5 research outputs found

    BGP Routing Information Authentication

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá prozkoumáním a zdokumentováním „problematiky“ standardizace a implementace infrastruktury Secure BGP a RPKI pro autorizaci síťových prefixů ze zdrojových autonomních systémů. Tato standardizace si klade za cíl zlepšit zabezpečení BGP infrastruktury pomocí certifikace přidělených čísel autonomních systémů rozsahů IP adres jednotlivým držitelům těchto zdrojů. Další dílčí částí této diplomové práce je ověření a nasazení vyhledaných nástrojů pro implementaci infrastruktury RPKI, které jsou dále porovnány z hlediska rychlosti validace jednotlivých sítí.This thesis deals with analyze and documenting problem of standardization and implementation SecureBGP and RPKI infrastructure for authorization of network prefixes from source autonomous systems. Aim of this standardization is improve security of BGP infrastructure by using certification of autonomous system numbers and ranges of IP addresses allocated to each holder these resources. Other part of this thesis is verified and deployment of matching tools for implementing RPKI infrastructure and then these tools are compared in terms of speed validation of networks prefixes.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Lowering Legal Barriers to RPKI Adoption

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    Across the Internet, mistaken and malicious routing announcements impose significant costs on users and network operators. To make routing announcements more reliable and secure, Internet coordination bodies have encouraged network operators to adopt the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (“RPKI”) framework. Despite this encouragement, RPKI’s adoption rates are low, especially in North America.This report presents the results of a year-long investigation into the hypothesis—widespread within the network operator community—that legal issues pose barriers to RPKI adoption and are one cause of the disparities between North America and other regions of the world. On the basis of interviews and analysis of the legal framework governing RPKI, the report evaluates the issues raised by community members and proposes a number of strategies to reduce or circumvent the barriers that are material. The report also describes substantial action taken this year by the American Registry for Internet Numbers (“ARIN”) and other private organizations in light of public dialogue about RPKI

    Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Trust Anchor Locator

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    Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Trust Anchor Locator

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