5 research outputs found

    Improved management of issue dependencies in issue trackers of large collaborative projects

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    Issue trackers, such as Jira, have become the prevalent collaborative tools in software engineering for managing issues, such as requirements, development tasks, and software bugs. However, issue trackers inherently focus on the lifecycle of single issues, although issues have and express dependencies on other issues that constitute issue dependency networks in large complex collaborative projects. The objective of this study is to develop supportive solutions for the improved management of dependent issues in an issue tracker. This study follows the Design Science methodology, consisting of eliciting drawbacks and constructing and evaluating a solution and system. The study was carried out in the context of The Qt Company's Jira, which exemplifies an actively used, almost two-decade-old issue tracker with over 100,000 issues. The drawbacks capture how users operate with issue trackers to handle issue information in large, collaborative, and long-lived projects. The basis of the solution is to keep issues and dependencies as separate objects and automatically construct an issue graph. Dependency detections complement the issue graph by proposing missing dependencies, while consistency checks and diagnoses identify conflicting issue priorities and release assignments. Jira's plugin and service-based system architecture realize the functional and quality concerns of the system implementation. We show how to adopt the intelligent supporting techniques of an issue tracker in a complex use context and a large data-set. The solution considers an integrated and holistic system view, practical applicability and utility, and the practical characteristics of issue data, such as inherent incompleteness.The work presented in this paper has been conducted within the scope of the Horizon 2020 project OpenReq, which is supported by the European Union under Grant Nr. 732463. We are grateful for the provision of the Finnish computing infrastructure to carry out the tests (persistent identifier urn:nbn:fi:research-infras-2016072533). This paper has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacionúnder project / funding scheme PID2020-117191RB-I00 / AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Automatic Recall of Lessons Learned for Software Project Managers

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    Lessons learned (LL) records constitute a software organization’s memory of successes and failures. LL are recorded within the organization repository for future reference to optimize planning, gain experience, and elevate market competitiveness. However, manually searching this repository is a daunting task, so it is often overlooked. This can lead to the repetition of previous mistakes and missing potential opportunities, which, in turn, can negatively affect the organization’s profitability and competitiveness. In this thesis, we present a novel solution that provides an automatic process to recall relevant LL and to push them to project managers. This substantially reduces the amount of time and effort required to manually search the unstructured LL repositories, and therefore, it encourages the utilization of LL. In this study, we exploit existing project artifacts to build the LL search queries on-the-fly, in order to bypass the tedious manual search process. While most of the current LL recall studies rely on case-based reasoning, they have some limitations including the need to reformat the LL repository, which is impractical, and the need for tight user involvement. This makes us the first to employ information retrieval (IR) to address the LL recall. An empirical study has been conducted to build the automatic LL recall solution and evaluate its effectiveness. In our study, we employ three of the most popular IR models to construct a solution that considers multiple classifier configurations. In addition, we have extended this study by examining the impact of the hybridization of LL classifiers on the classifiers’ performance. Furthermore, a real-world dataset of 212 LL records from 30 different software projects has been used for validation. Top-k and MAP, well-known accuracy metrics, have been used as well. The study results confirm the effectiveness of the automatic LL recall solution by a discerning accuracy of about 70%, which was increased to 74% in the case of hybridization. This eliminates the effort needed to manually search the LL repository, which positively encourages project managers to reuse the available LL knowledge – which in turn avoids old pitfalls and unleash hidden business opportunities

    Designing AI-Based Systems for Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis

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    With the continuously increasing impact of information systems (IS) on private and professional life, it has become crucial to integrate users in the IS development process. One of the critical reasons for failed IS projects is the inability to accurately meet user requirements, resulting from an incomplete or inaccurate collection of requirements during the requirements elicitation (RE) phase. While interviews are the most effective RE technique, they face several challenges that make them a questionable fit for the numerous, heterogeneous, and geographically distributed users of contemporary IS. Three significant challenges limit the involvement of a large number of users in IS development processes today. Firstly, there is a lack of tool support to conduct interviews with a wide audience. While initial studies show promising results in utilizing text-based conversational agents (chatbots) as interviewer substitutes, we lack design knowledge for designing AI-based chatbots that leverage established interviewing techniques in the context of RE. By successfully applying chatbot-based interviewing, vast amounts of qualitative data can be collected. Secondly, there is a need to provide tool support enabling the analysis of large amounts of qualitative interview data. Once again, while modern technologies, such as machine learning (ML), promise remedy, concrete implementations of automated analysis for unstructured qualitative data lag behind the promise. There is a need to design interactive ML (IML) systems for supporting the coding process of qualitative data, which centers around simple interaction formats to teach the ML system, and transparent and understandable suggestions to support data analysis. Thirdly, while organizations rely on online feedback to inform requirements without explicitly conducting RE interviews (e.g., from app stores), we know little about the demographics of who is giving feedback and what motivates them to do so. Using online feedback as requirement source risks including solely the concerns and desires of vocal user groups. With this thesis, I tackle these three challenges in two parts. In part I, I address the first and the second challenge by presenting and evaluating two innovative AI-based systems, a chatbot for requirements elicitation and an IML system to semi-automate qualitative coding. In part II, I address the third challenge by presenting results from a large-scale study on IS feedback engagement. With both parts, I contribute with prescriptive knowledge for designing AI-based qualitative data collection and analysis systems and help to establish a deeper understanding of the coverage of existing data collected from online sources. Besides providing concrete artifacts, architectures, and evaluations, I demonstrate the application of a chatbot interviewer to understand user values in smartphones and provide guidance for extending feedback coverage from underrepresented IS user groups