886 research outputs found

    A Study OF the Factors Affecting Students' Engagement in IPTC in HIU, China

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of academic motivation, self-efficacy, and performance on students’ engagement in IPTC (ideological and political theories courses) at a leading private university, Heilongjiang international university, located in the southeast of China. Nowadays, it is China's national strategy to improve the quality of IPTC education, which will train more talents to contribute to the socialist cause in China. Using SWOT, this study analyzes the opportunities and challenges of IPTC education at present. The study was conducted quantitatively and applied the multi-stage sampling technique by simple random sampling, and quota sampling method. A sample size of 200 students from year 1 semester II to year 4 who are studying in various majors in HIU which has a population of more than 4,000 students studying the IPTC. The data, which is collected through the questionnaire of students’ engagement passed the reliability and validity tests, were analyzed by using multiple linear regression to confirm the hypotheses testing. The results revealed academic motivation, self-efficacy, and performance have a significant effect on students’ engagement in IPTC

    Trialing project-based learning in a new EAP ESP course: A collaborative reflective practice of three college English teachers

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    Currently in many Chinese universities, the traditional College English course is facing the risk of being ‘marginalized’, replaced or even removed, and many hours previously allocated to the course are now being taken by EAP or ESP. At X University in northern China, a curriculum reform as such is taking place, as a result of which a new course has been created called ‘xue ke’ English. Despite the fact that ‘xue ke’ means subject literally, the course designer has made it clear that subject content is not the target, nor is the course the same as EAP or ESP. This curriculum initiative, while possibly having been justified with a rationale of some kind (e.g. to meet with changing social and/or academic needs of students and/or institutions), this is posing a great challenge for, as well as considerable pressure on, a number of College English teachers who have taught this single course for almost their entire teaching career. In such a context, three teachers formed a peer support group in Semester One this year, to work collaboratively co-tackling the challenge, and they chose Project-Based Learning (PBL) for the new course. This presentation will report on the implementation of this project, including the overall designing, operational procedure, and the teachers’ reflections. Based on discussion, pre-agreement was reached on the purpose and manner of collaboration as offering peer support for more effective teaching and learning and fulfilling and pleasant professional development. A WeChat group was set up as the chief platform for messaging, idea-sharing, and resource-exchanging. Physical meetings were supplementary, with sound agenda but flexible time, and venues. Mosoteach cloud class (lan mo yun ban ke) was established as a tool for virtual learning, employed both in and after class. Discussions were held at the beginning of the semester which determined only brief outlines for PBL implementation and allowed space for everyone to autonomously explore in their own way. Constant further discussions followed, which generated a great deal of opportunities for peer learning and lesson plan modifications. A reflective journal, in a greater or lesser detailed manner, was also kept by each teacher to record the journey of the collaboration. At the end of the semester, it was commonly recognized that, although challenges existed, the collaboration was overall a success and they were all willing to continue with it and endeavor to refine it to be a more professional and productive approach


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    Sustainable campus has become a hot issue of global sustainable development. As an experimental site for continuous exploration of sustainable technologies and concepts, campus will eventually play a vanguard role in achieving the global sustainable development goals (SDGs), so as to gradually promote campus sustainable development to the whole society. All countries carry out sustainable campus according to their own situation, and have successively issued relevant evaluation standards (system) of sustainable campus. Sustainable campus in China and Japan takes "energy saving" as the core, while America takes "environment-friendly" as the core. By comparing the sustainable campus evaluation standards and development characteristics of China, Japan and America, this study carries out in-depth research on the sustainable campus of the three countries, aiming to summarize the experience of sustainable campus construction, optimize the sustainable campus construction in China and Japan, and provide reference for the development of sustainable campus in the world.北九州市立大

    Development and Usability Evaluation of a Nursing Graduate Information Management System (GSMIS) Based on User Experience

