3 research outputs found

    Metadatele Ʈn context cultural

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    The creation of so diverse and in continuous growth resources in the online environment has led to finding a solution that would identify and provide details about those resources so the internet doesn't turn into an information chaos. Creating metadata has proven to be the effective answer to this necessity. Already included into the LIS scientific literature and library practices, worldwide, the metadata comes from the field of computer science and refers to data description through data

    Modeling metadata in RDF : authority metadata and SKOS

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    Although subject indexing is part of the conceptual core of library and information sciences, it is characterized by theoretical and practical ambiguities. These are a result of the fact that subject indexing is inherently a subjective and interpretative process, while at the same time, neutrality, objectivity and consistency are core principles of subject indexing. Libraries and other information institutions base their subject indexing on objective, nomological and document-centered principles. This paper, based on desk research and literature analysis, will re-examine common theoretical frameworks and practical principles in subject indexing, critically assess standards and guidelines used in libraries and analyse them in the light of user tagging, which implies a conceptual tu U radu se prikazuju osnovne značajke RDF-a, općega podatkovnog modela za opisivanje izvora na mreži i mogućnosti njegove uporabe za predstavljanje normativnih datoteka u bibliografskoj domeni. U srediÅ”tu pažnje je primjena Sustava za jednostavnu organizaciju znanja (Simple Knowledge Organizaton System, SKOS) i njegovog proÅ”irenja za leksičke oznake u obliku SKOS eXtension for Labels. SKOS je podatkovni model koji se zasniva na RDF-u i izražava osnovnu semantičku strukturu zajedničku svim nadziranim strukturiranim rječnicima poput tezaurusa, klasifikacijskih sustava, taksonomija i sustava predmetnih odrednica. Njegova namjena je da omogući izražavanje i objavljivanje postojećih strukturiranih rječnika na mreži kako bi se postigla njihova općenita interoperabilnost. U radu se komentiraju i neka rjeÅ”enja iz Sheme za opisivanje autoriziranih metapodataka u RDF-u (Metadata Authority Description Schema in RDF, MADS/RDF) koja je proizvod Kongresne knjižnice. MADS/RDF predstavlja prvu RDF ontologiju za predstavljanje normativnih datoteka baÅ”tinskih ustanova. rn towards a subjective, user-oriented and contextual approach to subject indexing. U drugom dijelu rada razmatra se predstavljanje UNIMARC/A formata u RDF podatkovnom modelu. Prikazan je primjer modeliranja korporativne odrednice iz CROLIST-ove normativne datoteke uporabom elemenata iz različitih rječnika.The paper presents the main features of RDF, a common data model for describing resources on the web and the possibilities of its use for representing normative and authoritative files in the library and information science domain. The paper will focus on the implementation of Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) and its extended vocabulary for representation of relationships between lexical labels, SKOS eXtension for Labels (SKOSXL). SKOS is a data model based on RDF and expresses the basic semantic structure common to all controlled structured dictionaries such as thesauri, classification systems, taxonomies and subject headings lists. Its purpose is to enable the expression and publication of existing structured vocabularies on the web in order to achieve their global interoperability. Furthermore, some solutions from Metadata Authority Description Schema in DF(MADS/RDF) are presented and commented. MADS/RDF is the product of the Library of Congress and the first RDF ontology for representation of normative files in heritage institutions. The second part of the paper discusses the representation of UNIMARC/A format in RDF data model. A corporate heading from the CROLIST authority file is modeled as an example of using various elements from different vocabularies

    Modelling authority metadata in Resource Descrition Framework

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    Doktorski rad ā€žModeliranje autoriziranih metapodataka u Općem okviru za opisivanje resursaā€œ jeste istraživanje najprikladnije mogućnosti da se bibliografski autorizirani metapodaci pohranjeni u UNIMARC/A formatu predstave kao semantički povezani i strojno razumljivi podaci pomoću podatkovnog modela kojeg nazivamo Opći okvir za opisivanje resursa (Resource Description Framework, RDF). Rezultat doktorskog rada je konkretan proizvod pod nazivom Ontologija autoriziranih podataka - OAP, koja se zasniva na apstraktnoj sintaksi SKOSXL/RDF podatkovnog modela i na semantici koja je modelirana prema specifičnim logičkim podatkovnim elementima UNIMARC/A formata koji opisuju bibliografske entitete. Skup elemenata OAP ontologije sastoji se od sto i dvije (102) klase i sto četrdeset i sedam (147) svojstava te je modularno proÅ”iren Ontologijom administrativnih podataka - ADM. Skup elemenata ADM ontologije sastoji se od jedne (1) klase i Å”esnaest (16) svojstava koja su modelirana prema specifičnim logičkim podatkovnim elementima UNIMARC/A formata koji opisuju UNIMARC/A zapis. Elementi OAP i ADM ontoloÅ”kih rječnika, ili skraćeno jednostavno OAP, postižu istu razinu granulacije autoriziranih metapodataka kao i znatno veći broj UNIMARC/A označitelja sadržaja (kombinacija polje+indikatori+potpolje). Budući da je OAP model jednostavniji alat od UNIMARC/A formata ali omogućava saopćavanje istih informacija možemo reći da je postignuta svojevrsna optimizacija. U metodoloÅ”kom smislu OAP ontologija kombinira induktivni (bottom-up) i deduktivni (top-down) pristup i pokuÅ”ava postići ravnotežu između: a) jasnoće i konzistentnosti u definiranju bibliografskih entiteta kao OAP klasa i njihovih semantičkih odnosa kao OAP svojstava, i b) preciznosti i količine informacija koje opisuju te entitete u skupu autoriziranih podataka. Doktorski rad osim teorijskog obrazloženja sadrži i cjelovitu specifikaciju OAP ontologije u ljudski i strojno čitljivom obliku u OWL/XML notaciji čime su zadovoljeni teorijski i tehnički preduvjeti za njenu implementaciju.The research addressed in this thesis, "Modelling authorized metadata in the Resource Description Framework," investigated the most suitable options, using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model, for representing authorized bibliographic metadata stored in UNIMARC/A format as semantically related and machine understandable data. The outcome of the research is a concrete product, Ontologija autoriziranih podataka (the Authority Data Ontology or OAP). OAP is based on the abstract syntax of the SKOSXL/RDF data model, and semantics that were modeled according to UNIMARC/A format-specific logical data elements describing bibliographic entities. The OAP element set consists of one hundred and two (102) classes and one hundred and forty seven (147) properties that are modularly extended by applying the Ontologija administrativnih podataka (Ontology of administrative data or ADM). The ADM element set consists of one (1) class and sixteen (16) properties that are modeled according to the UNIMARC/A format-specific logical data elements describing UNIMARC/A record. The OAP + ADM ontological vocabulary, which is abbreviated simply as OAP, achieves the same granularity of authorized metadata as well as a significantly higher number of UNIMARC/A content designators (a combination of field+indicators+subfield). Since the OAP vocabulary is a simpler tool than the UNIMARC/A format but transmits the same information it can be said that this approach achieves a kind of optimization. In terms of methodology, the OAP ontology combines both bottom-up and top-down approaches in trying to strike a balance between: a) clarity and consistency in defining bibliographic entities as OAP classes and their semantic relations as OAP properties, and b) the accuracy and amount of information that describes these entities in the authorized data set. In addition to its theoretical component, the thesis contains the full specification of the OAP ontology in human and machine-readable form in OWL/XML notation and thus meets the theoretical and technical conditions for its implementation