252 research outputs found

    Toward General Purpose 3D User Interfaces: Extending Windowing Systems to Three Dimensions

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    Recent growth in the commercial availability of consumer grade 3D user interface devices like the Microsoft Kinect and the Oculus Rift, coupled with the broad availability of high performance 3D graphics hardware, has put high quality 3D user interfaces firmly within the reach of consumer markets for the first time ever. However, these devices require custom integration with every application which wishes to use them, seriously limiting application support, and there is no established mechanism for multiple applications to use the same 3D interface hardware simultaneously. This thesis proposes that these problems can be solved in the same way that the same problems were solved for 2D interfaces: by abstracting the input hardware behind input primitives provided by the windowing system and compositing the output of applications within the windowing system before displaying it. To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach this thesis also presents a novel Wayland compositor which allows clients to create 3D interface contexts within a 3D interface space in the same way that traditional windowing systems allow applications to create 2D interface contexts (windows) within a 2D interface space (the desktop), as well as allowing unmodified 2D Wayland clients to window into the same 3D interface space and receive standard 2D input events. This implementation demonstrates the ability of consumer 3D interface hardware to support a 3D windowing system, the ability of this 3D windowing system to support applications with compelling 3D interfaces, the ability of this style of windowing system to be built on top of existing hardware accelerated graphics and windowing infrastructure, and the ability of such a windowing system to support unmodified 2D interface applications windowing into the same 3D windowing space as the 3D interface applications. This means that application developers could create compelling 3D interfaces with no knowledge of the hardware that supports them, that new hardware could be introduced without needing to integrate it with individual applications, and that users could mix whatever 2D and 3D applications they wish in an immersive 3D interface space regardless of the details of the underlying hardware

    Improving low latency applications for reconfigurable devices

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    This thesis seeks to improve low latency application performance via architectural improvements in reconfigurable devices. This is achieved by improving resource utilisation and access, and by exploiting the different environments within which reconfigurable devices are deployed. Our first contribution leverages devices deployed at the network level to enable the low latency processing of financial market data feeds. Financial exchanges transmit messages via two identical data feeds to reduce the chance of message loss. We present an approach to arbitrate these redundant feeds at the network level using a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). With support for any messaging protocol, we evaluate our design using the NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH, OPRA, and ARCA data feed protocols, and provide two simultaneous outputs: one prioritising low latency, and one prioritising high reliability with three dynamically configurable windowing methods. Our second contribution is a new ring-based architecture for low latency, parallel access to FPGA memory. Traditional FPGA memory is formed by grouping block memories (BRAMs) together and accessing them as a single device. Our architecture accesses these BRAMs independently and in parallel. Targeting memory-based computing, which stores pre-computed function results in memory, we benefit low latency applications that rely on: highly-complex functions; iterative computation; or many parallel accesses to a shared resource. We assess square root, power, trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions within the FPGA, and provide a tool to convert Python functions to our new architecture. Our third contribution extends the ring-based architecture to support any FPGA processing element. We unify E heterogeneous processing elements within compute pools, with each element implementing the same function, and the pool serving D parallel function calls. Our implementation-agnostic approach supports processing elements with different latencies, implementations, and pipeline lengths, as well as non-deterministic latencies. Compute pools evenly balance access to processing elements across the entire application, and are evaluated by implementing eight different neural network activation functions within an FPGA.Open Acces

