837 research outputs found

    Voting for candidates: adapting data fusion techniques for an expert search task

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    In an expert search task, the users' need is to identify people who have relevant expertise to a topic of interest. An expert search system predicts and ranks the expertise of a set of candidate persons with respect to the users' query. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for predicting and ranking candidate expertise with respect to a query. We see the problem of ranking experts as a voting problem, which we model by adapting eleven data fusion techniques.We investigate the effectiveness of the voting approach and the associated data fusion techniques across a range of document weighting models, in the context of the TREC 2005 Enterprise track. The evaluation results show that the voting paradigm is very effective, without using any collection specific heuristics. Moreover, we show that improving the quality of the underlying document representation can significantly improve the retrieval performance of the data fusion techniques on an expert search task. In particular, we demonstrate that applying field-based weighting models improves the ranking of candidates. Finally, we demonstrate that the relative performance of the adapted data fusion techniques for the proposed approach is stable regardless of the used weighting models

    Using the Global Web as an Expertise Evidence Source

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    This paper describes the details of our participation in expert search task of the TREC 2007 Enterprise track. The presented study demonstrates the predicting potential of the expertise evidence that can be found outside of the organization. We discovered that combining the ranking built solely on the Enterprise data with the Global Web based ranking may produce significant increases in performance. However, our main goal was to explore whether this result can be further improved by using various quality measures to distinguish among web result items. While, indeed, it was beneficial to use some of these measures, especially those measuring relevance of URL strings and titles, it stayed unclear whether they are decisively important

    University of Twente at the TREC 2008 Enterprise Track: using the Global Web as an expertise evidence source

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    This paper describes the details of our participation in expert search task of the TREC 2007 Enterprise track.\ud This is the fourth (and the last) year of TREC 2007 Enterprise Track and the second year the University of Twente (Database group) submitted runs for the expert nding task. In the methods that were used to produce these runs, we mostly rely on the predicting potential of those expertise evidence sources that are publicly available on the Global Web, but not hosted at the website of the organization under study (CSIRO). This paper describes the follow-up studies\ud complimentary to our recent research [8] that demonstrated how taking the web factor seriously signicantly improves the performance of expert nding in the enterprise

    Using relevance feedback in expert search

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    In Enterprise settings, expert search is considered an important task. In this search task, the user has a need for expertise - for instance, they require assistance from someone about a topic of interest. An expert search system assists users with their "expertise need" by suggesting people with relevant expertise to the topic of interest. In this work, we apply an expert search approach that does not explicitly rank candidates in response to a query, but instead implicitly ranks candidates by taking into account a ranking of document with respect to the query topic. Pseudo-relevance feedback, aka query expansion, has been shown to improve retrieval performance in adhoc search tasks. In this work, we investigate to which extent query expansion can be applied in an expert search task to improve the accuracy of the generated ranking of candidates. We define two approaches for query expansion, one based on the initial of ranking of documents for the query topic. The second approach is based on the final ranking of candidates. The aims of this paper are two-fold. Firstly, to determine if query expansion can be successfully applied in the expert search task, and secondly, to ascertain if either of the two forms of query expansion can provide robust, improved retrieval performance. We perform a thorough evaluation contrasting the two query expansion approaches in the context of the TREC 2005 and 2006 Enterprise tracks

    Modeling Documents as Mixtures of Persons for Expert Finding

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    In this paper we address the problem of searching for knowledgeable persons within the enterprise, known as the expert finding (or expert search) task. We present a probabilistic algorithm using the assumption that terms in documents are produced by people who are mentioned in them.We represent documents retrieved to a query as mixtures of candidate experts language models. Two methods of personal language models extraction are proposed, as well as the way of combining them with other evidences of expertise. Experiments conducted with the TREC Enterprise collection demonstrate the superiority of our approach in comparison with the best one among existing solutions

    University of Twente at the TREC 2007 Enterprise Track : modeling relevance propagation for the expert search task

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    This paper describes several approaches which we used for the expert search task of the TREC 2007 Enterprise track.\ud We studied several methods of relevance propagation from documents to related candidate experts. Instead of one-step propagation from documents to directly related candidates, used by many systems in the previous years, we do not limit the relevance flow and disseminate it further through mutual documents-candidates connections. We model relevance propagation using random walk principles, or in formal terms, discrete Markov processes. We experiment with\ud innite and nite number of propagation steps. We also demonstrate how additional information, namely hyperlinks among documents, organizational structure of the enterprise and relevance feedback may be utilized by the presented techniques

    Entity Ranking on Graphs: Studies on Expert Finding

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    Todays web search engines try to offer services for finding various information in addition to simple web pages, like showing locations or answering simple fact queries. Understanding the association of named entities and documents is one of the key steps towards such semantic search tasks. This paper addresses the ranking of entities and models it in a graph-based relevance propagation framework. In particular we study the problem of expert finding as an example of an entity ranking task. Entity containment graphs are introduced that represent the relationship between text fragments on the one hand and their contained entities on the other hand. The paper shows how these graphs can be used to propagate relevance information from the pre-ranked text fragments to their entities. We use this propagation framework to model existing approaches to expert finding based on the entity's indegree and extend them by recursive relevance propagation based on a probabilistic random walk over the entity containment graphs. Experiments on the TREC expert search task compare the retrieval performance of the different graph and propagation models

    Being Omnipresent To Be Almighty: The Importance of The Global Web Evidence for Organizational Expert Finding

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    Modern expert nding algorithms are developed under the assumption that all possible expertise evidence for a person is concentrated in a company that currently employs the person. The evidence that can be acquired outside of an enterprise is traditionally unnoticed. At the same time, the Web is full of personal information which is sufficiently detailed to judge about a person's skills and knowledge. In this work, we review various sources of expertise evidence out-side of an organization and experiment with rankings built on the data acquired from six dierent sources, accessible through APIs of two major web search engines. We show that these rankings and their combinations are often more realistic and of higher quality than rankings built on organizational data only

    Unsupervised, Efficient and Semantic Expertise Retrieval

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    We introduce an unsupervised discriminative model for the task of retrieving experts in online document collections. We exclusively employ textual evidence and avoid explicit feature engineering by learning distributed word representations in an unsupervised way. We compare our model to state-of-the-art unsupervised statistical vector space and probabilistic generative approaches. Our proposed log-linear model achieves the retrieval performance levels of state-of-the-art document-centric methods with the low inference cost of so-called profile-centric approaches. It yields a statistically significant improved ranking over vector space and generative models in most cases, matching the performance of supervised methods on various benchmarks. That is, by using solely text we can do as well as methods that work with external evidence and/or relevance feedback. A contrastive analysis of rankings produced by discriminative and generative approaches shows that they have complementary strengths due to the ability of the unsupervised discriminative model to perform semantic matching.Comment: WWW2016, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web. 201
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