6 research outputs found

    Research on value creation regarding SaaS-based B2B2C e-commence model

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    In this article, we offer a research on the value creation in customer’s angle. Then we make a comparison between e-commence models. The feasibility analysis of SaaS-based B2B2C pattern has also been made. Finally it is concluded that the building of SaaS-based B2B2C e-commence can help enterprises better control their cost, supply products or services, and successfully achieve agile manufacture, quick response and value creation

    Економіко-математичне моделювання управління інвестиціями на підприємстві

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    В сучасному світі розвиток IT технологій створює бум появи нових рішень давно існуючих проблем. Дані рішення є новими, не установленими, тобто мають в собі значну кількість невизначеності та ризику. В пошуку сталого стану функціонування, з моменту появи, дані рішення називають старт-ап. Старт-ап оскільки містить в собі інноваційний продукт потребує значних фінансових внесків як на розробку цього продукту, так і на просування в маси. Отримати дані ресурси старт-апам пропонують інвестори, що купують частину новітньої компанії, а за отримані від продажу кошти засновник розвиває свій продукт, тим самим рухає економіки країн і людства в цілому. Моделювання даної взаємодії інвестора і старт-апу було проведено в даній магістерській дисертацій. Було побудовано систему даної взаємодії, яка може надати цілий ряд корисних вихідних даних в залежності від вхідних, як інвестору так і засновнику старт-апу. Дану систему можна модифікувати для різних бізнес моделей старт-апу, так як вартість останнього будується на методі дисконтованих грошових потоків, що прогнозуються завдяки моделі. Було побудовано 2 моделі прибутку: 1) Модель посередницької діяльності 2) Модель прибутку на показі банерної рекламиIn the modern world, the development of IT technologies creates a boom in the creation of new solutions to the long-standing problems. These solutions are new, not established, so they have a significant amount of uncertainty and risk. In search of a steady state of functioning, from the moment of appearance, these solutions are called start-up. Start-up, since it contains an innovative product, requires significant financial resources to both the development of this product and the promoting it to the mass. In order to get these resources start-ups collaborate with investors who buy a part of the new company, and for the money received from this deal, an owner develops his product. As the result these start-ups drive the economies of countries or humanity as a whole. The simulation of this interaction between the investor and the start-up was carried out in this master's thesis. It was constructed a system of this interaction, which could provide a number of useful output data, depending on the input, to both investor and founder of the start-up. This system can be modified for various business start-up models, because price of start-up is defined on the basis of discounted cash flow. Also in this thesis work the system was used with 2 different models of profit: 1) B2B2C Model of mediation between users 2) A model of profit by banner advertisin

    Success Factor-based Business Models for E-Commerce Platform Providers

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    E-commerce is booming and has become an integral part of everyday life. Especially the B2B industry is currently demonstrating an immense growth potential not only for the respective trading parties, but also in particular for providers of the necessary e-commerce platforms. Driven by disruptive forces and the accompanying rapid technological progress, the latter face a highly dynamic, complex, and intense competitive environment, which has a significant impact on their business models and its further development. In this context, entrepreneurial decisions are subject to strong uncertainties and risks. In order to support e-commerce platform providers focusing on customers in the B2B segment in their business model decisions, this thesis identifies key success factors specifically for their business models as well as ways for monitoring them. Using success factor research as research methodology, this applied research project conducted in the real world can be described as both interpretive and subjective and follows a social constructivist stance. In the process, 22 semi-structured interviews with e-commerce platform users operating in the B2B sector are conducted to obtain rich and in-depth information, which are then suitably analysed using template analysis. Based on the insights gained, the contribution of this research represents i) a blueprint of a success factor-based business model for e-commerce platform providers that also serves as a guide for implementation, ii) a tool for monitoring this model, as well as iii) a suitable business model innovation process model, which supports its proactive and sustainable further development. With that, the results of this work provide new insights for both scholars and practitioners and can have a major impact on the sustainable success of e-commerce platform providers’ business models and thus on corporate success

    Information Intensive Service operations: links between service concept, customer inputs and service process design

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    The study looks at relationships between service conceptconcept, customer inputsinputs and serviceservice process design (CI&P constructs) in information intensive service (IIS) systems from a service process execution viewpoint. A review of service operations literature hints to several researchable gaps. First, although service design and development has been studied at process level, how the CI&P constructs relate and explain each other and implications therein to operations and operational management decisions is not clear. Extant literature provides unstructured and incomplete picture of these relationships. This study explores the combined influence of different customer inputs to design of service delivery process and service concept. Second, specific features linking service delivery process to the IIS product package and the role of customer inputs are empirically assessed. Considering the recentness of IIS phenomenon and nature of investigation, multiple-embedded case study research design is deemed appropriate for theory building and extension. The study develops six propositions linking different attributes of operations transformational process in design of services. Contributions are presented at three levels; (i) identification of process design features for IIS, (ii) establishment of links between elements of the transformation model for IIS, and (iii) highlighting of the role and implication of information intensity to understanding of service classification and management of service operations. To the practitioner, the study demystifies the fundamental problem of IIS delivery that bases its decisions on marketing considerations, giving little regard to operations management

    Yes Bank Annual Report 2022-23

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