879 research outputs found

    Multiple Shape Registration using Constrained Optimal Control

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    Lagrangian particle formulations of the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping algorithm (LDDMM) only allow for the study of a single shape. In this paper, we introduce and discuss both a theoretical and practical setting for the simultaneous study of multiple shapes that are either stitched to one another or slide along a submanifold. The method is described within the optimal control formalism, and optimality conditions are given, together with the equations that are needed to implement augmented Lagrangian methods. Experimental results are provided for stitched and sliding surfaces

    Indirect Image Registration with Large Diffeomorphic Deformations

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    The paper adapts the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping framework for image registration to the indirect setting where a template is registered against a target that is given through indirect noisy observations. The registration uses diffeomorphisms that transform the template through a (group) action. These diffeomorphisms are generated by solving a flow equation that is defined by a velocity field with certain regularity. The theoretical analysis includes a proof that indirect image registration has solutions (existence) that are stable and that converge as the data error tends so zero, so it becomes a well-defined regularization method. The paper concludes with examples of indirect image registration in 2D tomography with very sparse and/or highly noisy data.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; revise

    A relaxed approach for curve matching with elastic metrics

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    In this paper we study a class of Riemannian metrics on the space of unparametrized curves and develop a method to compute geodesics with given boundary conditions. It extends previous works on this topic in several important ways. The model and resulting matching algorithm integrate within one common setting both the family of H2H^2-metrics with constant coefficients and scale-invariant H2H^2-metrics on both open and closed immersed curves. These families include as particular cases the class of first-order elastic metrics. An essential difference with prior approaches is the way that boundary constraints are dealt with. By leveraging varifold-based similarity metrics we propose a relaxed variational formulation for the matching problem that avoids the necessity of optimizing over the reparametrization group. Furthermore, we show that we can also quotient out finite-dimensional similarity groups such as translation, rotation and scaling groups. The different properties and advantages are illustrated through numerical examples in which we also provide a comparison with related diffeomorphic methods used in shape registration.Comment: 27 page

    Multidirectional and Topography-based Dynamic-scale Varifold Representations with Application to Matching Developing Cortical Surfaces

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    The human cerebral cortex is marked by great complexity as well as substantial dynamic changes during early postnatal development. To obtain a fairly comprehensive picture of its age-induced and/or disorder-related cortical changes, one needs to match cortical surfaces to one another, while maximizing their anatomical alignment. Methods that geodesically shoot surfaces into one another as currents (a distribution of oriented normals) and varifolds (a distribution of non-oriented normals) provide an elegant Riemannian framework for generic surface matching and reliable statistical analysis. However, both conventional current and varifold matching methods have two key limitations. First, they only use the normals of the surface to measure its geometry and guide the warping process, which overlooks the importance of the orientations of the inherently convoluted cortical sulcal and gyral folds. Second, the ‘conversion’ of a surface into a current or a varifold operates at a fixed scale under which geometric surface details will be neglected, which ignores the dynamic scales of cortical foldings. To overcome these limitations and improve varifold-based cortical surface registration, we propose two different strategies. The first strategy decomposes each cortical surface into its normal and tangent varifold representations, by integrating principal curvature direction field into the varifold matching framework, thus providing rich information of the orientation of cortical folding and better characterization of the complex cortical geometry. The second strategy explores the informative cortical geometric features to perform a dynamic-scale measurement of the cortical surface that depends on the local surface topography (e.g., principal curvature), thereby we introduce the concept of a topography-based dynamic-scale varifold. We tested the proposed varifold variants for registering 12 pairs of dynamically developing cortical surfaces from 0 to 6 months of age. Both variants improved the matching accuracy in terms of closeness to the target surface and the goodness of alignment with regional anatomical boundaries, when compared with three state-of-the-art methods: (1) diffeomorphic spectral matching, (2) conventional current-based surface matching, and (3) conventional varifold-based surface matching

    Gaussian Process Morphable Models

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    Statistical shape models (SSMs) represent a class of shapes as a normal distribution of point variations, whose parameters are estimated from example shapes. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to obtain a low-dimensional representation of the shape variation in terms of the leading principal components. In this paper, we propose a generalization of SSMs, called Gaussian Process Morphable Models (GPMMs). We model the shape variations with a Gaussian process, which we represent using the leading components of its Karhunen-Loeve expansion. To compute the expansion, we make use of an approximation scheme based on the Nystrom method. The resulting model can be seen as a continuous analogon of an SSM. However, while for SSMs the shape variation is restricted to the span of the example data, with GPMMs we can define the shape variation using any Gaussian process. For example, we can build shape models that correspond to classical spline models, and thus do not require any example data. Furthermore, Gaussian processes make it possible to combine different models. For example, an SSM can be extended with a spline model, to obtain a model that incorporates learned shape characteristics, but is flexible enough to explain shapes that cannot be represented by the SSM. We introduce a simple algorithm for fitting a GPMM to a surface or image. This results in a non-rigid registration approach, whose regularization properties are defined by a GPMM. We show how we can obtain different registration schemes,including methods for multi-scale, spatially-varying or hybrid registration, by constructing an appropriate GPMM. As our approach strictly separates modelling from the fitting process, this is all achieved without changes to the fitting algorithm. We show the applicability and versatility of GPMMs on a clinical use case, where the goal is the model-based segmentation of 3D forearm images