7 research outputs found

    A Survey on Trust Management Mechanism for Internet of Things

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    The Internet is populated with billions of electronic contraptions that have turned into a piece of our texture. Trust administration assumes an essential part in IoT for dependable information combination and reliable information, qualified administrations with setting � mindfulness, and improved client protection and data security.In network arrangement reliable information handling in remote sensor systems is a quickly rising examination theme. In remote sensor arrange calculation is regularly considerably less vitality devouring than correspondence. Reliability of sensor information is most critical part when detecting undertaking done in remote sensor arrange. In this paper we discuss about the trust management mechanism, wireless sensor network, Internet of Things architecture, and also give the literature survey of some papers

    OELB - IH Algorithm for Secure Data Routing to Improve the Network Location Advisory Privacy Performance in WSN

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    Wireless network performance greatly depends on the number of factors such as output, delay packet delivery rate, packet drop rate, and many others. Each quality of service parameter greatly depends on other parameters also. However, the only obstacle which stops the performance achievement is security issues. In most cases, the adversary involves learning the network data to identify the routing strategy, data transmission strategy, and so on. When the adversary is capable of identifying the traffic and routing strategy, the adversary can perform different network. To improve the network performance and safeguard the network transmission using an Iterative heuristic algorithm, an efficient neighbor discovery-based security enhancement algorithm with Optimized Elastic Load Balancing (OELB) protocol is applied. In this Optimized Elastic Load Balancing Routing with Iterative Heuristic (OELB-IH) algorithm to provide secure communication in the sensor network. In this work, the Receiving Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) value to estimate the transmission support and transmitting signal range estimate to identify the nearest coverage nodes. The iterative heuristic algorithm performs tracking and seeking to achieve the node location and transmission error. In this OELB protocol, to identify the lower transmission path with lower energy consumption, it helps to multipath communication over the network. In this proposed has produced efficient results on security performance and throughput performance compared to other existing methods (SPAC, CPSLP, RRA)

    FSDA: Framework for Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network for Enhancing Key Management

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    An effective key management plays a crucial role in imposing a resilient security technique in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). After reviewing the existing approaches of key management, it is confirmed that existing approachs does not offer good coverage on all potential security breaches in WSN. With WSN being essential part of Internet-of-Things (IoT), the existing approaches of key management can definitely not address such security breaches. Therefore, this paper introduces a Framework for Secure Data Aggregation (FSDA) that hybridizes the public key encryption mechanism in order to obtain a novel key management system. The proposed system does not target any specific attacks but is widely applicable for both internal and external attacks in WSN owing to its design principle. The study outcome exhibits that proposed FSDA offers highly reduced computational burden, minimal delay, less energy consumption, and higher data transmission perforance in contrast to frequency used encryption schemes in WSN

    Wireless Sensor Network Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a high potential technology used in many fields (agriculture, earth, environmental monitoring, resources union, health, security, military, and transport, IoT technology). The band width of each cluster head is specific, thus, the number of sensors connected to each cluster head is restricted to a maximum limit and exceeding it will weaken the connection service between each sensor and its corresponding cluster head. This will achieve the research objective which refers to reaching the state where the proposed system energy is stable and not consuming further more cost. The main challenge is how to distribute the cluster heads regularly on a specified area, that’s why a solution was supposed in this research implies finding the best distribution of the cluster heads using a genetic algorithm. Where using an optimization algorithm, keeping in mind the cluster heads positions restrictions, is an important scientific contribution in the research field of interest. The novel idea in this paper is the crossover of two-dimensional integer encoded individuals that replacing an opposite region in the parents to produce the children of new generation. The mutation occurs with probability of 0.001, it changes the type of 0.05 sensors found in handled individual. After producing more than 1000 generations, the achieved results showed lower value of fitness function with stable behavior. This indicates the correct path of computations and the accuracy of the obtained results. The genetic algorithm operated well and directed the process towards improving the genes to be the best possible at the last generation. The behavior of the objective function started to be regular gradually throughout the produced generations until reaching the best product in the last generation where it is shown that all the sensors are connected to the nearest cluster head. As a conclusion, the genetic algorithm developed the sensors’ distribution in the WSN model, which confirms the validity of applying of genetic algorithms and the accuracy of the results

    Novel Cross Optimization based Trusted and Opportunistic Routing Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Opportunistic routing in wireless networks under mobile computing domain is one of the point of attraction for the research. Consistency along with routing security are the challenges faced by many old schemes which results performance to be compromised. However the existing techniques developed for effective routing are cost effective without the concern for the exact positioning of nodes in the network but while designing the scheme, security still requires attention. A novel cross optimization based trusted and opportunistic routing scheme for WSN is proposed in this paper which is referred as Unified Trusted and Optimized Routing (UTOR) scheme. The prime intention of UTOR is to realize optimized data movement along with routing and data security. UTOR functions in two stages, the first stage recognizes and unites the unified nodes depending on defined liberal constant(LC) which has definite trust,  link stability, and quality components. Definite trust as well as link stability can be measured directly but time to live and the associated delay are considered for measuring the quality. Whereas in second stage optimized nodes selection takes place with the help of proposed UTOR over defined proclivity function(PF) based on definite_trust(DT), link_stability (LS), quality_of_node(QN) and distance. Proposed UTOR’s performance is evaluated based on performance measures for Ad-Hoc sensor network of varying range of dynamic nodes in the presence of black_hole and DoS attacks. UTOR exposes relatively superior throughput and detection rate at the same time showcases minimal distance and delay, which are comparatively better than competing schemes. Significantly higher throughput and detection_rate as 44.1 and 55.7 respectively alongside low distance and delay as 168.2 and 13 are shown by UTOR which are comparatively better performance parameters than competing schemes. UTOR’s effective use in WSN may be under real-time scenarios such as environmental monitoring, smart farming, automation industries etc

    Systematic-RLNC Based Secure and QoS Centric Routing Scheme for WSNs, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2019, nr 4

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    In this paper a highly robust and efficient systematic-random linear network coding (S-RLNC) routing scheme is proposed. Unlike classic security systems, the proposed S-RLNC transmission model incorporates an advanced pre-coding and interleaving concept followed by multigeneration mixing (MGM) based data transmission to assure secure and QoS efficient communication. The proposed S-RLNC MGM based routing scheme exhibits higher throughput (99.5-100%) than the existing NCC-ARQ-WSN protocol (80%). Unlike NCC-ARQ-WSN, the proposed model incorporates multiple enhancements, such as RLNC concept, systematic network coding, MGM concept, IBF provision and redundant packet optimization. Combined, all these optimizations have strengthened the proposed S-RLNC MGM to exhibit optimum performance for secure and QoS-centric communication over WSN

    Research on Trust Sensing Based Secure Routing Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network

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