    PiCo: A Domain-Specific Language for Data Analytics Pipelines

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    In the world of Big Data analytics, there is a series of tools aiming at simplifying programming applications to be executed on clusters. Although each tool claims to provide better programming, data and execution models—for which only informal (and often confusing) semantics is generally provided—all share a common under- lying model, namely, the Dataflow model. Using this model as a starting point, it is possible to categorize and analyze almost all aspects about Big Data analytics tools from a high level perspective. This analysis can be considered as a first step toward a formal model to be exploited in the design of a (new) framework for Big Data analytics. By putting clear separations between all levels of abstraction (i.e., from the runtime to the user API), it is easier for a programmer or software designer to avoid mixing low level with high level aspects, as we are often used to see in state-of-the-art Big Data analytics frameworks. From the user-level perspective, we think that a clearer and simple semantics is preferable, together with a strong separation of concerns. For this reason, we use the Dataflow model as a starting point to build a programming environment with a simplified programming model implemented as a Domain-Specific Language, that is on top of a stack of layers that build a prototypical framework for Big Data analytics. The contribution of this thesis is twofold: first, we show that the proposed model is (at least) as general as existing batch and streaming frameworks (e.g., Spark, Flink, Storm, Google Dataflow), thus making it easier to understand high-level data-processing applications written in such frameworks. As result of this analysis, we provide a layered model that can represent tools and applications following the Dataflow paradigm and we show how the analyzed tools fit in each level. Second, we propose a programming environment based on such layered model in the form of a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for processing data collections, called PiCo (Pipeline Composition). The main entity of this programming model is the Pipeline, basically a DAG-composition of processing elements. This model is intended to give the user an unique interface for both stream and batch processing, hiding completely data management and focusing only on operations, which are represented by Pipeline stages. Our DSL will be built on top of the FastFlow library, exploiting both shared and distributed parallelism, and implemented in C++11/14 with the aim of porting C++ into the Big Data world

    Reconfigurable-Hardware Accelerated Stream Aggregation

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    High throughput and low latency stream aggregation is essential for many applications that analyze massive volumes of data in real-time. Incoming data need to be stored in a single sliding-window before processing, in cases where incremental aggregations are wasteful or not possible at all. However, storing all incoming values in a single-window puts tremendous pressure on the memory bandwidth and capacity. GPU and CPU memory management is inefficient for this task as it introduces unnecessary data movement that wastes bandwidth. FPGAs can make more efficient use of their memory but existing approaches employ only on-chip memory and therefore, can only support small problem sizes (i.e. small sliding windows and number of keys) due to the limited capacity. This thesis addresses the above limitations of stream processing systems by proposing techniques for accelerating single sliding-window stream aggregation using FPGAs to achieve line-rate processing throughput and ultra low latency. It does so first by building accelerators using FPGAs and second, by alleviating the memory pressure posed by single-window stream aggregation. The initial part of this thesis presents the accelerators for both windowing policies, namely, tuple- and time-\ua0based, using Maxeler\u27s DataFlow Engines\ua0(DFEs) which have a direct feed of incoming data from the network as well as direct access to off-chip DRAM. Compared to state-of-the-art stream processing software system, the DFEs offer 1-2 orders of magnitude higher processing throughput and 4 orders of magnitude lower latency. The later part of this thesis focuses on alleviating the memory pressure due to the various steps in single-window stream aggregation. Updating the window with new incoming values and reading it to feed the aggregation functions are the two primary steps in stream aggregation. The high on-chip SRAM bandwidth enables line-rate processing, but only for small problem sizes due to the limited capacity. The larger off-chip DRAM size supports larger problems, but falls short on performance due to lower bandwidth. In order to bridge this gap, this thesis introduces a specialized memory hierarchy for stream aggregation. It employs Multi-Level Queues (MLQs) spanning across multiple memory levels with different characteristics to offer both high bandwidth and capacity. In doing so, larger stream aggregation problems can be supported at line-rate performance, outperforming existing competing solutions. Compared to designs with only on-chip memory, our approach supports 4 orders of magnitude larger problems. Compared to designs that use only DRAM, our design achieves up to 8x higher throughput. Finally, this thesis aims to alleviate the memory pressure due to the window-aggregation step. Although window-updates can be supported efficiently using MLQs, frequent window-aggregations remain a performance bottleneck. This thesis addresses this problem by introducing StreamZip, a dataflow stream aggregation engine that is able to compress the sliding-windows. StreamZip deals with a number of data and control dependency challenges to integrate a compressor in the stream aggregation pipeline and alleviate the memory pressure posed by frequent aggregations. In doing so, StreamZip offers higher throughput as well as larger effective window capacity to support larger problems. StreamZip supports diverse compression algorithms offering both lossless and lossy compression to fixed- as well as floating- point numbers. Compared to designs using MLQs, StreamZip lossless and lossy designs achieve up to 7.5x and 22x higher throughput, while improving the effective memory capacity by up to 5x and 23x, respectively

