14 research outputs found

    Variations of model checking

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    The logic ATCTL is a convenient logic to specify properties with actions and real-time. It is intended as a property language for Lightweight UML models [12], which consist mainly of simplified class diagrams and statecharts. ATCTL combines two known extensions of CTL, namely ACTL and TCTL. The reason to extend CTL with both actions and real time is that in LUML state¿transition diagrams, we specify states, actions and real time, and our properties refer to all of these elements. The analyst therefore needs a property language that contains constructs for all these elements. ATCTL can be reduced to ACTL as well as to TCTL, and therefore also to CTL. This gives us a choice of tools for model checking; we have used is Kronos [13], a TCTL model checker

    Dependability checking with StoCharts: Is train radio reliable enough for trains?

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    Performance, dependability and quality of service (QoS) are prime aspects of the UML modelling domain. To capture these aspects effectively in the design phase, we have recently proposed STOCHARTS, a conservative extension of UML statechart diagrams. In this paper, we apply the STOCHART formalism to a safety critical design problem. We model a part of the European Train Control System specification, focusing on the risks of wireless communication failures in future high-speed cross-European trains. Stochastic model checking with the model checker PROVER enables us to derive constraints under which the central quality requirements are satisfied by the STOCHART model. The paper illustrates the flexibility and maturity of STOCHARTS to model real problems in safety critical system design

    A comparative reliability analysis of ETCS train radio communications

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    StoCharts have been proposed as a UML statechart extension for performance and dependability evaluation, and were applied in the context of train radio reliability assessment to show the principal tractability of realistic cases with this approach. In this paper, we extend on this bare feasibility result in two important directions. First, we sketch the cornerstones of a mechanizable translation of StoCharts to MoDeST. The latter is a process algebra-based formalism supported by the Motor/Möbius tool tandem. Second, we exploit this translation for a detailed analysis of the train radio case study

    From StoCharts to MoDeST: a comparative reliability analysis of train radio communications

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    StoCharts have been proposed as a UML statechart extension for performance and dependability evaluation, and have been applied in the context of train radio reliability assessment to show the principal tractability of realistic cases with this approach. In this paper, we extend on this bare feasibility result in two important directions. First, we sketch the cornerstones of a mechanizable translation of StoCharts to MoDeST. The latter is a process algebra-based formalism supported by the Motor/Möbius tool tandem. Second, we exploit this translation for a detailed analysis of the train radio case study

    A probabilistic extension of UML statecharts: specification and verification

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    This paper is the extended technical report that corresponds to a published paper [14]. This paper introduces means to specify system randomness within UML statecharts, and to verify probabilistic temporal properties over such enhanced statecharts which we call probabilistic UML statecharts. To achieve this, we develop a general recipe to extend a statechart semantics with discrete probability distributions, resulting in Markov decision processes as semantic models. We apply this recipe to the requirements-level UML semantics of [8]. Properties of interest for probabilistic statecharts are expressed in PCTL, a probabilistic variant of CTL for processes that exhibit both non-determinism and probabilities. Verification is performed using the model checker Prism. A model checking example shows the feasibility of the suggested approach

    Process model for the development of system requirements specifications for railway systems

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    In this paper a process model for the development of system requirements specifications for railway systems is introduced. Demands of the approval of system requirements specifications, which arise from recent European railway standards, are taken into account. The aim is to obtain a system specification, which is unambiguous and easy to understand for all parties involved and in which safety aspects are considered in detail. Correlations between the development of a precise system specification, the performance of safety relevant correctness checks and the performance of risk analysis are presented. Especially the identification, specification and formalisation of safety requirements are treated with regard to correctness checks referred to safety aspects by using model checking. It is also demonstrated how different techniques of risk analysis can be supported by a system model in diagrams of the Unified Modelling Language (UML). This work has been developed in close co-operation with the Institute of Railway Systems Engineering and Traffic Safety (IfEV), Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany within the scope of the project SafeRail (see http://www.ias.uni-stuttgart.de/projekte/saferail/)

    Towards UML-Based Formal Specifications of Component-Based Real-Time Software

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    An Executable Formal Semantics for a UML State Machine Kernel Considering Complex Structured Data

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    We present a comprehensive formal semantics for a UML state machine kernel which also considers the use and manipulation of complex structured data. We refer to the UML standard Version 2.1.1 which was published in year 2007. There has been no work that completely integrates complex structured data into a UML state machine semantics. We follow a ”semantics-first” approach (in opposite to a ”complete-notation-first” approach) in which we consider a sound basic kernel of the UML state machine notation, and extend this kernel only ater a thorough investigation of the impacts. We define an operational semantics which is intended to be implemented in a standard programming language. Currently we use such an implementation to automatically generate test cases out of a state machine specification. This document is intended to be adapted if necessary. We will indicate that by the version number given above, whereat the major version number indicates changes of the considered subset and the minor version number indicates adoptions and corrections


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    Semantics and Verification of UML Activity Diagrams for Workflow Modelling

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    This thesis defines a formal semantics for UML activity diagrams that is suitable for workflow modelling. The semantics allows verification of functional requirements using model checking. Since a workflow specification prescribes how a workflow system behaves, the semantics is defined and motivated in terms of workflow systems. As workflow systems are reactive and coordinate activities, the defined semantics reflects these aspects. In fact, two formal semantics are defined, which are completely different. Both semantics are defined directly in terms of activity diagrams and not by a mapping of activity diagrams to some existing formal notation. The requirements-level semantics, based on the Statemate semantics of statecharts, assumes that workflow systems are infinitely fast w.r.t. their environment and react immediately to input events (this assumption is called the perfect synchrony hypothesis). The implementation-level semantics, based on the UML semantics of statecharts, does not make this assumption. Due to the perfect synchrony hypothesis, the requirements-level semantics is unrealistic, but easy to use for verification. On the other hand, the implementation-level semantics is realistic, but difficult to use for verification. A class of activity diagrams and a class of functional requirements is identified for which the outcome of the verification does not depend upon the particular semantics being used, i.e., both semantics give the same result. For such activity diagrams and such functional requirements, the requirements-level semantics is as realistic as the implementation-level semantics, even though the requirements-level semantics makes the perfect synchrony hypothesis. The requirements-level semantics has been implemented in a verification tool. The tool interfaces with a model checker by translating an activity diagram into an input for a model checker according to the requirements-level semantics. The model checker checks the desired functional requirement against the input model. If the model checker returns a counterexample, the tool translates this counterexample back into the activity diagram by highlighting a path corresponding to the counterexample. The tool supports verification of workflow models that have event-driven behaviour, data, real time, and loops. Only model checkers supporting strong fairness model checking turn out to be useful. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by using the tool to verify some real-life workflow models