3,624 research outputs found

    Development of a video-rate range finder using dynamic threshold method for characteristic point detection

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    This study develops a video-rate stereo range finding circuit to obtain the depth of objects in a scene by processing video signals (R, G, B, and brightness signals) from binocular CCD cameras. The electronic circuit implements a dynamic threshold method to decrease the affect of signal noise in characteristic point detection, where a video signal from each CCD camera is compared with multiple thresholds, shifting dynamically by feeding back the previous comparison result. Several object depth measurement experiments for simple indoor scenes show that the dynamic threshold method gives high acquisition and correct rates of depth data compared with those by a fixed threshold method for the video signals and a relative method for R, G, and B signals utilized in the authors' previous range finders

    The Modelling of Stereoscopic 3D Scene Acquisition

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    The main goal of this work is to find a suitable method for calculating the best setting of a stereo pair of cameras that are viewing the scene to enable spatial imaging. The method is based on a geometric model of a stereo pair cameras currently used for the acquisition of 3D scenes. Based on selectable camera parameters and object positions in the scene, the resultant model allows calculating the parameters of the stereo pair of images that influence the quality of spatial imaging. For the purpose of presenting the properties of the model of a simple 3D scene, an interactive application was created that allows, in addition to setting the cameras and scene parameters and displaying the calculated parameters, also displaying the modelled scene using perspective views and the stereo pair modelled with the aid of anaglyphic images. The resulting modelling method can be used in practice to determine appropriate parameters of the camera configuration based on the known arrangement of the objects in the scene. Analogously, it can, for a given camera configuration, determine appropriate geometrical limits of arranging the objects in the scene being displayed. This method ensures that the resulting stereoscopic recording will be of good quality and observer-friendly

    Objective Evaluation Criteria for Shooting Quality of Stereo Cameras over Short Distance

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    Stereo cameras are the basic tools used to obtain stereoscopic image pairs, which can lead to truly great image quality. However, some inappropriate shooting conditions may cause discomfort while viewing stereo images. It is therefore considerably necessary to establish the perceptual criteria that can be used to evaluate the shooting quality of stereo cameras. This article proposes objective quality evaluation criteria based on the characteristics of parallel and toed-in camera configurations. Considering the different internal structures and basic shooting principles, this paper focuses on short-distance shooting conditions and establishes assessment criteria for both parallel and toed-in camera configurations. Experimental results show that the proposed evaluation criteria can predict the visual perception of stereoscopic images and effectively evaluate stereoscopic image quality

    Improved Contrast Sensitivity DVS and its Application to Event-Driven Stereo Vision

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    This paper presents a new DVS sensor with one order of magnitude improved contrast sensitivity over previous reported DVSs. This sensor has been applied to a bio-inspired event-based binocular system that performs 3D event-driven reconstruction of a scene. Events from two DVS sensors are matched by using precise timing information of their ocurrence. To improve matching reliability, satisfaction of epipolar geometry constraint is required, and simultaneously available information on the orientation is used as an additional matching constraint.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PRI-PIMCHI-2011-0768Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2009-10639-C04-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-609

    Glasgow's Stereo Image Database of Garments

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    To provide insight into cloth perception and manipulation with an active binocular robotic vision system, we compiled a database of 80 stereo-pair colour images with corresponding horizontal and vertical disparity maps and mask annotations, for 3D garment point cloud rendering has been created and released. The stereo-image garment database is part of research conducted under the EU-FP7 Clothes Perception and Manipulation (CloPeMa) project and belongs to a wider database collection released through CloPeMa (www.clopema.eu). This database is based on 16 different off-the-shelve garments. Each garment has been imaged in five different pose configurations on the project's binocular robot head. A full copy of the database is made available for scientific research only at https://sites.google.com/site/ugstereodatabase/.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure, image databas

    A Portable Active Binocular Robot Vision Architecture for Scene Exploration

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    We present a portable active binocular robot vision archi- tecture that integrates a number of visual behaviours. This vision archi- tecture inherits the abilities of vergence, localisation, recognition and si- multaneous identification of multiple target object instances. To demon- strate the portability of our vision architecture, we carry out qualitative and comparative analysis under two different hardware robotic settings, feature extraction techniques and viewpoints. Our portable active binoc- ular robot vision architecture achieved average recognition rates of 93.5% for fronto-parallel viewpoints and, 83% percentage for anthropomorphic viewpoints, respectively