    Paving the way towards high-level parallel pattern interfaces for data stream processing

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    The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) data stream applications has posed a number of new challenges to existing infrastructures, processing engines, and programming models. In this sense, high-level interfaces, encapsulating algorithmic aspects in pattern-based constructions, have considerably reduced the development and parallelization efforts of this type of applications. An example of parallel pattern interface is GrPPI, a C++ generic high-level library that acts as a layer between developers and existing parallel programming frameworks, such as C++ threads, OpenMP and Intel TBB. In this paper, we complement the basic patterns supported by GrPPI with the new stream operators Split-Join and Window, and the advanced parallel patterns Stream-Pool, Windowed-Farm and Stream-Iterator for the aforementioned back ends. Thanks to these new stream operators, complex compositions among streaming patterns can be expressed. On the other hand, the collection of advanced patterns allows users to tackle some domain-specific applications, ranging from the evolutionary to the real-time computing areas, where compositions of basic patterns are not capable of fully mimicking the algorithmic behavior of their original sequential codes. The experimental evaluation of the new advanced patterns and the stream operators on a set of domain-specific use-cases, using different back ends and pattern-specific parameters, reports considerable performance gains with respect to the sequential versions. Additionally, we demonstrate the benefits of the GrPPI pattern interface from the usability, flexibility and readability points of view.This work was partially supported by the EU project ICT 644235 “RePhrase: REfactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications” and the project TIN2013-41350-P “Scalable Data Management Techniques for High-End Computing Systems” from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spai

    The svgl toolkit: enabling fast rendering of rich 2D graphics

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    As more and more powerful graphical processors be- come available on mainstream computers, it becomes possible to investigate the design of visually rich and fast interactive applications. In this article, we present S VGL , a graphical toolkit that enables programmers and design- ers of interactive applications to benefit from this power. The toolkit is based on a scene graph which is translated into an optimized display graph. After describing the algorithms used to display the scene, we show that the toolkit is two to fifty times faster than similar toolkits

    Incremental parallel and distributed systems

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    Incremental computation strives for efficient successive runs of applications by re-executing only those parts of the computation that are affected by a given input change instead of recomputing everything from scratch. To realize the benefits of incremental computation, researchers and practitioners are developing new systems where the application programmer can provide an efficient update mechanism for changing application data. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions are limiting because they not only depart from existing programming models, but also require programmers to devise an incremental update mechanism (or a dynamic algorithm) on a per-application basis. In this thesis, we present incremental parallel and distributed systems that enable existing real-world applications to automatically benefit from efficient incremental updates. Our approach neither requires departure from current models of programming, nor the design and implementation of dynamic algorithms. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following incremental systems: (i) Incoop — a system for incremental MapReduce computation; (ii) Shredder — a GPU-accelerated system for incremental storage; (iii) Slider — a stream processing platform for incremental sliding window analytics; and (iv) iThreads — a threading library for parallel incremental computation. Our experience with these systems shows that significant performance can be achieved for existing applications without requiring any additional effort from programmers.Inkrementelle Berechnungen ermöglichen die effizientere Ausführung aufeinanderfolgender Anwendungsaufrufe, indem nur die Teilbereiche der Anwendung erneut ausgefürt werden, die von den Änderungen der Eingabedaten betroffen sind. Dieses Berechnungsverfahren steht dem konventionellen und vollständig neu berechnenden Verfahren gegenüber. Um den Vorteil inkrementeller Berechnungen auszunutzen, entwickeln sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Industrie neue Systeme, bei denen der Anwendungsprogrammierer den effizienten Aktualisierungsmechanismus für die Änderung der Anwendungsdaten bereitstellt. Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich existierende Lösungen meist nur eingeschränkt anwenden, da sie das konventionelle Programmierungsmodel beibehalten und dadurch die erneute Entwicklung vom Programmierer des inkrementellen Aktualisierungsmechanismus (oder einen dynamischen Algorithmus) für jede Anwendung verlangen. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt inkrementelle Parallele- und Verteiltesysteme vor, die es existierenden Real-World-Anwendungen ermöglichen vom Vorteil der inkre- mentellen Berechnung automatisch zu profitieren. Unser Ansatz erfordert weder eine Abkehr von gegenwärtigen Programmiermodellen, noch Design und Implementierung von anwendungsspezifischen dynamischen Algorithmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die folgenden Systeme zur inkrementellen parallelen und verteilten Berechnung entworfen und implementiert: (i) Incoop — ein System für inkrementelle Map-Reduce-Programme; (ii) Shredder — ein GPU- beschleunigtes System zur inkrementellen Speicherung; (iii) Slider — eine Plat- tform zur Batch-basierten Streamverarbeitung via inkrementeller Sliding-Window- Berechnung; und (iv) iThreads — eine Threading-Bibliothek zur parallelen inkre- mentellen Berechnung. Unsere Erfahrungen mit diesen Systemen zeigen, dass unsere Methoden sehr gute Performanz liefern können, und dies ohne weiteren Aufwand des Programmierers

