48 research outputs found

    Better Performance through Enterprise Governance and Management Process Innovation

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    All the changes we are facing today take place within the global economic environment. These changes are caused by increasingly important inventions, suggestions, potential innovations, and innovations (and their diffusion to many users) resulting from crucially needed creativeness and innovativeness, new ideas, and constructive thinking; we are living in the era of different viewpoints and each of them originate from different knowledge, values, and experiences. This is why also the enterprise’s performance, and the ways of its achievement are continuously changing. One way of reaching enterprise competitiveness is provided by enterprise governance’s and management’s process innovation (GMPI) whose importance we will try to introduce here. We will discuss about enterprise policy, strategic management, innovativeness, competitiveness, and better performance of enterprises on the basis of GMPI.


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    Enterprise culture is judged by many acknowledged scientists and researchers now as a major determinant of any enterprise’s success. The present article shows the research cognitions on the impact of enterprise culture to the success of the enterprises observed. It investigates the impact of customer and employee oriented enterprise culture on market and financial performance of the enterprise. Results suggest that enterprises, which are more customer (externally) oriented, show better market performance as well as better financial performance. The cognitions also show that more employee (internally) oriented enterprises, show positive impact to their market as well as to their financial performance.Mnogi priznati znanstvenici i istraživači smatraju kulturu poduzetništva jednom od osnovnih odrednica poduzetničkog uspjeha. Ovaj članak pokazuje rezultate istraživanja o utjecaju kulture poduzetništva na uspjeh promatranih poduzeća. Istražuje poduzetničku kulturu usmjerenu na klijenta i zaposlenika te njen utjecaj na tržište i financijsku performansu poduzeća. Rezultati ukazuju na to da poduzeća koja su usmjerenija na klijenta (eksterno), pokazuju bolje tržišne kao i financijske performanse. Rezultati također pokazuju da poduzeća orijentiranija na zaposlenike (interno) pokazuju pozitivan utjecaj na tržište i na vlastite financijske performanse

    Towards socially responsible corporate governance with authorities’ interventions

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    Due to the fact that moral commitments of individuals as well as of corporations were not enough for successful fostering of the socially responsible behaviour of corporations, we are facing the new international and national laws fostering the reporting on non-financial activities of the corporations. We can, therefore, observe how the development of theory on corporate governance, in a relationship with the corporate social responsibility has finally resulted in significant changes in international as well as national legislatives. Therefore, in our paper we examine the legal framework of the EU on corporate social responsibility reporting as well as on non-financial statements of corporations. We analyse the aim, the content and the legal effects of this statements under the last amendments from 2014 (Directive 2014/95/EU) and evaluate its contribution to fortifying the role of corporate social responsibility in the corporate governance of EU corporations. The presented paper argues the importance of institutional development in the context of corporate governance and the influence of institutional measures on corporate ethical behaviour and, consequently, on their success implementing the simple aim to protect the interests of all corporations’ stakeholders within the framework of corporate functioning

    MER Model of Integral Management: Culture as Enterprise’s Key Success Factor

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    Enterprise culture is judged by many acknowledged scientists and researchers now as a major determinant of any enterprise’s success. The present article shows the research cognitions on the impact of enterprise culture to the success of the enterprises observed.


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    Enterprise culture is judged by many acknowledged scientists and researchers now as a major determinant of any enterprise’s success. The present article shows the research cognitions on the impact of enterprise culture to the success of the enterprises observed. It investigates the impact of customer and employee oriented enterprise culture on market and financial performance of the enterprise. Results suggest that enterprises, which are more customer (externally) oriented, show better market performance as well as better financial performance. The cognitions also show that more employee (internally) oriented enterprises, show positive impact to their market as well as to their financial performance.Mnogi priznati znanstvenici i istraživači smatraju kulturu poduzetništva jednom od osnovnih odrednica poduzetničkog uspjeha. Ovaj članak pokazuje rezultate istraživanja o utjecaju kulture poduzetništva na uspjeh promatranih poduzeća. Istražuje poduzetničku kulturu usmjerenu na klijenta i zaposlenika te njen utjecaj na tržište i financijsku performansu poduzeća. Rezultati ukazuju na to da poduzeća koja su usmjerenija na klijenta (eksterno), pokazuju bolje tržišne kao i financijske performanse. Rezultati također pokazuju da poduzeća orijentiranija na zaposlenike (interno) pokazuju pozitivan utjecaj na tržište i na vlastite financijske performanse

