8,094 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Review of AI-enabled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Trends, Vision , and Challenges

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    In recent years, the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has brought about advancements in various areas. This comprehensive analysis explores the changing landscape of AI-powered UAVs and friendly computing in their applications. It covers emerging trends, futuristic visions, and the inherent challenges that come with this relationship. The study examines how AI plays a role in enabling navigation, detecting and tracking objects, monitoring wildlife, enhancing precision agriculture, facilitating rescue operations, conducting surveillance activities, and establishing communication among UAVs using environmentally conscious computing techniques. By delving into the interaction between AI and UAVs, this analysis highlights the potential for these technologies to revolutionise industries such as agriculture, surveillance practices, disaster management strategies, and more. While envisioning possibilities, it also takes a look at ethical considerations, safety concerns, regulatory frameworks to be established, and the responsible deployment of AI-enhanced UAV systems. By consolidating insights from research endeavours in this field, this review provides an understanding of the evolving landscape of AI-powered UAVs while setting the stage for further exploration in this transformative domain

    An intelligent surveillance platform for large metropolitan areas with dense sensor deployment

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper presents an intelligent surveillance platform based on the usage of large numbers of inexpensive sensors designed and developed inside the European Eureka Celtic project HuSIMS. With the aim of maximizing the number of deployable units while keeping monetary and resource/bandwidth costs at a minimum, the surveillance platform is based on the usage of inexpensive visual sensors which apply efficient motion detection and tracking algorithms to transform the video signal in a set of motion parameters. In order to automate the analysis of the myriad of data streams generated by the visual sensors, the platform’s control center includes an alarm detection engine which comprises three components applying three different Artificial Intelligence strategies in parallel. These strategies are generic, domain-independent approaches which are able to operate in several domains (traffic surveillance, vandalism prevention, perimeter security, etc.). The architecture is completed with a versatile communication network which facilitates data collection from the visual sensors and alarm and video stream distribution towards the emergency teams. The resulting surveillance system is extremely suitable for its deployment in metropolitan areas, smart cities, and large facilities, mainly because cheap visual sensors and autonomous alarm detection facilitate dense sensor network deployments for wide and detailed coveraMinisterio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio and the Fondo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and the Israeli Chief Scientist Research Grant 43660 inside the European Eureka Celtic project HuSIMS (TSI-020400-2010-102)

    Seabird surveillance: combining CCTV and artificial intelligence for monitoring and research

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    Ecological research and monitoring need to be able to rapidly convey information that can form the basis of scientifically sound management. Automated sensor systems, especially if combined with artificial intelligence, can contribute to such rapid high-resolution data retrieval. Here, we explore the prospects of automated methods to generate insights for seabirds, which are often monitored for their high conservation value and for being sentinels for marine ecosystem changes. We have developed a system of video surveillance combined with automated image processing, which we apply to common murres Uria aalge. The system uses a deep learning algorithm for object detection (YOLOv5) that has been trained on annotated images of adult birds, chicks and eggs, and outputs time, location, size and confidence level of all detections, frame-by-frame, in the supplied video material. A total of 144 million bird detections were generated from a breeding cliff over three complete breeding seasons (2019-2021). We demonstrate how object detection can be used to accurately monitor breeding phenology and chick growth. Our automated monitoring approach can also identify and quantify rare events that are easily missed in traditional monitoring, such as disturbances from predators. Further, combining automated video analysis with continuous measurements from a temperature logger allows us to study impacts of heat waves on nest attendance in high detail. Our automated system thus produces comparable, and in several cases significantly more detailed, data than those generated from observational field studies. By running in real time on the camera streams, it has the potential to supply researchers and managers with high-resolution up-to-date information on seabird population status. We describe how the system can be modified to fit various types of ecological research and monitoring goals and thereby provide up-to-date support for conservation and ecosystem management

    Satellite Communications: Impact on Developing Economies

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    Access to information and communication infrastructure greatly enhances economic growth. When a reliable and affordable medium for information exchange is available, previously unanticipated developments ensue. Most areas in developing countries are sparsely populated and highly rural. Satellite communication is an excellent option for meeting this and many other pressing communication needs of developing economies. This paper examines the impact of satellite communication on developing economies, using popular examples as case study

    Informacijski servisni sustav za poljoprivredni IoT

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    Internet of Things (IoT) was faced with some difficulties which contained mass data management, various standards of object identification, data fusion of multiple sources, business data management and information service providing. In China, some safety monitoring systems of agricultural product always adopt centralized system architecture in which the data is stored concentratively. These systems could not be connected with or accessed by each other. This paper proposed an information system of agriculture Internet of Things based on distributed architecture. A distributed information service system based on IoT-Information Service, Object Naming Service, Discovery Service is designed to provide public information service including of capturing, standardizing, managing and querying of massive business data of agriculture production. A coding scheme for agricultural product, business location and logistic unit is provided for data identification. A business event model of agriculture IoT is presented for business data management. The whole system realizes the tracking and tracing of agricultural products, and quality monitoring of agriculture production. The implementation of this information service system is introduced.Internet stvari suočen je s poteškoćama poput upravljanja s velikom količinom podataka, različitim standardnima identifikacije objekata, fuzije podataka iz više izvora, upravljanja poslovnim podatcima i pružanje informacijskih usluga. Sigurnosno nadgledanje poljoprivrednih proizvoda u Kini uvijek podliježe centraliziranoj arhitekturi gdje su podatci koncentrirani na jednom mjestu. Takvi sustavi ne mogu biti povezani jedni s drugim te jedan drugome ne mogu pristupati. U ovome radu predložen je informacijski sustav za poljoprivredni internet stvari temeljen na distribuiranoj arhitekturi. Distribuirani informacijski servisni sustav baziran na IoT (Internet stvari), sustav za imenovanje objekata i sustav za otkrivanje omogućuju javni informacijski servis uključujući prikupljanje, standardizaciju, upravljanje i ispitivanje velikih količina podataka o poljoprivrednim proizvodima. Prikazana je shema kodiranja za poljopoprivredne proizvode, poslovne lokacije i logističke jedinice za identifikaciju podataka. Poslovni model doga.aja za poljoprivredni IoT je prezentiran za upravljanje poslovnim podatcima. Cjelokupni sustav omogućuje praćenje poljoprivrednih proizvoda te nadgledanje njihove kvalitete. Rad tako.er daje uvid u implementaciju informacijskog servisnog sustava

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Blockchain Applications for Securing Computer Vision Systems

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    Blockchain (BC) and Computer Vision (CV) are the two emerging fields with the potential to transform various sectors.The ability of BC can help in offering decentralized and secure data storage, while CV allows machines to learn and understand visual data. This integration of the two technologies holds massive promise for developing innovative applications that can provide solutions to the challenges in various sectors such as supply chain management, healthcare, smart cities, and defense. This review explores a comprehensive analysis of the integration of BC and CV by examining their combination and potential applications. It also provides a detailed analysis of the fundamental concepts of both technologies, highlighting their strengths and limitations. This paper also explores current research efforts that make use of the benefits offered by this combination. The effort includes how BC can be used as an added layer of security in CV systems and also ensure data integrity, enabling decentralized image and video analytics using BC. The challenges and open issues associated with this integration are also identified, and appropriate potential future directions are also proposed

    Thermal Cameras and Applications:A Survey

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