    Incremental parallel and distributed systems

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    Incremental computation strives for efficient successive runs of applications by re-executing only those parts of the computation that are affected by a given input change instead of recomputing everything from scratch. To realize the benefits of incremental computation, researchers and practitioners are developing new systems where the application programmer can provide an efficient update mechanism for changing application data. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions are limiting because they not only depart from existing programming models, but also require programmers to devise an incremental update mechanism (or a dynamic algorithm) on a per-application basis. In this thesis, we present incremental parallel and distributed systems that enable existing real-world applications to automatically benefit from efficient incremental updates. Our approach neither requires departure from current models of programming, nor the design and implementation of dynamic algorithms. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following incremental systems: (i) Incoop — a system for incremental MapReduce computation; (ii) Shredder — a GPU-accelerated system for incremental storage; (iii) Slider — a stream processing platform for incremental sliding window analytics; and (iv) iThreads — a threading library for parallel incremental computation. Our experience with these systems shows that significant performance can be achieved for existing applications without requiring any additional effort from programmers.Inkrementelle Berechnungen ermöglichen die effizientere Ausführung aufeinanderfolgender Anwendungsaufrufe, indem nur die Teilbereiche der Anwendung erneut ausgefürt werden, die von den Änderungen der Eingabedaten betroffen sind. Dieses Berechnungsverfahren steht dem konventionellen und vollständig neu berechnenden Verfahren gegenüber. Um den Vorteil inkrementeller Berechnungen auszunutzen, entwickeln sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Industrie neue Systeme, bei denen der Anwendungsprogrammierer den effizienten Aktualisierungsmechanismus für die Änderung der Anwendungsdaten bereitstellt. Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich existierende Lösungen meist nur eingeschränkt anwenden, da sie das konventionelle Programmierungsmodel beibehalten und dadurch die erneute Entwicklung vom Programmierer des inkrementellen Aktualisierungsmechanismus (oder einen dynamischen Algorithmus) für jede Anwendung verlangen. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt inkrementelle Parallele- und Verteiltesysteme vor, die es existierenden Real-World-Anwendungen ermöglichen vom Vorteil der inkre- mentellen Berechnung automatisch zu profitieren. Unser Ansatz erfordert weder eine Abkehr von gegenwärtigen Programmiermodellen, noch Design und Implementierung von anwendungsspezifischen dynamischen Algorithmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die folgenden Systeme zur inkrementellen parallelen und verteilten Berechnung entworfen und implementiert: (i) Incoop — ein System für inkrementelle Map-Reduce-Programme; (ii) Shredder — ein GPU- beschleunigtes System zur inkrementellen Speicherung; (iii) Slider — eine Plat- tform zur Batch-basierten Streamverarbeitung via inkrementeller Sliding-Window- Berechnung; und (iv) iThreads — eine Threading-Bibliothek zur parallelen inkre- mentellen Berechnung. Unsere Erfahrungen mit diesen Systemen zeigen, dass unsere Methoden sehr gute Performanz liefern können, und dies ohne weiteren Aufwand des Programmierers
