10,884 research outputs found

    Analysis of Temporal Distribution, Research Power and Hot Topics of Physical Education Curriculum Research in Chinese Colleges and Universities

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    With the help of Cite Space software and data statistical analysis tools, the research employed bibliometric method and co-word analysis method to analyze the research on physical education curriculum in Chinese colleges and universities, which was included in CNKI from January 1, 1984 to December 31, 2022, in order to grasp the characteristics of its temporal distribution, research power, and hot topics. The findings showed that the research on physical education curriculum in Chinese colleges and universities had gone through a slow formation period, an initial growth period, a rapid growth period, and is currently in a mature and stable period in terms of temporal distribution. However, in terms of research power, there were lack of high-impact research institutions and researchers in China. Furthermore, the hot topics mainly focus on the reform of the physical education curriculum, teaching reform, ideological and political education, and resources in the physical education curriculum of the colleges and universities. Therefore, the research suggests that the further research is required to expand the ideas, methods, breadth, and depth, in order to promote the comprehensive and in-depth reformation and development of physical education curriculum practice in Chinese colleges and universities

    Big data in education and organizational change: Evidence from private K12 schools in China

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    China is a time-honored civilization with a long history of private education. In China, private education has played an important role in preserving Chinese civilization. At the end of the 20th century, private education in China began to develop thanks to government support. As such, remarkable progress was made during the past decade. Due to specific conditions within the education industry, however, the administration of private edu-cation - and basic education, in particular - has remained rudimentary compared with other more mature service industries. To address the many problems in basic education, such as rig-id teaching methods, heavy teacher workloads and long, repetitive working hours, it is imper-ative in this information era to conduct innovative explorations with the help of the “internet of things” (IoT), big data and other scientific and technological means to carry out organiza-tional reform in schools and to establish contemporary organizational structures and manage-ment modes. Doing so will comprehensively improve the administration of basic education, which will in turn promote the quality of education and teaching. This thesis examines Tianli Education Group, a typical example of private, basic educa-tion in China. By adopting experimental research methods, the behavior of students and teachers in Tianli’s schools were experimentally analyzed. IoT technology was employed to collect data about student behavior at school. Likewise, after collecting and analyzing big data on the behavior of teachers at school, the content and processes of their work were analyzed. Based on these experiments, this thesis explores a new 5G era-appropriate mode of stu-dent selection and training that makes use of big data technology. It outlines the standard work scenario for teachers and improves both their work efficiency and salaries by “trimming staff and streamlining administration,” thus rekindling enthusiasm among teachers for their work. Finally, as a part of this thesis, a series of organizational changes were implemented at Tianli Education Group and its schools to boost organizational vitality, improve overall levels of education, teaching and operational efficiency, raise teachers’ salaries and enhance student happiness.A China é uma civilização muito antiga, com uma longa história de educação privada. A educação privada desempenhou um papel importante na preservação da civilização chinesa. No final do século 20, a educação privada na China começou a desenvolver-se com o apoio do governo. Nos últimos dez anos, devido ao apoio concedido temos assistido a um grande progresso. Contudo e em virtude das condições específicas da indústria da educação, a administração da educação privada – a educação básica em particular – permaneceu rudimentar quando comparada com outras indústrias de serviços. Para resolver os muitos problemas da educação básica, tais como os métodos rígidos de ensino, as cargas de trabalho pesadas e horas de trabalho repetitivas, torna-se imperativo nesta era da informação realizar pesquisas inovadoras com a ajuda da “Internet das Coisas”, do “Big Data” e meios científicos e tecnológicos que nos permitam realizar a reforma nas escolas e estabelecer estruturas organizacionais e métodos de gestão adaptados aos tempos em que vivemos. Os resultados destas pesquisas irão contribuir para melhorar de uma forma abrangente a administração da educação básica, o que por sua vez promoverá a qualidade da educação e do ensino. Esta tese estuda o Tianli Education Group, que consideramos um bom exemplo do ensino privado na educação básica na China. Adoptando métodos experimentais de pesquisa, o comportamento dos estudantes e professores das escolas Tianli foram analisados. Aplicamos a tecnologia da “Internet das Coisas” para recolher informações sobre comportamento dos alunos na escola. Da mesma forma, após a recolha e análise dos dados sobre o comportamento dos professores na escola, efetuamos a análise do conteúdo e dos processos do seu trabalho. Tendo por base estas experiências, esta tese explora na nova era 5G, um modo apropriado para seleção e formação dos alunos. Esta tese descreve o cenário padrão de trabalho para professores e melhora não somente a eficiência do trabalho como também os seus salários ao “reduzir o pessoal e simplificar a administração”, reacendendo assim o entusiasmo dos professores pelo seu trabalho. Finalmente, como parte desta tese, uma série de mudanças organizacionais foram implementadas nas escolas do grupo Tianli Education Group com a finalidade de impulsionar a vitalidade organizacional, melhorar todos os níveis gerais de educação, aumentar a eficiência operacional e de ensino, aumentar os salários dos professores e aumentar a felicidade dos alunos

