50 research outputs found

    Collaborative framework in computer aided innovation 2.0 : Application to process system engineering

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    In economy nowadays, the act of innovation is in general social; it requires the management of knowledge, and the techniques and methodologies to drive it. Innovation is not the product of one isolated intelligence, instead, it is the result of a multi-disciplinary workgroup lead by a process or a methodology. The conceptual design, which is found in the first stages of the innovation process, represents one of the most important challenges in industry nowadays. One of the main challenges faced by chemical industries related to the conceptual design phase is to provide the means in the form of methods and computational tools, for solving problems systematically, at the same time that benefiting from the collective efforts of individual intelligences involved. Hence, the main objective of this work is to provide a solution to improve the creative capacity of a team involved in the innovation process, in particular the preliminary (critical) phase of conceptual design. Consequently, it is important to understand the techniques, methods and tools that best support the generation of novel ideas and creative solutions. In addition, it is necessary to study the contribution of information and communication technologies as the mean to support collaboration. Web technologies are considered as complementary tools to implement methods and techniques in collaborative design, and particularly in the conceptual design stage. These technologies allow setting up distributed collaborative environments to bring together the resources and the experts who can relate the existing pieces of knowledge to new contexts. It is the synergy created in this kind of environment, which allow producing valuable concepts and ideas in the form of Collective Intelligence. Nevertheless in most existing solutions for collective intelligence or crowdsourcing environments, they do not report the use of a particular methodology to improve the participants' creativity. The solution in this work describes a social network service that enables users to cooperatively solve problems oriented (but not limited) to the phase of conceptual design. In this work we propose that the use of Collective Intelligence in combination with the model TRIZ-CBR could lead the creative efforts in a team to develop innovative solutions. With this work we are looking for connecting experts from one particular field, TRIZ practitioners and stakeholders with the objective to solve problems in collaboration unlashing the collective intelligence to improve creativity. This work uses the basis of the concept named "Open CAI 2.0" to propose a solution in the form of a theoretical framework. The contributions seek to move the development of the field in Computer Aided Innovation a step forward

    A Theoretical Framework to Develop a Research Agenda for Information Systems Innovation

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    This article is a response to the assessment by IS scholars that there are significant research questions to be addressed in the important topic of information systems innovation. For example, Swanson concludes that current theory explains little about IS innovation; Avgerou describes it as a relatively unexplored subject, and Fichman identifies signs of exhaustion in the current research agenda. The result of our analysis is an adaptation of ecological systems theory (EST) in order to apply it to the IS innovation landscape. We then build on the theoretical framework to propose an agenda for future research in terms of research directions, research themes, and study designs. Finally, implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed

    Inovação auxiliada por computador (CAI): uma análise bibliométrica de artigos publicados entre 2004 e 2013

