3 research outputs found

    Graphs with the same truncated cycle matroid

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    The classical Whitney's 2-Isomorphism Theorem describes the families of graphs having the same cycle matroid. In this paper we describe the families of graphs having the same truncated cycle matroid and prove, in particular, that every 3-connected graph, except for K4, is uniquely defined by its truncated cycle matroid.Comment: 8 page

    Representations of even-cycle and even-cut matroids

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    In this thesis, two classes of binary matroids will be discussed: even-cycle and even-cut matroids, together with problems which are related to their graphical representations. Even-cycle and even-cut matroids can be represented as signed graphs and grafts, respectively. A signed graph is a pair (G,Σ)(G,\Sigma) where GG is a graph and Σ\Sigma is a subset of edges of GG. A cycle CC of GG is a subset of edges of GG such that every vertex of the subgraph of GG induced by CC has an even degree. We say that CC is even in (G,Σ)(G,\Sigma) if ∣C∩Σ∣|C \cap \Sigma| is even. A matroid MM is an even-cycle matroid if there exists a signed graph (G,Σ)(G,\Sigma) such that circuits of MM precisely corresponds to inclusion-wise minimal non-empty even cycles of (G,Σ)(G,\Sigma). A graft is a pair (G,T)(G,T) where GG is a graph and TT is a subset of vertices of GG such that each component of GG contains an even number of vertices in TT. Let UU be a subset of vertices of GG and let D:=deltaG(U)D:= delta_G(U) be a cut of GG. We say that DD is even in (G,T)(G, T) if ∣U∩T∣|U \cap T| is even. A matroid MM is an even-cut matroid if there exists a graft (G,T)(G,T) such that circuits of MM corresponds to inclusion-wise minimal non-empty even cuts of (G,T)(G,T).\\ This thesis is motivated by the following three fundamental problems for even-cycle and even-cut matroids with their graphical representations. (a) Isomorphism problem: what is the relationship between two representations? (b) Bounding the number of representations: how many representations can a matroid have? (c) Recognition problem: how can we efficiently determine if a given matroid is in the class? And how can we find a representation if one exists? These questions for even-cycle and even-cut matroids will be answered in this thesis, respectively. For Problem (a), it will be characterized when two 44-connected graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2 have a pair of signatures (Σ1,Σ2)(\Sigma_1, \Sigma_2) such that (G1,Σ1)(G_1, \Sigma_1) and (G2,Σ2)(G_2, \Sigma_2) represent the same even-cycle matroids. This also characterize when G1G_1 and G2G_2 have a pair of terminal sets (T1,T2)(T_1, T_2) such that (G1,T1)(G_1,T_1) and (G2,T2)(G_2,T_2) represent the same even-cut matroid. For Problem (b), we introduce another class of binary matroids, called pinch-graphic matroids, which can generate expo\-nentially many representations even when the matroid is 33-connected. An even-cycle matroid is a pinch-graphic matroid if there exists a signed graph with a blocking pair. A blocking pair of a signed graph is a pair of vertices such that every odd cycles intersects with at least one of them. We prove that there exists a constant cc such that if a matroid is even-cycle matroid that is not pinch-graphic, then the number of representations is bounded by cc. An analogous result for even-cut matroids that are not duals of pinch-graphic matroids will be also proven. As an application, we construct algorithms to solve Problem (c) for even-cycle, even-cut matroids. The input matroids of these algorithms are binary, and they are given by a (0,1)(0,1)-matrix over the finite field \gf(2). The time-complexity of these algorithms is polynomial in the size of the input matrix