    Trialing project-based learning in a new EAP ESP course: A collaborative reflective practice of three college English teachers

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    Currently in many Chinese universities, the traditional College English course is facing the risk of being ‘marginalized’, replaced or even removed, and many hours previously allocated to the course are now being taken by EAP or ESP. At X University in northern China, a curriculum reform as such is taking place, as a result of which a new course has been created called ‘xue ke’ English. Despite the fact that ‘xue ke’ means subject literally, the course designer has made it clear that subject content is not the target, nor is the course the same as EAP or ESP. This curriculum initiative, while possibly having been justified with a rationale of some kind (e.g. to meet with changing social and/or academic needs of students and/or institutions), this is posing a great challenge for, as well as considerable pressure on, a number of College English teachers who have taught this single course for almost their entire teaching career. In such a context, three teachers formed a peer support group in Semester One this year, to work collaboratively co-tackling the challenge, and they chose Project-Based Learning (PBL) for the new course. This presentation will report on the implementation of this project, including the overall designing, operational procedure, and the teachers’ reflections. Based on discussion, pre-agreement was reached on the purpose and manner of collaboration as offering peer support for more effective teaching and learning and fulfilling and pleasant professional development. A WeChat group was set up as the chief platform for messaging, idea-sharing, and resource-exchanging. Physical meetings were supplementary, with sound agenda but flexible time, and venues. Mosoteach cloud class (lan mo yun ban ke) was established as a tool for virtual learning, employed both in and after class. Discussions were held at the beginning of the semester which determined only brief outlines for PBL implementation and allowed space for everyone to autonomously explore in their own way. Constant further discussions followed, which generated a great deal of opportunities for peer learning and lesson plan modifications. A reflective journal, in a greater or lesser detailed manner, was also kept by each teacher to record the journey of the collaboration. At the end of the semester, it was commonly recognized that, although challenges existed, the collaboration was overall a success and they were all willing to continue with it and endeavor to refine it to be a more professional and productive approach

    Education and Social Equity With a Special Focus on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Elementary Education

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    The Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) are among the most socially and educationally disadvantaged groups in India. This paper examines issues concerning school access and equity for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities and also highlights their unique problems, which may require divergent policy responses. The paper is divided into seven main parts. The first two sections introduce the reader to the nature of exclusion and discrimination faced by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and outlines the debate on the role of education in improving the socio-economic profile of both groups. The third section explains the socio-economic conditions within which Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes live and their marginalized status in contemporary India. The fourth section provides a discussion of literacy advancement among these groups, and of national policies and programmes which aim to improve school access and equity. The fifth section highlights special efforts made by certain state governments to improve educational participation of these two communities as well as the educational experiments on a more modest scale undertaken by community based Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The sixth section focuses on casteism as a deeply ideological issue that undercuts even the most genuine reform measures, and suggests research and policy options that may help to address underlying structural and ideological issues. The concluding section highlights a few critical areas for further research in the area