    Influencing collective moral judgement by changing ethical culture in tourism industry: The case of Slovenia

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    Moral reasoning is a process of determining what is wrong and what is right from a moral point of view. Four components of moral reasoning are: moral sensitivity, moral judgement, moral motivation and moral character. Our research presented here is focused on the second component – moral judgement. Moral judgement refers to reaching an appropriate decision from the moral perspective in response to a given situation or a problem. Individuals can decide between focusing on themselves (egoistic moral judgement) or others (benevolence – disposition to be good) in their decision-making process. While the environment influences us, individuals differ within this spectrum. Thus, the prevalent collective moral judgement in any given company is under the influence of company characteristics and its ethical culture. This paper examines the effects of the ethical culture of Slovenian companies in the tourism industry on the collective moral judgement of their employees and identifies those ethical culture dimensions that could alter the collective moral judgement of the employees in the tourism industry. The results were collected through quantitative empirical research. The research was conceptualised and analysed with reference to Kaptein\u27s (1998) Corporate Ethical Virtues Model, comprised of seven ethical culture dimensions: clarity, congruency, feasibility, supportability, transparency, discussability and sanctionability. Results of our research have shown that if these dimensions of ethical culture are expressed more highly, collective moral judgement tends to increase its focus on how decisions will affect others. Suggestions for the management of tourist companies, as well as the Slovenian national tourist organisation (STO), have been proposed on the basis of the results of this paper

    Systemic problems related to multiple stakeholders in technology adoption and use in organizations : a systems thinking perspective

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    Understanding and creating the conditions under which information systems will be embraced by human organizations (thinking systems) remain high-priority research issues. Despite numerous benefits associated with information technology (IT), implementing an information system (IS) in organizational environment is challenging. The literature reports numerous IS project failures. During IS implementation, several factors impede technology’s widespread adoption and use in organizations. These organizational problems often result from such barriers or ‘systemic problems’. The proposed work is based on the argument that addressing ‘systemic problems’ can reduce barriers to organizational progress. Most of the IS/IT adoption theories (e.g. TAM, UTAUT, TAM2 and TAM3) highlight factors related to system users, completely ignoring the other stakeholders who are affected by the adoption process. The purpose of this study is to apply an holistic or systems thinking approach to identify systemic problems in information technology adoption and use within an organizational context by considering the complete stakeholder set as a ‘system of stakeholders’. It involves the study of a web portal implementation project in an Australian university referred to as Aus-Uni. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews of different stakeholders across Aus-Uni and were fundamentally classified into the two categories of ‘involved’ and ‘affected’. Their relevant comments and experiences have been analysed using the lens of a systems thinking-based framework of Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH). The interpretive approach, based on structured-case study method, and the technique of practising CSH have been used as a data gathering framework for this case study. The study’s findings contribute towards identifying information needs and systemic problem scenarios, related to multiple stakeholders in the context of the web portal project. However, its insights may allow broader applications. The roles which these stakeholders play have been classified under the categories prescribed by the CSH methodology of boundary critique. This generated ‘system of stakeholders’ was further analysed to explore problem scenarios as subsystems to this ‘system of stakeholders’. Each problem scenario identifies who was involved and affected by it. It is believed that identifying problems holistically will lead to smoother IS adoption, and reduce IS project failures. This research also proposes two theoretical models based on Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH); one for IS adoption, which demonstrates how CSH can be coupled with the existing IS implementation methodologies to create a holistic perspective of IS implementation issues. This model uses Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as an example, and proposes that the stakeholder roles need to be identified using boundary critique throughout the project life cycle. The second model is for managing conflicts in the context of organizational change, and is applicable for implementing innovative practices inside organizations, and identifying conflicting scenarios which surface during that process

    Responding to environmental change : from words to deeds

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