4 research outputs found

    Kajian Penerapan System Informasi Perbankan menggunakan Enterprise Architecture TOGAF

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    Dewasa ini perkembangan teknologi informasi sangat cepat, apalagi saat ini juga berada dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. Hampir semua industri termasuk industri perbankan mulai menerapkan terobosan untuk menghadapai era revolusi industri 4.0. Salah satu strategi kesiapanny dengan melakukan perubahan perencanaan teknologi informasi berbasis Enterprise Architecture. Metode yang dibahas menggunakan TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework). Dimana tujuannya adalah mengembangkan arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur aplikasi, arsitektur informasi dan teknologi agar mampu beradaptasi dengan revolusi industry. Untuk melakukan implementasi dari arsitektur maka perlunya melakukan gap analisis dan strategi implementasi dari arsitektur yang sudah dilakukan. Pengembangan system aplikasi tidak perlu dilakukan secara total, tetapi ada beberapa system aplikasi yang perlu mengalami perubahan. Diharapkan dengan melakukan penerapan Enterprise Architecture mulai dari perancangan arsitektur, analisis gap sampai strategi implementasi, industri perbankan mampu menghadapi revolusi industri era 4.0

    Replenishment and denomination mix of automated teller machines with dynamic forecast demands

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    In the inventory management of automated teller machines (ATMs) many activities affect the total costs, such as forecasting, replenishments and the denomination mix used. The denomination mix is the combination of bills used to fulfill a customer's demand. We investigate whether allowing the denomination mix to vary over time based on the forecast withdrawals at an ATM reduces actual operating costs of an ATM. To verify this, we propose a time-varying denomination mix strategy, which is validated by benchmarking it against the case of a bank's denomination mix strategy. The bank's predetermined strategy typically consists of a least note strategy or a one-smallest strategy. In all strategies we simultaneously optimize denomination mixes and replenishment decisions. We define the problem and solution strategies as mixed integer programming formulations and solve them via a rolling horizon algorithm using different frequencies of denomination mix updates, rolling horizon lengths, numbers of ATMs, cost parameters, and forecast qualities. By implementing the time-varying denomination mix, we show that the operational costs of managing an ATM can be reduced by 21% or €153.77 per ATM per month on average, which can represent over €10 million per year in the Netherlands only

    Quantidades nos ATM e localização dos ATM no Baixo Vouga

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    As Automated Teller Machine (ATM) são vulgarmente conhecidas, no nosso país, como máquinas de Multibanco e têm uma enorme importância para as instituições financeiras. Este estudo tem como objetivo conseguir otimizar o reabastecimento dos ATM, reduzindo custos e relacionando a sua movimentação, com a localização desses ATM. Propomos uma formulação em programação linear inteira mista que nos permite determinar, um abastecimento dos ATM tendo em conta o seu volume de levantamentos, volume este, que depende da sua localização. Baseados em dados reais gerámos aleatoriamente, uma instância do problema com o período de um ano, 365 dias, e constituída por um conjunto de 37 ATM de três tipos distintos, de acordo com o seu volume anual de levantamentos. Foram delineados 5 cenários específicos de forma a dar resposta às nossas interrogações, que nos guiaram à obtenção dos resultados. O estudo efetuado permite concluir que é conveniente considerar um número inferior de entregas. Consequentemente, os custos associados aos 5 cenários delineados são todos inferiores aos custos de distribuição atual e é de igual forma possível, manter um nível adequado de todas as funcionalidades dos ATM, sem qualquer rotura no seu stock.The Automated Teller Machine, commonly known in Portugal as “Máquinas de Multibanco”, have in our country an enormous importance for financial institutions. This study aims to achieve an optimization of ATM replenishment, reducing costs and relating their movement with the location of these ATM. We propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation, which allows us to determine a supply of ATM, taking into account their volume of withdrawals, which depends on their location. Based on real data, we randomly generate an instance of the problem with a period of one year, 365 days, and consisting of a set of 37 ATM of three different types, depending on their annual withdrawal volume. 5 specific scenarios were outlined in order to answer our questions, which guided us to obtain the results. The study carried out, allows us to conclude that it is convenient to consider a lower number of deliveries. Consequently the costs associated with the 5 scenarios outlined are all lower than, the current distribution costs and it is still possible to maintain an adequate level of all ATM functionalities, without any break in the stock.Mestrado em Finança