    Profili dominirajućih strana tijela u tjelesnom odgoju

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the dominance preferences of physical educators and the impact the profiles can have on pedagogical knowledge in the teaching/learning environment. Participants completed a self-assessment of dominant preferences survey in the areas of the brain hemisphere, eye, ear, hand and foot preference. Chi-square and cross-tab analysis were used to analyze the data according to age, sex, and teaching experience. A basic dominance profile for physical educators in the study was determined and the results revealed a profile of equal distribution for left and right brain dominance and predominantly the right eye, ear, hand and foot preferences for the group. The profile for this group of physical educators was different from the profile of educators in previous research. The strengths of the left-brain dominants were in the visual, auditory, and movement preferences, while the weaknesses were in the kinesthetic preferences. The strengths for the right brain dominants were only in the kinesthetic preferences, while the weaknesses were in the visual, auditory, and movement areas.Uvod Ovo istraživanje proučavalo je osnovne profile dominacije za nastavnike tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u SAD-u. Faktori koji su bili proučavani uključivali su godine, spol, regiju SAD-a te godine nastavničkog iskustva u svrhu utvrđivanja njihove korelacije sa selekcijom dominacije. Istraživačka pitanja koja su vodila ovo istraživanje bila su: 1) koje su to primarne pogodnosti dominacije kod nastavnika TZK i ostalih srodnih zanimanja testiranih u ovom istraživanju; 2) koji faktori utječu na dominantne preferencije i 3) u sklopu dominantnih preferencija, koje su prednosti i nedostaci očigledni koje bi mogli utjecati na pedagoške spoznaje. Metode Istraživanje je provedeno na 698 ispitanika, nastavnika TZK, starosti od 19 do 64 godine, iz 48 američkih saveznih država sa nastavničkim iskustvom od 0 do 40 godina. Osnovni deskriptivni parametri izračunati su pomoću statističkog paketa SPSS. Za analizu podataka koji su se odnosili na dob, spol, nastavničko iskustvo i prebivalište koristili su se χ2 test i cross tab analiza. Profili dominacije bili su prikupljeni na prigodnom uzorku učitelja i studenata kineziološke edukacije i srodnih područja putem on-line upitnika u razdoblju od 6 godina. Upitnik je omogućio ispitanicima provedbu auto-procjene njihovog profila dominacije u području dominacije mozga, oka, uha, ruke i noge. Svaki je ispitanik bio zamoljen da odredi je li dominantno osjetilo, odnosno organ (mozak, oko, uho, ruka ili noga) bio primarno desne ili lijeve dominacije, odnosno neodređen. Rezultati Istraživanje je provedeno na 698 ispitanika od kojih su 65,8% bile žene, a 34,2% muškarci. Ispitanici su za potrebe analize podataka bili raspoređeni u grupe po starosti, spolu, prebivalištu (savezna država) te godinama iskustva. U cross tab analizi dominacije mozga sa godinama i prebivalištem nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike. Statističke razlike bile su zabilježene kod analize korelacija između određivanja dominacije lijeve ili desne hemisfere mozga sa brojem godina nastavničkog iskustva. Ukupni profil ispitanika nastavnika TZK pokazao je da je uzorak odredio jednaki omjer u dominaciji pojedinih hemisfera mozga te sa preferencijama u desnom oku (65,6%), desnom uhu (60,7%), desnoj ruci (89,8%) i desnoj nozi (82,3%). U određivanju dominacije pojedine strane mozga ispitanici su bili gotovo izjednačeno podijeljeni (lijeva strana mozga 50,7% te desna strana mozga 49,3%), ali su ostale preferencije bile pretežno desne dominacije. Cross tab analiza pokazala je da se veći postotak muških ispitanika odredio kao osoba kojoj je lijeva strana mozga dominantna (55%) u odnosu one s dominantnom desnom stranom mozga (45%) te da su se ženske ispitanice vrlo izjednačeno podijelile prema dominaciji hemisfera (50,9% dominacija desne hemisfere naspram 49,1% dominacije lijeva hemisfere mozga). Na svim razinama nastavničkog iskustva većina je ispitanika bila opredijeljena za dominaciju desnog oka i desne noge. Dobivena je statistička značajnost (p<.001) između godina nastavničkog iskustva i dominacije uha. Hannaford (1997) je predstavio 32 različita profila dominacije koja otkrivaju preferencije u procesuiranju informacija u procesu učenja. Kros-lateralna dominacija bila je uočena kod 20,2% ispitanika u uzorku u kojem je 92% ispitanika bilo određeno kao osobe sa dominacijom lijeve hemisfere i 8% sa dominacijom desne hemisfere. Homolateralna dominacija bila je uočena