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    [Research Background] Recent years, the rapid development of information technology in colleges and universities and the continuous expansion of graduate students have not only increased the pressure of graduate student management in the School of Nursing of Fudan University, but also accelerated the pace of information technology construction in the college, and the School of Nursing urgently needs to use the existing good platform to realize the information technology of nursing graduate student management in combination with the actual situation of the college, so as to realize the communication between graduate student supervisors, graduate students and management, and also to build an objective and scientific clinical competence assessment system in line with It is also important to provide material for the construction of an objective and scientific clinical competence assessment and evaluation system that is in line with the postgraduate nursing education, which is important to achieve the cultivation goals and improve the quality of nursing graduate training. [Research Purpose] Based on the theory of user experience and the concept of "User-Centered Design", this project develops the information management system for graduate students in the School of Nursing by studying the actual needs of teachers and graduate students in the School of Nursing, which can be divided into the following contents: (1) Construction of the framework content of a Nursing GSMIS (2) Development and testing of a Nursing GSMIS (3) Usability evaluation of the a Nursing GSMIS [Research Methods] 1. Demand analysis of the Nursing GSMIS (1) Preliminary framework: Using target sampling method and maximum variation method, semi- structured interviews were conducted with both faculty and student users of the School of Nursing to build the preliminary framework of the system. (2) Final framework: Expert focus group interviews were used to revise and adjust the required content such as interface design, business functions and performance, and to determine the final framework of the system. 2. Development and testing of Nursing GSMIS The “Rapid Prototype Interaction” model was used to develop the system. After the prototype was developed, the Shanghai Institute of Comprehensive Application of Network Technology was contacted for professional system testing, and then the system was modified and adjusted until it met the research requirements. 3. Usability evaluation of Nursing GSMIS A mixed evaluation method of usability test, questionnaire and qualitative interview was used to conduct a more comprehensive and objective usability evaluation of the GSMIS successfully developed in the early stage. It was used to understand the users' feelings and experiences of the system, analyze the advantages and shortcomings of the system, and explore its actual usability.[Research Results] 1. Demand analysis of Nursing GSMIS (1) Preliminary framework of the system: The faculty and student users interviewed expressed that information management is an important step in the progress of the college and the nursing discipline, and expressed strong support and need for the construction of our information system. Based on the literature review and the needs of faculty and students, the framework was initially formulated as four modules: basic information of admission, cultivation process, research results, and clinical cases. (2)The final framework of Nursing GSMIS: It is built from modules and functions, performance, interface, text, color, etc.; Modules include: basic information module for admission, training process module, scientific research achievement module, clinical case library module, employment information module, graduation tracking module; functions include password setting and retrieval, user log-in, user management, data maintenance, custom query, audit and message notification; Performance can be summarized as follows: data structure is clear, complete, with real-time, expansion, operation and stability; Interface Design is friendly and beautiful, simple and easy to use; Layout should highlight the key points; text design is easy to recognize and read, color design reflects the connotation and characteristics of the college. The performance can be summarized as: clear data structure, complete, real-time, scalability, operability and stability; friendly and beautiful interface design, simple and easy to use, layout to highlight the key points; text design is easy to identify, easy to read, color design reflects the connotation and characteristics of the college. 2. Development and testing of Nursing GSMIS Based on the requirements, the engineers used the “Rapid Prototype Interaction Model” to develop the system. After the prototype was developed, the Shanghai Institute of Comprehensive Application of Network Technology was contacted for professional system testing, and then after many rounds of software discussions and corrections between the software engineers and researchers, the GSMIS finally had the registration and log-in page, the informed consent notification page, the information notification page and six main modules. 3. Usability evaluation of Nursing GSMIS (1) Usability Test: Based on the usability test theory, the target sampling method was used, and five graduate students users were selected to participate in the test is sufficient, and the results are as follows. 1) Quantitative results: The effectiveness was mostly at 100%, and the efficiency was 56.2min/s, 72.2min/s, 53min/s, 225.2min/s, 75.8min/s, 33min/s, and 5.5min/s; The overall score of the post-scene questionnaire (ASQ) was 1.24. The evaluation indexes all indicated that the users rated the system highly. 2) Qualitative results: The test subjects all easily completed and highly praised the system during the test, indicating that the operation was not difficult and satisfied the interaction needs of users. (2) SUS Questionnaire: A total of 40 users completed the SUS using the convenience sampling method and the maximum variance method, and the Mean±SD was 70.23±7.7. Among them, the mean score of the Usability sub-scale was 71.59±8.93 , and the mean score of the ease of Learning sub-scale was 64.77±7.53, with scores ranging from 60 to 70. (3) Qualitative interviews: Using target sampling method and maximum variation method, a total of 10 people were interviewed, including 5 students and 5 staff users, and the number of interviews was 3, with no repeated interviews or secondary interviews. The maximum interview time was 46 minutes, the minimum was 25 minutes, and the average was 35.5 minutes. The results can be summarized into three aspects: general evaluation, content and function evaluation, and shortcomings and improvement. This study combines qualitative and quantitative results, reflecting the good usability of the system, but there are also shortcomings and improvements. [Conclusion] This study used various research methods such as literature review, qualitative interview, and focus group interview to construct a system framework based on user experience, completed the development of the graduate student information management system in the School of Nursing, and used mixed methods such as out-of-sound thinking method, usability testing method, questionnaire survey method, and qualitative interview to evaluate the usability of the system, and the results showed that the system has high acceptance, ease of use, and usability

    Exploring How Tourism Majors’ Perceived Professional Competence Influences Their Choice of Tourism Careers in China

