150,402 research outputs found

    Geometric Methods for Context Sensitive Distributional Semantics

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    PhDThis thesis describes a novel methodology, grounded in the distributional semantic paradigm, for building context sensitive models of word meaning, affording an empirical exploration of the relationship between words and concepts. Anchored in theoretical linguistic insight regarding the contextually specified nature of lexical semantics, the work presented here explores a range of techniques for the selection of subspaces of word co-occurrence dimensions based on a statistical analysis of input terms as observed within large-scale textual corpora. The relationships between word-vectors that emerge in the projected subspaces can be analysed in terms of a mapping between their geometric features and their semantic properties. The power of this modelling technique is its ability to generate ad hoc semantic relationships in response to an extemporaneous linguistic or conceptual situation. The product of this approach is a generalisable computational linguistic methodology, capable of taking input in various forms, including word groupings and sentential context, and dynamically generating output from a broad base model of word co-occurrence data. To demonstrate the versatility of the method, this thesis will present competitive empirical results on a range of established natural language tasks including word similarity and relatedness rating, metaphor and metonymy detection, and analogy completion. A range of techniques will be applied in order to explore the ways in which different aspects of projected geometries can be mapped to different semantic relationships, allowing for the discovery of a range of lexical and conceptual properties for any given input and providing a basis for an empirical exploration of distinctions between the semantic phenomena under analysis. The case made here is that the flexibility of these models and their ability to extend output to evaluations of unattested linguistic relationships constitutes the groundwork for a method for the extrapolation of dynamic conceptual relationships from large-scale textual corpora. This method is presented as a complement and a counterpoint to established distributional methods for generating lexically productive word-vectors. Where contemporary vector space models of distributional semantics have almost universally involved either the factorisation of co-occurrence matrices or the incremental learning of abstract representations using neural networks, the approach described in this thesis preserves the connection between the individual dimensions of word-vectors and statistics pertaining to observations in a textual corpus. The hypothesis tested here is that the maintenance of actual, interpretable information about underlying linguistic data allows for the contextual selection of non-normalised subspaces with more nuanced geometric features. In addition to presenting competitive results for various computational linguistic targets, the thesis will suggest that the transparency of its representations indicates scope for the application of this model to various real-world problems where an interpretable relationship between data and output is highly desirable. This, finally, demonstrates a way towards the productive application of the theory and philosophy of language to computational linguistic practice.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK, EP/L50483X/1

    Measuring Societal Biases in Text Corpora via First-Order Co-occurrence

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    Text corpora are used to study societal biases, typically through statistical models such as word embeddings. The bias of a word towards a concept is typically estimated using vectors similarity, measuring whether the word and concept words share other words in their contexts. We argue that this second-order relationship introduces unrelated concepts into the measure, which causes an imprecise measurement of the bias. We propose instead to measure bias using the direct normalized co-occurrence associations between the word and the representative concept words, a first-order measure, by reconstructing the co-occurrence estimates inherent in the word embedding models. To study our novel corpus bias measurement method, we calculate the correlation of the gender bias values estimated from the text to the actual gender bias statistics of the U.S. job market, provided by two recent collections. The results show a consistently higher correlation when using the proposed first-order measure with a variety of word embedding models, as well as a more severe degree of bias, especially to female in a few specific occupations
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