kod 20,5% ispitanika u uzorku u kojem je 9% ispitanika imalo dominantnu lijevu hemisferu i 91% dominantnu desnu hemisferu. Miješana dominacija profila mozga primijećena je kod 59,3% ispitanika te kod velikog postotka osoba koje imaju poteškoće u učenju. Diskusija i zaključak Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je utvrđivanje primarnih profila dominacije i preferencija nastavnika TZK i osoba u sličnim područjima, faktorima koji utječu na te preferencije te kako te spoznaje mogu utjecati na pedagoški proces učenja u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Konstruktivna teorija učenja navodi da ono što se događa u našim sadašnjim edukacijskim sustavima nije najbolje za sve učenike. Tradicionalni stilovi učenja ne moraju povećavati učenje, ali korištenje stilova dominantnih preferencija i učenja može doprijeti do svih učenika. Vrlo je važno razmatrati kako pojedinac procesuira informaciju u svom mozgu. Procesuiranje u mozgu utječe na sve ostale preferencije i stilove pojedine osobe. Ispitanici su u ovom istraživanju pokazali izjednačenost u dominaciji lijeve i desne hemisfere mozga. Istraživanja pokazuju da većina učenika u osnovnim školama imaju dominantu desnu hemisferu, dok je većina učitelja sa dominantnom lijevom hemisferom mozga (Dunn i Dunn, 1992; Dunn, 1993; Dunn, Dunn i Perrin, 1994). U ovom uzorku ispitanika profili dominacije za oko, uho, ruku i nogu su dominantno desni. Kao grupa, nastavnici TZK su vrlo logički nastrojeni, orijentirani detaljima, verbalni, vizualni i osobe s racionalnim i koordiniranim kretnjama. Naš sustav edukacije favorizira učitelje (i studente/učenike) koji informacije procesuiraju linearnim putem, ali osobe koje tako procesuiraju informacije predstavljaju tek 15% testirane populacije (Hannaford, 1993). Ti pojedinci vjerojatno imaju visoko samopouzdanje i manje su podložni stresu budući da su školske zadaće postavljene upravo prema njihovim mogućnostima procesuiranja. Sa manje dodatnog stresa ti učitelji mogu puno lakše doprijeti i brinuti se o svim tipovima učenika, neovisno o dominaciji preferencija. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da muškarci u većem postotku imaju dominaciju lijeve hemisfere mozga, dok je kod žena dominacija hemisfera vrlo ujednačena. Aktivnosti koje se provode na velikim otvorenim prostorima preferiraju osobe sa dominantnom desnom hemisferom mozga budući da je vrlo dobro dokumentirano da je desna strana mozga superiornija za prostorno procesuiranje. Nastavničko iskustvo u ovom uzorku ispitanika utjecalo je na promjene u dominaciji strane i uha i mozga. Dominacija desnog uha bila je zabilježena kod dvostruko više učitelja u prvih deset godina predavanja, ali se uravnotežila kod učitelja koji su imali veći radni staž. Učitelji koji su imali više nastavničkog iskustva bili su skloniji biti s dominantnom lijevom stranom mozga, dok su oni sa manjim nastavničkim iskustvom bili uglavnom osobe s dominantnom desnom hemisferom mozga. Veće iskustvo pokazalo je veće tendiranje prema dominaciji lijeve hemisfere mozga. Naše (američke) škole postavljene su tako da vrednuju pojedince koji imaju razvijeniju logičku komponentu razmišljanja. Učitelji koji su testirani u ovom istraživanju započeli su svoje karijere sa preferencijama desne hemisfere mozga, ali su s vremenom promijenili i prilagodili izbor dominacije kako bi učinkovitije funkcionirali. Ta promjena u izboru dominacije mogla bi predstavljati proces naučene kompenzacije. Iskusniji učitelji prilagođuju se sustavu koji je u SAD-u više kognitivno orijentiran (dominacija lijeve hemisfere mozga). Kako god, potrebna su buduća istraživanja u ovom području koja bi potvrdila ovakve zaključke. Kada je cjelokupan profil učitelja TZK bio predstavljen po kategorijama dominacije dobio se vrlo jasan uvid u prednosti i mane nastavnika TZK, ispitanika u ovom istraživanju. Približno 20% ispitanika prikazalo je kros-lateralan profil i 20% ispitanika imalo je homo-lateralan profil. 59% ispitanika imalo je miješani profil dominacije. Kros lateralna grupa ispitanika dobro se nosi sa situacijom u zemlji vezanom uz procese i stilove učenja, budući da se njihove preferencije uklapaju u edukacijski sustav sa dominacijom logičkih procesa učenja i obrazovanja. Ljudi ne mogu promijeniti svoje preferencije dominacije, ali mogu kompenzirati neke preferencije do određenog nivoa. Utvrđivanje svoje i preferencije dominacije drugih ljudi može nam pomoći da razumijemo područja prednosti i mana u obrazovnom okruženju. Kada te preferencije budu definirane, učitelji će imati bolje razumijevanje o tome kako doprijeti do učenika i kako unaprijediti obrazovni proces