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    In recent decades, innovation has come to be seen as a crucial factor for the competitiveness of organizations. From a process little orderly, innovation has come to be systematized, with the establishment of tools, methodologies and theories. A variety of computer programs have been created to support innovation, giving rise to a new category of tools, which is being called Computer Aided Innovation (CAI). This exploratory research seeks to understand more precisely the concept of CAI, as well as identify key publications, authors, institutions and regions in which it has been developed, besides seeking to identify gaps and trends of the topics covered in the area. Given the purpose of the research, it was decided to use bibliometrics, which allows obtaining the information indicated from the analysis of the main databases related to CAI. The research consists of 217 articles, published between 2004-2013. The methodological procedures to develop the research involved the following steps: a) raise the state of the art regarding the Computed Aided Innovation; b) Survey and data collection of scientific papers on CAI; c) categorization and bibliometric analysis and d) classify and analyze the topics covered. The results obtained through the bibliometric analysis revealed that there were 378 different authors, and authors have increased an average of 34.7% from 2004 to 2013. When checking the adhesion of the Lotka´s law to the field of CAI, It was observed that 72.8% of the authors had only one publication, 15% more than proposed by Lotka, than the area of CAI does not adjust to this law. The most productive authors were Runhua Tan (complete count) and Noel Leon (direct counting). The most cited author was Gaetano Cascini. The most productive country in the world is China, with 41% of publications, as well as having the largest number of researchers (42% of total) and the largest number of institutions. However, the country with the greatest relevance is France, because the French articles had 30.4% of the citations. The more productive institution is Hebei Universi ty of Technology, China, with 16% of the articles. The institution most frequently cited is INSA Strasbourg, France. By analyzing the topics covered, it was realized that the "Idea Management" category is more developed and the category "Management Patent" is the one with the least amount of work. It is considered that this research has contributed to give visibility to researchers, institutions and countries that have contributed to the development of CAI, besides recognizing the theoretical core that serves as the foundation of knowledge of the area. The theme CAI is extremely important for the improvement of the innovation process, enabling to innovate more efficiently and effectively.Nas últimas décadas, a inovação passou a ser vista como um fator crucial para a competitividade das organizações. De um processo pouco ordenado, a inovação tem passado a ser sistematizada, com o estabelecimento de ferramentas, metodologias e teorias. Uma variedade de programas computacionais têm sido criadas para apoiar a inovação, dando origem a uma nova categoria de ferramentas, que vem sendo denominada Computer Aided Innovation (CAI), ou Inovação Auxiliada por Computador. Esta pesquisa, de característica exploratória, busca compreender com maior exatidão o conceito de CAI, bem como identificar as principais publicações, autores, instituições e regiões nas quais o assunto tem sido desenvolvido, além de buscar identificar as lacunas e tendências dos temas abordados na área. Dada a finalidade da pesquisa, decidiu-se pelo uso da bibliometria e da análise de conteúdo para alcançar os objetivos estabelecidos. O universo da pesquisa constitui -se de 217 artigos, publicados no período de 2004 a 2013. Os procedimentos metodológicos para desenvolver a pesquisa envolveram os seguintes passos: a) levantar o estado da arte no que se refere a Inovação Auxiliada por Computador; b) levantar e coletar os dados dos artigos científicos em CAI; c) categorizar e fazer análise bibliométrica e d) classificar e analisar os temas abordados. Os resultados obtidos, por meio da análise bibliométrica, revelaram que houve 378 autores diferentes, e que a média de autores aumentou em 30,4% de 2004 a 2013. Ao verificar a aderência da lei de Lotka à área de CAI, observou-se que 72,8% dos autores tiveram apenas uma publicação, sendo 15% a mais do que o proposto por Lotka, ou seja, a área de CAI não se ajusta a esta lei. Os autores mais produtivos foram Runhua Tan (contagem completa) e Noel León (contagem direta). O autor mais citado foi Gaetano Cascini. O país mais produtivo do mundo é a China, com 41% das publicações, além de possuir o maior número de pesquisadores (42% do total) e o maior número de instituições. No entanto, o país com a maior relevância é a França, pois os artigos franceses tiveram 30,4% das citações. A instituição mais produtiva é Hebei University of Technology da China, com 16% dos artigos. A instituição mais citada é INSA Strasbourg, França. Ao analisar os temas abordados, percebeu-se que a categoria “Gestão de Ideias” é mais desenvolvida e a categoria “Gestão de Patentes” é a que possui a menor quantidade de trabalhos. Considera-se que esta pesquisa contribuiu para dar visibilidade aos pesquisadores, instituições e países que tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento do CAI, além de reconhecer o núcleo teórico que serve de alicerce do conhecimento da área. O tema CAI é de suma importância para a melhoria do processo de inovação, possibilitando inovar com mais eficiência e eficácia

