6 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation using Genetic Algorithm in Multimedia Wireless Networks

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    Resource allocations in wireless networks is a very challenging task, at one hand wireless networks have scarce resources and suffers from many limitations. At the other hand, typical resource allocation problems requires extensive amount of computations and are usually NP-hard problems. Hence, there is dire need for effective and feasible solutions. Resource allocation problems are concerned in distributing the available network’s resources to all active users in a fair way. Although fairness is hard to define, this work considers the fairness aspects for both, the users and the network operator (service provider). Bio-inspired algorithm are used in many context to provide simple and effective solution tochallenging problems. This works employs Genetic Algorithm to provide effective solution to resource allocation problem for multimedia allocation in wireless networks. The performance of the proposed solution is evaluated using simulation. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed solutionachieved better performance

    Enhanced Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Intelligent Home Networks

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has been seen playing a tremendous change in the Information Technology (IT) environments, and thus its importance has also been realized and played a vital role within Intelligent Home Networks (IHNs). This is because IoT establishes a connection between things and the Internet by utilizing different sensing devices to implement the intelligence to deal with the identification and management of the connected things. IHNs use intelligent systems to perform their daily operations. Meanwhile, these networks ensure comfort, safety, healthcare, automation, energy conservation, and remote management to devices and users. Apart from that, these networks provide assistance in self-healing for faults, power outages, reconfigurations, and more. However, we have realized that more and advanced devices and services continue to be introduced and used in these networks. This has led to competitions of the limited available network resources, services, and bandwidth. In this paper, therefore, we present the design and implementation of a Novel Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (NoDBA) algorithm to solve the performance bottleneck incurred with IHNs. The proposed algorithm deals with the management of bandwidth and its allocation. In the proposed algorithm, this study integrates two algorithms, namely; Offline Cooperative Algorithm (OCA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to improve Quality of Service (QoS). PSO defines the priority limits for subnets and nodes in the network. Meanwhile, OCA facilitates dynamic bandwidth allocation in the network. The Network Simulator-2 (NS-2) was used to simulate and evaluate the NoDBA and it showed improved results compared to the traditional bandwidth allocation algorithms. The obtained results show an average throughput of 92%, average delay of 0.8 seconds, and saves energy consumption of 95% compared to Dynamic QoS-aware Bandwidth Allocation (DQBA) and Data-Driven Allocation (DDA).   Keywords: IHNs, Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, PSO, OCA, Qo

    Resource allocation in full-duplex communications for future wireless networks

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