346 research outputs found

    Rate Splitting for MIMO Wireless Networks: A Promising PHY-Layer Strategy for LTE Evolution

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    MIMO processing plays a central part towards the recent increase in spectral and energy efficiencies of wireless networks. MIMO has grown beyond the original point-to-point channel and nowadays refers to a diverse range of centralized and distributed deployments. The fundamental bottleneck towards enormous spectral and energy efficiency benefits in multiuser MIMO networks lies in a huge demand for accurate channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). This has become increasingly difficult to satisfy due to the increasing number of antennas and access points in next generation wireless networks relying on dense heterogeneous networks and transmitters equipped with a large number of antennas. CSIT inaccuracy results in a multi-user interference problem that is the primary bottleneck of MIMO wireless networks. Looking backward, the problem has been to strive to apply techniques designed for perfect CSIT to scenarios with imperfect CSIT. In this paper, we depart from this conventional approach and introduce the readers to a promising strategy based on rate-splitting. Rate-splitting relies on the transmission of common and private messages and is shown to provide significant benefits in terms of spectral and energy efficiencies, reliability and CSI feedback overhead reduction over conventional strategies used in LTE-A and exclusively relying on private message transmissions. Open problems, impact on standard specifications and operational challenges are also discussed.Comment: accepted to IEEE Communication Magazine, special issue on LTE Evolutio

    Multiuser Millimeter Wave Beamforming Strategies with Quantized and Statistical CSIT

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    To alleviate the high cost of hardware in mmWave systems, hybrid analog/digital precoding is typically employed. In the conventional two-stage feedback scheme, the analog beamformer is determined by beam search and feedback to maximize the desired signal power of each user. The digital precoder is designed based on quantization and feedback of effective channel to mitigate multiuser interference. Alternatively, we propose a one-stage feedback scheme which effectively reduces the complexity of the signalling and feedback procedure. Specifically, the second-order channel statistics are leveraged to design digital precoder for interference mitigation while all feedback overhead is reserved for precise analog beamforming. Under a fixed total feedback constraint, we investigate the conditions under which the one-stage feedback scheme outperforms the conventional two-stage counterpart. Moreover, a rate splitting (RS) transmission strategy is introduced to further tackle the multiuser interference and enhance the rate performance. Consider (1) RS precoded by the one-stage feedback scheme and (2) conventional transmission strategy precoded by the two-stage scheme with the same first-stage feedback as (1) and also certain amount of extra second-stage feedback. We show that (1) can achieve a sum rate comparable to that of (2). Hence, RS enables remarkable saving in the second-stage training and feedback overhead.Comment: submitted to TW

    Wireless Cellular Networks

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    When aiming for achieving high spectral efficiency in wireless cellular networks, cochannel interference (CCI) becomes the dominant performancelimiting factor. This article provides a survey of CCI mitigation techniques, where both active and passive approaches are discussed in the context of both open- and closed-loop designs.More explicitly, we considered both the family of flexible frequency-reuse (FFR)-aided and dynamic channel allocation (DCA)-aided interference avoidance techniques as well as smart antenna-aided interference mitigation techniques, which may be classified as active approach

    A Hierarchical Rate Splitting Strategy for FDD Massive MIMO under Imperfect CSIT

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    In a multiuser MIMO broadcast channel, the rate performance is affected by the multiuser interference when the Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT) is imperfect. To tackle the interference problem, a Rate-Splitting (RS) approach has been proposed recently, which splits one user's message into a common and a private part, and superimposes the common message on top of the private messages. The common message is drawn from a public codebook and should be decoded by all users. In this paper, we propose a novel and general framework, denoted as Hierarchical Rate Splitting (HRS), that is particularly suited to FDD massive MIMO systems. HRS simultaneously transmits private messages intended to each user and two kinds of common messages that can be decoded by all users and by a subset of users, respectively. We analyse the asymptotic sum rate of HRS under imperfect CSIT. A closed-form power allocation is derived which provides insights into the effects of system parameters. Finally, simulation results validate the significant sum rate gain of HRS over various baselines.Comment: Accepted paper at IEEE CAMAD 201

    Novel transmission and beamforming strategies for multiuser MIMO with various CSIT types