    Open computer aided innovation to promote innovation in process engineering

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    Recent advances in theoretical approaches to innovation and in information and communication technologies provide a more structured knowledge-driven environment for inventors, designers and engineers. Consequently, a new category of tools known as computer aided innovation (CAI) has emerged, with goals of assisting designers in their creative performance and of effectively implementing a complete innovation process throughout the entire product or process life cycle. Based on the concept of Open CAI 2.0 introduced by Hüsig and Kohn (2011), this paper goes further by proposing a prototype software tool for the next evolutionary step of CAI arising from two major recent developments: new advances in technological possibilities in the software field commonly referred to as “Web 2.0” and a strategic paradigm shift from closed to open innovation in many companies. This contribution is one of the first attempts to create a concrete methodological framework based on collective intelligence (through Web 2.0 practices), a collaboration support (with the benefits of on-line social networks) and a problem resolution process. In the proposed Open CAI 2.0, the inventive problem solving method is inspired by the coupling between the innovation theory TRIZ and case based reasoning in order to support the generation of inventive technological solutions because problem solving often requires a reformulation of the initial problem to construct an abstract model of the problem. This paper highlights the importance of knowledge acquisition, capitalization and reuse as well as the problem formulation and resolution in collaboration. A case study on biomass gasification is used to illustrate the method and tool capabilities in the chemical process industry

    Predicting Innovation Acceptance by Simulation in Virtual Environments (Theoretical Foundations)

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    Abstract. This paper extends the current development of a methodology for Computer Aided Innovation. It begins with a presentation of concepts related to the perceived capabilities of virtual environments in the Innovation Cycle. The main premise establishes that it is possible to predict the acceptance of a new product in a specific market, by releasing an early prototype in a virtual scenario to quantify its general reception and to receive early feedback from potential customers. The paper continues to focus this research on a synergistic extension of techniques that have their origins in optimization and innovation disciplines. TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), extends the generation of variants with Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) and finally to present the designer and the intended customer, creative and innovative alternatives. All of this developed on a virtual software interface (Virtual World). The work continues with a general description of the project as a step forward to improve the overall strategy

    The teaching of creativity in information systems programmes at South African higher education institutions

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    The development of problem solving skills is a shared goal in science, engineering, mathematics and technology education. In the applied sciences, problems are often open-ended and complex, requiring a multidisciplinary approach as well as new designs. In such cases, problem solving requires not only analytical capabilities, but also creativity and the ability to innovate. The development of an information system entails problem solving by means of design, hence creativity is integral to the task of an Information Systems (IS) professional. However, it appears that the teaching of creativity in IS programmes is under-researched and possibly neglected. This study investigates what is being done to foster creative ability of South African undergraduate IS students. At the same time, a theoretical framework for creativity teaching is developed. We find that the fostering of creative ability involves more than just the teaching of creativity techniques, and that creativity can be indirectly nurtured in multiple ways.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rmse202016-11-30hb201

    Sustainability in design: now! Challenges and opportunities for design research, education and practice in the XXI century

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    Copyright @ 2010 Greenleaf PublicationsLeNS project funded by the Asia Link Programme, EuropeAid, European Commission

    Product/Brand co-creation methodology crossing marketing, design thinking, creativity and management: ideas(r)evolution