    God, Mother and Island Creek : The Story of Holden Central School and the Emergence of Nurturing Paternalism

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    The story of the community of Holden, West Virginia (Logan County), Island Creek Coal Company, and its model school (Holden Central School) offers a counternarrative to the dominant deficit-oriented narratives concerning Appalachian education. In particular, the progressive nature of Island Creek Coal Company led it to create a model coal camp community and a school that educated their employees’ children. The school operated from 1922 until 1970, when the combined elementary and junior high school closed its doors forever. Island Creek Coal Company both designed, supplied, and oversaw the daily operations of a benevolent community with all the modern amenities of the day while paradoxically exercising strict, authoritative control of its mines. When it came to the Holden Central school, this conflicting behavior on the part of the coal company was perceived by former teachers and students as a positive, albeit contradictory “nurturing paternalistic” force of influence, rather than a manipulative force of exploitation. This study explores the complex dynamics of these relationships in an effort to construct a narrative for the larger story of Holden as a community, a school, and the headquarters of a powerful coal company. This was accomplished by combining the analyses of archival records and newspaper articles, along with oral histories of former educators and students from Holden Central School. This collaborative ethnographic research complicates larger, dominant narratives and provides scholars of rural education and Appalachian Studies with a new lens to view company towns and the industries that ran them

    University research: policy considerations to drive Australia’s competitiveness

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    Universities are integral to Australia’s research effort and provide the foundation of skills and&nbsp;knowledge required for the nation’s long-term success. Research and innovation have been&nbsp;consistently identified as essential ingredients for improving productivity and quality of life.&nbsp;If Australia is to continue to compete internationally, we must critically look at our performance&nbsp;and identify ways of strengthening all elements of the system. Australia’s research performance compares well internationally, both in productivity and&nbsp;research excellence. In terms of academic impact, there are clear areas of strength across the&nbsp;breadth of disciplines and Australia’s researchers are highly regarded. There is, however, room&nbsp;for improvement, especially relative to the best-performing nations. Knowledge exchange and&nbsp;the ease of translation of research into the broader economy and community are Australia’s&nbsp;main areas requiring substantial attention. An examination of the countries chosen for comparison—Switzerland, Denmark, the&nbsp;Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and Canada—brings to&nbsp;light several similarities in their approaches that should be considered for Australia’s future&nbsp;approach: Long-term strategies and plans have been implemented, including targets and priority areas,&nbsp;accompanied by significant and ongoing support. The strategies focus on areas of national interest and comparative advantage and take into&nbsp;account the country’s industrial structure and location. The unique role of universities is recognised, as is the need to support a balance of&nbsp;investigator-led and mission-led research. If we are to improve Australia’s performance and achieve the broader aims for research, a range&nbsp;of matters needs to be considered by the university sector and government: Australia needs a long-term plan that outlines national priority areas and secures ongoing&nbsp;and reliable support for the fundamentals of the research system. Reward and recognition mechanisms at the researcher and university levels should be&nbsp;critically examined. We need to support a balance of basic and applied and investigator-led and mission-led&nbsp;research, maintaining the strong focus on research excellence. Australia must increase its efforts in both domestic and international collaboration,&nbsp;especially in the priority areas identified. The career path for researchers in all sectors must be improved. We must ensure our best and&nbsp;brightest can move freely between industry and academia. Holistic, ongoing funding for national research infrastructure is imperative. A transactional view of university–industry collaboration will not deliver the deep and&nbsp;productive relationships required to improve the translation of research. In view of accelerating investment in research and innovation by our Asian neighbours and&nbsp;traditional competitors, Australia could be close to the proverbial ‘tipping point’, whereby we&nbsp;are not able to achieve our goal of a high-wage, high-growth economy. A national strategy that addresses all facets of the system, targets both supply and demand, and&nbsp;includes long-term financial commitments is needed in order to bring about cultural change&nbsp;and improve Australia’s research and innovation performance. Universities Australia has prepared this paper to inform current and future debate about&nbsp;university research and its role in driving Australia’s competitiveness

    Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, v. 4, no. 2

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