9 research outputs found

    Memristive Reservoirs Learn to Learn

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    Memristive reservoirs draw inspiration from a novel class of neuromorphic hardware known as nanowire networks. These systems display emergent brain-like dynamics, with optimal performance demonstrated at dynamical phase transitions. In these networks, a limited number of electrodes are available to modulate system dynamics, in contrast to the global controllability offered by neuromorphic hardware through random access memories. We demonstrate that the learn-to-learn framework can effectively address this challenge in the context of optimization. Using the framework, we successfully identify the optimal hyperparameters for the reservoir. This finding aligns with previous research, which suggests that the optimal performance of a memristive reservoir occurs at the `edge of formation' of a conductive pathway. Furthermore, our results show that these systems can mimic membrane potential behavior observed in spiking neurons, and may serve as an interface between spike-based and continuous processes.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, ICONS 2023, accepte

    Dimensions of Timescales in Neuromorphic Computing Systems

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    This article is a public deliverable of the EU project "Memory technologies with multi-scale time constants for neuromorphic architectures" (MeMScales, https://memscales.eu, Call ICT-06-2019 Unconventional Nanoelectronics, project number 871371). This arXiv version is a verbatim copy of the deliverable report, with administrative information stripped. It collects a wide and varied assortment of phenomena, models, research themes and algorithmic techniques that are connected with timescale phenomena in the fields of computational neuroscience, mathematics, machine learning and computer science, with a bias toward aspects that are relevant for neuromorphic engineering. It turns out that this theme is very rich indeed and spreads out in many directions which defy a unified treatment. We collected several dozens of sub-themes, each of which has been investigated in specialized settings (in the neurosciences, mathematics, computer science and machine learning) and has been documented in its own body of literature. The more we dived into this diversity, the more it became clear that our first effort to compose a survey must remain sketchy and partial. We conclude with a list of insights distilled from this survey which give general guidelines for the design of future neuromorphic systems

    A Survey on Reservoir Computing and its Interdisciplinary Applications Beyond Traditional Machine Learning

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    Reservoir computing (RC), first applied to temporal signal processing, is a recurrent neural network in which neurons are randomly connected. Once initialized, the connection strengths remain unchanged. Such a simple structure turns RC into a non-linear dynamical system that maps low-dimensional inputs into a high-dimensional space. The model's rich dynamics, linear separability, and memory capacity then enable a simple linear readout to generate adequate responses for various applications. RC spans areas far beyond machine learning, since it has been shown that the complex dynamics can be realized in various physical hardware implementations and biological devices. This yields greater flexibility and shorter computation time. Moreover, the neuronal responses triggered by the model's dynamics shed light on understanding brain mechanisms that also exploit similar dynamical processes. While the literature on RC is vast and fragmented, here we conduct a unified review of RC's recent developments from machine learning to physics, biology, and neuroscience. We first review the early RC models, and then survey the state-of-the-art models and their applications. We further introduce studies on modeling the brain's mechanisms by RC. Finally, we offer new perspectives on RC development, including reservoir design, coding frameworks unification, physical RC implementations, and interaction between RC, cognitive neuroscience and evolution.Comment: 51 pages, 19 figures, IEEE Acces

    2022 roadmap on neuromorphic computing and engineering

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    Modern computation based on von Neumann architecture is now a mature cutting-edge science. In the von Neumann architecture, processing and memory units are implemented as separate blocks interchanging data intensively and continuously. This data transfer is responsible for a large part of the power consumption. The next generation computer technology is expected to solve problems at the exascale with 1018^{18} calculations each second. Even though these future computers will be incredibly powerful, if they are based on von Neumann type architectures, they will consume between 20 and 30 megawatts of power and will not have intrinsic physically built-in capabilities to learn or deal with complex data as our brain does. These needs can be addressed by neuromorphic computing systems which are inspired by the biological concepts of the human brain. This new generation of computers has the potential to be used for the storage and processing of large amounts of digital information with much lower power consumption than conventional processors. Among their potential future applications, an important niche is moving the control from data centers to edge devices. The aim of this roadmap is to present a snapshot of the present state of neuromorphic technology and provide an opinion on the challenges and opportunities that the future holds in the major areas of neuromorphic technology, namely materials, devices, neuromorphic circuits, neuromorphic algorithms, applications, and ethics. The roadmap is a collection of perspectives where leading researchers in the neuromorphic community provide their own view about the current state and the future challenges for each research area. We hope that this roadmap will be a useful resource by providing a concise yet comprehensive introduction to readers outside this field, for those who are just entering the field, as well as providing future perspectives for those who are well established in the neuromorphic computing community