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    This thesis introduce a new innovation methodology called IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION that was developed according to an on-going experimental research project started in 2007. This new approach to innovation has initial based on Design thinking for innovation theory and practice. The concept of design thinking for innovation has received much attention in recent years. This innovation approach has climbed from the design and designers knowledge field towards other knowledge areas, mainly business management and marketing. Human centered approach, radical collaboration, creativity and breakthrough thinking are the main founding principles of Design thinking that were adapted by those knowledge areas due to their assertively and fitness to the business context and market complexity evolution. Also Open innovation, User-centered innovation and later on Living Labs models emerge as answers to the market and consumers pressure and desire for new products, new services or new business models. Innovation became the principal business management focus and strategic orientation. All this changes had an impact also in the marketing theory. It is possible now to have better strategies, communications plans and continuous dialogue systems with the target audience, incorporating their insights and promoting them to the main dissemination ambassadors of our innovations in the market. Drawing upon data from five case studies, the empirical findings in this dissertation suggest that companies need to shift from Design thinking for innovation approach to an holistic, multidimensional and integrated innovation system. The innovation context it is complex, companies need deeper systems then the success formulas that “commercial “Design thinking for innovation “preaches”. They need to learn how to change their organization culture, how to empower their workforce and collaborators, how to incorporate external stakeholders in their innovation processes, hoe to measure and create key performance indicators throughout the innovation process to give them better decision making data, how to integrate meaning and purpose in their innovation philosophy. Finally they need to understand that the strategic innovation effort it is not a “one shot” story it is about creating a continuous flow of interaction and dialogue with their clients within a “value creation chain“ mindset; RESUMO: Metodologia de co-criação de um produto/marca cruzando Marketing, Design Thinking, Criativity and Management - IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION. Esta dissertação apresenta uma nova metodologia de inovação chamada IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION, que foi desenvolvida segundo um projecto de investigação experimental contínuo que teve o seu início em 2007. Esta nova abordagem baseou-se, inicialmente, na teoria e na práctica do Design thinking para a inovação. Actualmente o conceito do Design Thinking para a inovação “saiu” do dominio da area de conhecimento do Design e dos Designers, tendo despertado muito interesse noutras áreas como a Gestão e o Marketing. Uma abordagem centrada na Pessoa, a colaboração radical, a criatividade e o pensamento disruptivo são principios fundadores do movimento do Design thinking que têm sido adaptados por essas novas áreas de conhecimento devido assertividade e adaptabilidade ao contexto dos negócios e à evolução e complexidade do Mercado. Também os modelos de Inovação Aberta, a inovação centrada no utilizador e mais tarde os Living Labs, emergem como possiveis soluções para o Mercado e para a pressão e desejo dos consumidores para novos productos, serviços ou modelos de negócio. A inovação passou a ser o principal foco e orientação estratégica na Gestão. Todas estas mudanças também tiveram impacto na teoria do Marketing. Hoje é possivel criar melhores estratégias, planos de comunicação e sistemas continuos de diálogo com o público alvo, incorporando os seus insights e promovendo os consumidores como embaixadores na disseminação da inovação das empresas no Mercado Os resultados empiricos desta tese, construídos com a informação obtida nos cinco casos realizados, sugerem que as empresas precisam de se re-orientar do paradigma do Design thinking para a inovação, para um sistema de inovação mais holistico, multidimensional e integrado. O contexto da Inovação é complexo, por isso as empresas precisam de sistemas mais profundos e não apenas de “fórmulas comerciais” como o Design thinking para a inovação advoga. As Empresas precisam de aprender como mudar a sua cultura organizacional, como capacitar sua força de trabalho e colaboradores, como incorporar os públicos externos no processo de inovação, como medir o processo de inovação criando indicadores chave de performance e obter dados para um tomada de decisão mais informada, como integrar significado e propósito na sua filosofia de inovação. Por fim, precisam de perceber que uma estratégia de inovação não passa por ter “sucesso uma vez”, mas sim por criar um fluxo contínuo de interação e diálogo com os seus clientes com uma mentalidade de “cadeia de criação de valor

    Strategies for Integrating and Sustaining Disruptive Innovations in Small Businesses

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    The evolution of technology has led to a need for business leaders to embrace disruptive technology for the purpose of capturing new markets and remaining competitive. Multiple challenges have been faced by business leaders in the processes of integrating and sustaining disruptive innovations, resulting in the failure to achieve expected efficiency and profitability. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies used by business leaders to integrate and sustain disruptive innovations. The conceptual frameworks were Roger\u27s diffusion of innovation theory and Christensen\u27s disruptive innovation theory. Semistructured interviews were administered to 10 business leaders and employees from institutions of higher learning in the Northeastern region of the United States. The participants were selected using a purposive nonrandom sampling technique. The selection criteria included organizational leaders, technology professionals, training and development professionals, and organizational end-users. Three themes and several subthemes were identified. The strategies for integrating and sustaining disruptive innovations include training, changeover mechanisms, and the use of critical resources. The procedural and structural factors in processes to integrate and sustain disruptive innovations include identifying critical success factors, ascertaining benchmarks, determining levels of support and effectiveness. Obstacles faced during the processes of integrating and sustaining disruptive innovations were categorized into human, technology, changeover, and external issues. Social change may be realized through the improved success rates of small business leaders implementing disruptive innovations by increasing meaningful employment and enhancing livelihoods