10,332 research outputs found

    Benchmarking Reidentification in Multi-Camera Tracking Systems with YOLOv8 and ResNet-50

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    The aim of this paper is to benchmark reidentification within a multi-camera tracking system. This benchmark has been carried out by leveraging transfer learning, utilizing YOLOv8 for real-time object detection and ResNet-50 for feature extraction. The objective is to evaluate the system's performance in accurately reidentifying vehicles across multiple cameras in real-world traffic surveillance scenarios. This benchmarking endeavor aims to provide an evaluation framework for assessing the capabilities and limitations of vehicle reidentification techniques, with a focus on their applicability in challenging conditions such as low- light environments, image compression, and object occlusions

    Transportation Economics

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    Of good plants and useless weeds: planning as a spatial technology of the gardening state

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    The article deploys Bauman’s metaphor of the ‘gardening’ state to consider the imbrication of planning and the dark side of modernity. It interrogates the public production and defence of urban spaces suitable for people deemed to have value. Using empirical material from urban Zimbabwe, I frame planning as a spatial technology of the gardening state and peer into its handling of informality under two main themes: first, the perception, construction and designation of ‘weeds’, and second, the declaration and treatment of the ‘weeds’. Situating Bauman’s metaphor in the nexus between planning, the state and informality, I conclude that the metaphor paints a helpful but inadequate picture. I argue that while the metaphor is helpful with regards to the first theme, refinements are needed in its application to the second. Rather than see planning enforcement as a rational-scientific practice, a nuanced conceptualisation is needed that explicitly acknowledges the messy business of politics

    Improvement of the Quality of Input Data and its Effect in the Uncertainty of a Noise Map

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    The influence of applying European default values to the making of a noise map was evaluated in a typical environment like Palma de Mallorca. These default values were compared with measured noise levels and the model was validated or rejected according to the deviations. After an unacceptable initial result, quantification of improvements to the process has been performed. This analysis demonstrates that the use of noise source default data in the absence of specific data can generate deviations in excess of more than 9 dB. Consequently, additional data gathered were of higher quality and were collected using different techniques. Different methodologies were also examined for collecting model input data that would be of the highest possible quality, by analysing the improvement generated in the reduction in the uncertainty of the final result of the noise map. Improvements to the process consisted of a developing a new traffic network with current data, obtaining more experimental data with a greater geographical sampling of traffic, implementing a new road categorization system and using alternative techniques to obtain the composition and speed of traffic


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    Published Conference ProceedingsTraffic congestion in and around the central business districts (CBD) of South African cities is a major challenge. Apparently, it is engendering undesirable consequences that include impeding vehicular flow, causing vehicular and pedestrian conflicts, escalating travel time, and frequenting vehicular crashes. So, using a case study of Kimberley city in South Africa, this study assessed the causes and degree of traffic congestion on the roads in and around the CBD area; and examined the impact of plausible re-engineering measures to alleviate the challenge. Survey research methods were used to collect data. Land use and urban functions influencing urban movements, road, and traffic scenario data were collected through physical and traffic survey at different selected road sections and junctions of the CBD area by following appropriate survey protocols. Besides, road user perception and travel behaviour survey were conducted among 208 (N= 208) road users by using random sampling process at important nodes of the city. Relevant empirical models were used to assess the causes and level of traffic congestion, and to examine the impact of reengineering solutions on the current and forecasted traffic scenarios. Findings suggest an appreciable level of traffic congestion is experienced currently in some of the roads of the CBD area and the situation will be aggravated in future, specifically during the peak hours, whereas a number of roads are highly underutilised. Re-engineering solutions such as appropriate traffic assignment and modal split, i.e., traffic diversion ranging between 9.0% and 40.5% from different congested roads and restriction of plying of heavy vehicles on the congested roads during peak hours and assigning them to connected underutilised roads could ease traffic congestion, increase speed and reduce travel time and consequently enable optimal use of the majority of the roads in and around the CBD area of the city

    The Challenges and Opportunities of Dar es - Salaam City Bus Rapid Transit on Implementation and Operations

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    Urban traffic congestion is primarily prevalent in large cities caused by city population growth and inefficiency of transportation infrastructure. To minimize the problem, in year 2016, Dar es Salaam city implemented the Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) transportation mode. This study introduced to describe the challenges and opportunities of the BRT project to the livelihoods of the city inhabitant. According to the finding, management concerns and regular floods in the main station area are among the project challenges, furthermore, the adoption of the BRT system has typically contributed to the improvement of the urban economy by attracting street seller’s around the buses stops, lowering travel times and enhancing access to fundamental society services. The study used a mixed methods approach, which includes both quantitative and qualitative data Keywords: Bus Rapid Transit; transportation; infrastructure DOI: 10.7176/DCS/11-7-03 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Incorporating Safety Excellence into Urban Air Mobility (UAM): Insights from Commercial Aviation, Rotorcraft, and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

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    This paper focused on safety considerations in Urban Air Mobility (UAM) through a cross-industry examination of commercial aviation, rotorcraft, and unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Although UAM promises transformative benefits, there are safety concerns remaining. Based on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s Concept of Operations (ConOps), the literature review explained the fundamental concepts of UAM. In commercial aviation, regulatory framework, pilot training and certification, vehicle design and maintenance, and emergency response planning are emphasized. For rotorcraft, safety requirements for vertical flight, collision avoidance systems, heliport standards, and weather adaptability are crucial. Leveraging UAS advancements, the study suggested autonomous systems, sense-and-avoid technology, and remote piloting for enhanced safety in the UAM sector

    Bridge deck runoff control trough drainage, treatment and irrigation system: The case study of the bridge Ostruznica over the Sava river

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    The paper presents main design project of the bridge Ostruznica deck drainage and runoff treatment. An integral solution of drainage and irrigation and/or discharge water into the Sava river of pre - treated runoff from the portion of highway Dobanovci – Bubanj Potok and the bridge The treated water is taken for irrigation into the groundwater as a recharge, along the series of wells for potable water within sanitary protection zone of the Belgrade Water supply system. The first flush of the criteria rainfall runoff volume is to be pre - treated using a StormwaterR barrels. Such a solution is considered as an additional water source at the aquifer by the rivers’ banks. Also, it is a measure of water cycle improvement. The project is completed by a SwermR preventing system for accidental situation, such as leakage or accidents of vehicles and potential pollution and risks of vulnerability for the potablewater wells