representations of the objects of interest. The results are several mosaics with each mosaic representing a single planar layer of the scene