6 research outputs found

    Resource allocation for D2D links in the FFR and SFR aided cellular downlink

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communication underlying cellular networks, allows direct transmission between two devices in each other's proximity that reuse the cellular resource blocks in an effort to increase the network capacity and spectrum efficiency. However, this imposes severe interference that degrades the system's performance. This problem may be circumvented by incorporating fractional frequency reuse (FFR) or soft frequency reuse (SFR) in OFDMA cellular networks. By carefully considering the downlink resource reuse of the D2D links, we propose beneficial frequency allocation schemes, when the macrocell has employed FFR or SFR as its frequency reuse technique. The performance of these schemes is quantified using both the analytical and simulation results for characterizing both the coverage probability and the capacity of D2D links under the proposed schemes that are benchmarked against the radical unity frequency reuse scheme. The impact of the D2D links on the coverage probability of macrocellular users (CUs) is also quantified, revealing that the CUs performance is only modestly affected under the proposed frequency allocation schemes. Finally, we provide insights concerning the power control design in order to strike a beneficial tradeoff between the energy consumption and the performance of D2D lin

    Efficient radio resource allocation for Device-to-Device communication

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    Využití Device-to-Device komunikace v bezdrátových sítích umožňuje přímou komunikaci mezi dvěma zařízeními, které se nachází v blízkosti sebe a využívají spektrum určené primárně pro běžné mobilní uživatele k navýšení kapacity sítě a k lepšímu využití spektra. Použití Device-to-Device komunikace v mobilní síti vede k určitým výzvám jako je například rušení běžných mobilních uživatelů s uživateli využívající komunikaci Device-to-Device. Správné využívání radiových zdrojů, výběr dostupných modů pro Device-to-Device komunikaci a alokování výkonu pro Device-to-Device zařízení v síti vede ke zvýšení celkové propustnosti systému. Navrhované metody maximalizují celkovou propustnost sítě pro běžné mobilní uživatele za garantovaných služeb a omezení rušení od Device-to-Device uživatelů. Tyto podmínky vedou ke zvyšující se komplexitě výpočtu s rostoucím počtem uživatelů. Navrhované metody alokování spektra jsou blízké k optimálním při užití přiměřené výpočetní komplexity.Device-to-Device communication in the cellular networks allows direct transmission between devices in each other's proximity that reuse the cellular spectrum intended for conventional cellular users to increase the network capacity and spectrum efficiency. The use of Device-to-Device communication leads to certain challenges such as interference of Device-to-Device users with the conventional users. The resource management, network mode selection and power allocation technique in a cellular network with Device-to-Device can improve performance of the system in terms of throughput. To this end, this thesis proposes a technique maximizing the total throughput of cellular users in wireless networks under given quality-of-service and interference constraints. These conditions lead to the complexity that increases with the number of users and Device-to-Device pairs. The proposed methods of spectrum allocation give the close-to-optional solution with reasonable time computation complexity

    RD-Resource Allocation for D2D Links in the FFR and SFR Aided Cellular Downlink

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    This RDM is associated with the 2016 IEEE Tcom publication titled &quot;Resource Allocation for D2D Links in the FFR and SFR Aided Cellular Downlink&quot; by Shruti Gupta et.al. This RDM includes the data set for plotting each of the result-figures of the above-mentioned paper. More explicitly, this RDM includes the data for plotting the x-axis and y-axis of a particular curve of the corresponding figure.</span