12,355 research outputs found

    6j-symbols, hyperbolic structures and the Volume Conjecture

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    We compute the asymptotical growth rate of a large family of Uq(sl2)U_q(sl_2) 6j6j-symbols and we interpret our results in geometric terms by relating them to volumes of hyperbolic truncated tetrahedra. We address a question which is strictly related with S.Gukov's generalized volume conjecture and deals with the case of hyperbolic links in connected sums of S2×S1S^2\times S^1. We answer this question for the infinite family of fundamental shadow links.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Published on Geometry & Topology 11 (2007

    Categorified sl(N) invariants of colored rational tangles

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    We use categorical skew Howe duality to find recursion rules that compute categorified sl(N) invariants of rational tangles colored by exterior powers of the standard representation. Further, we offer a geometric interpretation of these rules which suggests a connection to Floer theory. Along the way we make progress towards two conjectures about the colored HOMFLY homology of rational links.Comment: 45 pages, many figures, uses dcpic.sty, v2: minor changes and new example 5

    Asymptotics of classical spin networks

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    A spin network is a cubic ribbon graph labeled by representations of SU(2)\mathrm{SU}(2). Spin networks are important in various areas of Mathematics (3-dimensional Quantum Topology), Physics (Angular Momentum, Classical and Quantum Gravity) and Chemistry (Atomic Spectroscopy). The evaluation of a spin network is an integer number. The main results of our paper are: (a) an existence theorem for the asymptotics of evaluations of arbitrary spin networks (using the theory of GG-functions), (b) a rationality property of the generating series of all evaluations with a fixed underlying graph (using the combinatorics of the chromatic evaluation of a spin network), (c) rigorous effective computations of our results for some 6j6j-symbols using the Wilf-Zeilberger theory, and (d) a complete analysis of the regular Cube 12j12j spin network (including a non-rigorous guess of its Stokes constants), in the appendix.Comment: 24 pages, 32 figure

    Skein theory and Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev Invariants of links in lens spaces

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    We study the behavior of the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev SU(2) invariants of links in L(p,q) as a function of the level r-2. They are given by 1 over the square root of r times one of p Laurent polynomials evaluated at e to the 2 pi i divided by 4pr. The congruence class of r modulo p determines which polynomial is applicable. If p is zero modulo four, the meridian of L(p,q) is non-trivial in the skein module but has trivial Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev SU(2) invariants. On the other hand, we show that one may recover the element in the Kauffman bracket skein module of L(p,q) represented by a link from the collection of the WRT invariants at all levels if p is a prime or twice an odd prime. By a more delicate argument, this is also shown to be true for p=9.Comment: Much of the paper has been rewritten and simplified. The only if part of theorem 2 is new. AMS-TeX, 10 page
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