6 research outputs found

    The Differential Voltage Current Controlled Conveyor Tranconductance Amplifier: A Novel Active Block Prevailing Op-Amp Limitations

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    The differential difference current controlled current conveyor transconductance amplifier (DVCCCTA) is a novel active building block which can substitute the widely used operational amplifier in analog circuit design. The operation of differential difference current controlled current conveyor transconductance amplifier is different from the operation of operational amplifier. The DVCCCTA can be used to design various circuits like integrator, differentiator, adder, substractor etc. The advantages of DVCCCTA are it has high slew rate, wide bandwidth, and also current processing capabilities at input terminals. Since DVCCCTA is not slew limited in the same fashion of OPAMP, it can provide amplification of high frequency signals with a constant bandwidth virtually independent of gain

    Realization of Resistorless Wave Active Filter using Differential Voltage Current Controlled Conveyor Transconductance Amplifier

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    In this paper, a resistorless realization of high order voltage mode wave active filter based on Differential Voltage current controlled conveyor transconductance amplifier (DVCCCTA) is presented. The wave method is used for simulating reflected and incident wave for basic building block i.e. series inductor and configuring it for other passive element realization by making appropriate connection. The proposed structure uses grounded capacitors and possesses electronic tunability of cutoff frequency. The proposed approach is verified for a 4th order low pass filter through SPICE simulation using 0.25µm TSMC CMOS technology parameters

    High-Input Impedance Voltage-Mode Multifunction Filter Using a Single DDCCTA and Grounded Passive Elements

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    In this paper, a novel single-input three-output (SITO) second-order multifunction active voltage filter with high-input impedance is proposed. The proposed circuit is based on using the recently reported active building block, namely differential difference current conveyor transconductance amplifier (DDCCTA). It employs one DDCCTA as active element together with one grounded resistor and two grounded capacitors as passive elements. The circuit still maintains the following advantageous features : (i) the simultaneous realization of lowpass, bandpass and highpass responses from the same topology, (ii) no requirements for component matching conditions, (iii) electronic controllability of important filter parameters, (iv) simpler structure due to contains only one DDCCTA and three passive elements, and (v) low sensitivity performance. The non-ideal gain effects of the developed filter are examined and PSPICE simulation results are included using 0.5 um MIETEC CMOS technology parameters

    Electronically Tunable Oscillator Utilizing Reinforced Controllable Parameters

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    This paper presents a novel solution of an oscillator with electronically adjustable oscillation condition (CO) and frequency of oscillations (FO). Oscillation condition is controlled by current gain and frequency of oscillations is adjustable by transconductance and intrinsic resistance of used active elements. Both CO and FO are mutually independent. Moreover, special feature of CO allows boosting parameter driving FO (transconductance) and then shifting the whole FO range to higher bands. It allows to keep values of passive elements (capacitors especially) in satisfactory range even for higher value of FO. Simulations in PSpice confirms this hypothesis

    VM and CM Universal Filters Based on Single DVCCTA

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    A universal voltage-mode filter (VM) and a current-mode filter (CM) based on recently proposed active building block, namely, differential voltage current conveyor transconductance amplifier (DVCCTA) are proposed. Both the circuits use a single DVCCTA, two capacitors, and a single resistor. The filters enjoy low-sensitivity performance and low component spread and exhibit electronic tunability of filter parameters via bias currents of DVCCTA. SPICE simulation using 0.25 μm TSMC CMOS technology parameters is included to show the workability of the proposed circuits

    Mixed-Mode Third-Order Quadrature Oscillator Based on Single MCCFTA

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    This paper presents a new mixed-mode third-order quadrature oscillator based on new modified current-controlled current follower transconductance amplifier (MCCFTA). The proposed circuit employs one MCCFTA as active element and three grounded capacitors as passive component which is highly suitable for integrated circuit implementation. The condition and frequency of oscillations can be controlled orthogonally and electronically by adjusting the bias currents of the active device. The circuit provides four quadrature current outputs and two quadrature voltage outputs into one single topology, which can be classified as mixed-mode oscillator. In addition, four quadrature current output terminals possess high-impedance level which can be directly connected to next stage without additional buffer circuits. The performance of the proposed structure has been verified through PSPICE simulators using 0.25 µm CMOS process from TSMC and experimental results are also investigated