8,439 research outputs found

    A Simulated Annealing Method to Cover Dynamic Load Balancing in Grid Environment

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    High-performance scheduling is critical to the achievement of application performance on the computational grid. New scheduling algorithms are in demand for addressing new concerns arising in the grid environment. One of the main phases of scheduling on a grid is related to the load balancing problem therefore having a high-performance method to deal with the load balancing problem is essential to obtain a satisfactory high-performance scheduling. This paper presents SAGE, a new high-performance method to cover the dynamic load balancing problem by means of a simulated annealing algorithm. Even though this problem has been addressed with several different approaches only one of these methods is related with simulated annealing algorithm. Preliminary results show that SAGE not only makes it possible to find a good solution to the problem (effectiveness) but also in a reasonable amount of time (efficiency)

    Learning scalable and transferable multi-robot/machine sequential assignment planning via graph embedding

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    Can the success of reinforcement learning methods for simple combinatorial optimization problems be extended to multi-robot sequential assignment planning? In addition to the challenge of achieving near-optimal performance in large problems, transferability to an unseen number of robots and tasks is another key challenge for real-world applications. In this paper, we suggest a method that achieves the first success in both challenges for robot/machine scheduling problems. Our method comprises of three components. First, we show a robot scheduling problem can be expressed as a random probabilistic graphical model (PGM). We develop a mean-field inference method for random PGM and use it for Q-function inference. Second, we show that transferability can be achieved by carefully designing two-step sequential encoding of problem state. Third, we resolve the computational scalability issue of fitted Q-iteration by suggesting a heuristic auction-based Q-iteration fitting method enabled by transferability we achieved. We apply our method to discrete-time, discrete space problems (Multi-Robot Reward Collection (MRRC)) and scalably achieve 97% optimality with transferability. This optimality is maintained under stochastic contexts. By extending our method to continuous time, continuous space formulation, we claim to be the first learning-based method with scalable performance among multi-machine scheduling problems; our method scalability achieves comparable performance to popular metaheuristics in Identical parallel machine scheduling (IPMS) problems

    Learning Scheduling Algorithms for Data Processing Clusters

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    Efficiently scheduling data processing jobs on distributed compute clusters requires complex algorithms. Current systems, however, use simple generalized heuristics and ignore workload characteristics, since developing and tuning a scheduling policy for each workload is infeasible. In this paper, we show that modern machine learning techniques can generate highly-efficient policies automatically. Decima uses reinforcement learning (RL) and neural networks to learn workload-specific scheduling algorithms without any human instruction beyond a high-level objective such as minimizing average job completion time. Off-the-shelf RL techniques, however, cannot handle the complexity and scale of the scheduling problem. To build Decima, we had to develop new representations for jobs' dependency graphs, design scalable RL models, and invent RL training methods for dealing with continuous stochastic job arrivals. Our prototype integration with Spark on a 25-node cluster shows that Decima improves the average job completion time over hand-tuned scheduling heuristics by at least 21%, achieving up to 2x improvement during periods of high cluster load

    PaPaS: A Portable, Lightweight, and Generic Framework for Parallel Parameter Studies

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    The current landscape of scientific research is widely based on modeling and simulation, typically with complexity in the simulation's flow of execution and parameterization properties. Execution flows are not necessarily straightforward since they may need multiple processing tasks and iterations. Furthermore, parameter and performance studies are common approaches used to characterize a simulation, often requiring traversal of a large parameter space. High-performance computers offer practical resources at the expense of users handling the setup, submission, and management of jobs. This work presents the design of PaPaS, a portable, lightweight, and generic workflow framework for conducting parallel parameter and performance studies. Workflows are defined using parameter files based on keyword-value pairs syntax, thus removing from the user the overhead of creating complex scripts to manage the workflow. A parameter set consists of any combination of environment variables, files, partial file contents, and command line arguments. PaPaS is being developed in Python 3 with support for distributed parallelization using SSH, batch systems, and C++ MPI. The PaPaS framework will run as user processes, and can be used in single/multi-node and multi-tenant computing systems. An example simulation using the BehaviorSpace tool from NetLogo and a matrix multiply using OpenMP are presented as parameter and performance studies, respectively. The results demonstrate that the PaPaS framework offers a simple method for defining and managing parameter studies, while increasing resource utilization.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, PEARC '18: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 22--26, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, US
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