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    In multiuser multi-antenna wireless systems, the transmission and beamforming strategies that achieve the sum rate capacity depend critically on the acquisition of perfect Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT). Accordingly, a high-rate low-latency feedback link between the receiver and the transmitter is required to keep the latter accurately and instantaneously informed about the CSI. In realistic wireless systems, however, only imperfect CSIT is achievable due to pilot contamination, estimation error, limited feedback and delay, etc. As an intermediate solution, this thesis investigates novel transmission strategies suitable for various imperfect CSIT scenarios and the associated beamforming techniques to optimise the rate performance. First, we consider a two-user Multiple-Input-Single-Output (MISO) Broadcast Channel (BC) under statistical and delayed CSIT. We mainly focus on linear beamforming and power allocation designs for ergodic sum rate maximisation. The proposed designs enable higher sum rate than the conventional designs. Interestingly, we propose a novel transmission framework which makes better use of statistical and delayed CSIT and smoothly bridges between statistical CSIT-based strategies and delayed CSIT-based strategies. Second, we consider a multiuser massive MIMO system under partial and statistical CSIT. In order to tackle multiuser interference incurred by partial CSIT, a Rate-Splitting (RS) transmission strategy has been proposed recently. We generalise the idea of RS into the large-scale array. By further exploiting statistical CSIT, we propose a novel framework Hierarchical-Rate-Splitting that is particularly suited to massive MIMO systems. Third, we consider a multiuser Millimetre Wave (mmWave) system with hybrid analog/digital precoding under statistical and quantised CSIT. We leverage statistical CSIT to design digital precoder for interference mitigation while all feedback overhead is reserved for precise analog beamforming. For very limited feedback and/or very sparse channels, the proposed precoding scheme yields higher sum rate than the conventional precoding schemes under a fixed total feedback constraint. Moreover, a RS transmission strategy is introduced to further tackle the multiuser interference, enabling remarkable saving in feedback overhead compared with conventional transmission strategies. Finally, we investigate the downlink hybrid precoding for physical layer multicasting with a limited number of RF chains. We propose a low complexity algorithm to compute the analog precoder that achieves near-optimal max-min performance. Moreover, we derive a simple condition under which the hybrid precoding driven by a limited number of RF chains incurs no loss of optimality with respect to the fully digital precoding case.Open Acces

    Rate Analysis of Two-Receiver MISO Broadcast Channel with Finite Rate Feedback: A Rate-Splitting Approach

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    To enhance the multiplexing gain of two-receiver Multiple-Input-Single-Output Broadcast Channel with imperfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), a class of Rate-Splitting (RS) approaches has been proposed recently, which divides one receiver's message into a common and a private part, and superposes the common message on top of Zero-Forcing precoded private messages. In this paper, with quantized CSIT, we study the ergodic sum rate of two schemes, namely RS-S and RS-ST, where the common message(s) are transmitted via a space and space-time design, respectively. Firstly, we upper-bound the sum rate loss incurred by each scheme relative to Zero-Forcing Beamforming (ZFBF) with perfect CSIT. Secondly, we show that, to maintain a constant sum rate loss, RS-S scheme enables a feedback overhead reduction over ZFBF with quantized CSIT. Such reduction scales logarithmically with the constant rate loss at high Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR). We also find that, compared to RS-S scheme, RS-ST scheme offers a further feedback overhead reduction that scales with the discrepancy between the feedback overhead employed by the two receivers when there are alternating receiver-specific feedback qualities. Finally, simulation results show that both schemes offer a significant SNR gain over conventional single-user/multiuser mode switching when the feedback overhead is fixed.Comment: accepted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Hybrid Beamforming via the Kronecker Decomposition for the Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems

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    Despite its promising performance gain, the realization of mmWave massive MIMO still faces several practical challenges. In particular, implementing massive MIMO in the digital domain requires hundreds of RF chains matching the number of antennas. Furthermore, designing these components to operate at the mmWave frequencies is challenging and costly. These motivated the recent development of hybrid-beamforming where MIMO processing is divided for separate implementation in the analog and digital domains, called the analog and digital beamforming, respectively. Analog beamforming using a phase array introduces uni-modulus constraints on the beamforming coefficients, rendering the conventional MIMO techniques unsuitable and call for new designs. In this paper, we present a systematic design framework for hybrid beamforming for multi-cell multiuser massive MIMO systems over mmWave channels characterized by sparse propagation paths. The framework relies on the decomposition of analog beamforming vectors and path observation vectors into Kronecker products of factors being uni-modulus vectors. Exploiting properties of Kronecker mixed products, different factors of the analog beamformer are designed for either nulling interference paths or coherently combining data paths. Furthermore, a channel estimation scheme is designed for enabling the proposed hybrid beamforming. The scheme estimates the AoA of data and interference paths by analog beam scanning and data-path gains by analog beam steering. The performance of the channel estimation scheme is analyzed. In particular, the AoA spectrum resulting from beam scanning, which displays the magnitude distribution of paths over the AoA range, is derived in closed-form. It is shown that the inter-cell interference level diminishes inversely with the array size, the square root of pilot sequence length and the spatial separation between paths.Comment: Submitted to IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Millimeter Wave Communications for Future Mobile Networks, minor revisio
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