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    With the rapid development of tourism in China, various economic sectors such as agriculture, sports, food and beverages, cultural heritage, and outdoor adventure have become integrated into the tourism industry. China\u27s tourism industry has changed and these changes now require tourism practitioners to adapt. Chinese universities must also adapt their tourism curriculum and educational practices to reflect changes in the tourism sector. Research suggests that university training programs should increase their emphasis on developing students’ professional competency and expand the range of competencies they address in their curriculum. At the same time, tourism enterprises in China are unable to recruit enough competent employees, resulting in a shortage of qualified workers. To improve the professional competence of tourism students in China, tourism education departments must respond to the needs of, and changes in, the tourism industry. The purpose of this two-phase, mixed-method exploratory design study is to identify the professional competencies that tourism experts in China believe tourism students must acquire, and examine the relationship between these competencies, tourism students’ perceptions of professional competence, and their intent to pursue a career in the tourism sector. The present study began with basic qualitative research in the form of interviews with Chinese tourism experts in China to identify the professional competencies that Chinese tourism students need. During the second stage of research, these results were incorporated into a written questionnaire that was distributed to approximately 800 tourism majors in China. Through the analysis of survey data, we examined the relationship between student demographics, their perceived professional competence, and their intent to pursue a career in the tourism sector. The study results indicate that the causal relationship between students\u27 perceived professional competence and students\u27 intention for a career in tourism is valid. These findings provide theoretical support for improving tourism students\u27 perceived professional competency. The results also suggest strategies to increase the percentage of tourism students who will choose to work in the tourism sector upon graduation

    Annual Report Of Research and Creative Productions, January to December, 2011

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    2011 Annual Report of Research and Creative Productions, Morehead State University, Division of Academic Affairs, Research and Creative Productions Committee

    Annual Report Of Research and Creative Productions, January to December, 2011

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    2011 Annual Report of Research and Creative Productions, Morehead State University, Division of Academic Affairs, Research and Creative Productions Committee

    Lingnan College Hong Kong : President\u27s report 1993-1994

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    Emerging values and implications for consumer decision-making: China’s study abroad students

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    From the initial catalyst of the cultural awareness trip the researcher was a part of and the subsequent observations made during further business trips to China questions arose around the validity of the established culture literature in contemporary China and how Chinese culture impacts on the decision of where to study abroad. The overarching aim of this research programme is to develop and test a conceptual framework that could help better understand the decision making process of Chinese students applying to study at a university in the United Kingdom. The intension is to identify differences and similarities in decision making in relation to the established cultural norms and if there are significant subcultures geographically across China. A digital card sort was deployed that consisted of 75 variables, from which participants were asked to firstly identify which variables were part of their decision making process. Those that were part of the process were then ordered into three levels of significance – contributed to, were important and were essential. The results having a confidence level of 95%, the following variables are considered as essential: I wanted to study overseas. I want an international career. I wanted to study in English (language). I wanted to advance / boost my career prospects. I can achieve a world-recognised qualification. By studying overseas, I will be able to make my own decisions. Further analysis and discussion determined that: A middle class exists in China, but is based on social capital. A cultural shift has been detected in the younger generation moving towards a more individualistic view of life. There are differences between genders in the decision making process. There are differences in exposure to international trade and global brands across China and this influences which variables are considered to be more significant within the decision making process. There is a need for a differentiated marketing message to be developed by organisations for optimal market penetration. The thesis therefore makes several contributions to both knowledge and to practice. Contributions to knowledge include: Recognising the premise on which the Chinese middle class is formed. Demonstrating a cultural shift in the millennial generation, moving towards a more individualist view of life. Identifying gender differences in the decision making process. Identifying how geographic location influences the significance of different decision making variables. Creation of a research instrument that enables cultural values to recognised in the decision making process. Contributions to practice include: The deeper understanding of the concept of middle class in China will assist organisations in their strategic marketing planning activities, as well as informing them on the focus of targeting communication processes. By having a new understanding of how millennial Chinese are moving towards a more individualistic life style, when compared to previous Chinese generations organisations will be able to develop products and services that are more aligned to this market segment. Higher education institutions will be better informed regarding curriculum design and the importance of including cultural experience within the overall student experience package. Further research projects have been identified that will enhance the findings from this thesis and make further contributions to knowledge and practice: To extend the data collection from a mainly business base to encompass more subject disciplines such as computing, engineering, medicine. To adapt the context of the decision from higher education to other major purchases such as housing and travel. The research instrument can be repeated to establish a multi-generational perspective of Chinese decision making, degrees of power within the family context and further explore differences in gender. A more complete geographical picture could be developed, not just of China, but to include more collectivist societies around the world including Japan and India

    Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards and Market Performance of Listed Banks in Nigeria

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    Abstract. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of the adoption of IFRS on the market performance of banks in Nigeria. Secondary data were acquired from the financial statement of 15 money deposit banks listed on floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) while regression and paired sample test analyses were used to determine the association between the adoption of IFRS and the market performance of listed money deposit Banks in Nigeria. The study found a positive and significant relationship between the adoption of IFRS and the market performance of listed money deposit banks in Nigeria proxy by Dividend pay-out (DPO) and Dividend Yield (DY). Furthermore, the paired sample test result indicates a significant difference exists between Dividend pay-out (DPO) and the adoption of IFRS while no significant difference exists between Dividend Yield (DY) and the adoption of IFRS. Thus, the study recommends that the global adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards particularly in developing economies like Nigeria should be properly implemented and studied, so as to keep abreast with the various changes the would likely affect the market performance of the Nigerian Banking industry